The New And Improved List Of API and Third Party Apps

:warning: This is a list of third-party script/app and is not created or managed by the WaniKani team. By using any of the script/apps listed here, you understand that it can stop working at any time or be discontinued indefinitely.

This is a wiki post, please feel free to edit it and add to it!

Requests Userscripts Here

How to use userscripts

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Note that UserScripts may not work well in mobile browsers; but not entirely impossible. Other things like apps should not have problems.

Table of Contents




Scripts in this category may also be active on other pages

  • 2Cool4Progress(Total Progress Percentage Bar) by Pep95: Displays total percentage distribution of all SRS stages. Allows for segmenting of substages of Apprentice and Guru as well. Allows for custom colours and has an auto colour range implementation. Gives the option to remove the level-specific progress for people who are done with lessons. The bar can be above and below the SRS stage section, or can replace the level-specific progress section instead.

  • Better Progress Bar by @Gorbit99: the progress bar on the wanikani page is kinda… weird. Usually You have it at 0 and then it suddenly jumps up in a few reviews at most then it goes back to 0. This script tracks the number of SRS stages you’ve completed and rescales the progress bar based on that.

  • Burn Manager by @rfindley: Review, resurrect, or retire your burned items, individually or in bulk, using “level” and “item type” criteria.

  • Burn Progress by Rrwrex: Displays overall progress (burned/in-progress/unseen).

  • Condensed Progress Bars by @DaisukeJigen: Condenses the progress bars so the 0 and X numbers are inside the bar, and the goal now states the number of kanji needed, instead of 90%.

  • Custom Immersive Dashboard by NekomoriKimiko: completely replaces the vanilla WaniKani dashboard with one entirely in Japanese purely for immersion (excepting system banners). The intent is to also display some more useful information on the dashboard in terms of summary breakdowns and item information on hover rather than needing to go to a separate page every time. The settings for this has translations so that even the creator can keep up with the immersion!

  • Daily Vocab Planner by Wyverex: Shows you when you’re going to unlock new vocabulary and the recommended number of vocabulary items to learn each day so that your vocabulary lesson queue is empty just before you level up. Integrates with Word Frequency Filter.

  • Dashboard Cockpit by rwesterhof: Combines half a dozen excellent dashboard scripts into one, adds a smattering of extra features, with a design inspired by a cockpit dashboard.

  • Dashboard Community Notifications by @Gorbit99: Adds a notification badge to your wanikani dashboard, so you know if you have forum notifications.

  • Dashboard Level Progress Indicator by Ulnt2048: Provides a comprehensive srs-stage overview of your vocab, radicals, and kanji so you will always see progress on your bars after a lesson or review.

  • Dashboard Progress Plus by @rfindley: shows your progress through current level radicals and kanji, specifically which SRS level they are and when they will next be reviewed.

  • Dashboard Stage Breakdown by araigoshi - Yet another script to show your sub stages and leech counts on the dashboard. This one blends in with the default Wanikani styling for item types.

  • Dashboard Vacation Mode: by @Kumirei: Adds a button next to the search field that toggles vacation mode. Just a shortcut.

  • Display lesson/review numbers as categories instead of numbers by Nath: As the name states it changes out numbers for words like “light” and “heavy”.

  • Enhanced Search by @Ethan: (Under maintainence) Adds extra search options to the character search bar.

  • Expected Daily Reviews by @Kumirei: Calculates the expected daily number of reviews based on the current SRS distribution and adds this info to the dashboard.

  • Extra study mover by @Gorbit99: After adding the script, a small cog will appear in the corner of the extra studies panel. Clicking on this will let you set the position and the style of the panel and possibly remove the info questionmarks.

  • Forecast Details by kernfel: Augments the review forecast with information about what kind of items are available at each time, and highlights level-critical and burn reviews.

  • Golden Burn by @rfindley: for burned items everywhere, turns the black background to gold

  • Heatmap by @Kumirei: Adds a heatmap to the dashboard showing which days you have reviewed and how much.

  • Item Inspector by prouleau: Searches, filters, sorts and displays items in a manner that answers your questions. Includes a leech table which displays on the dashboard the items that give you trouble in reviews. Supports studying burned items. Exports items to spreadsheet, Anki, Kitsun and word cloud software. Integrates with Self-Study Quiz .

  • Leech List Burn-Only Upgrade by Pep95: Improves the Leech List by ukebox. Current leech definition can mean that some leeches are eternal until they are burned. Awareness of this can help with setting realistic goals for leech removal. This script adds the current amount of errors, the current streak, the SRS stage, the leech score and whether it can be removed without burning. The script is partially visible on the dashboard, clicking on it sends you to the rebuilt critical condition page which is then used for leeches instead. Adds a counter for the amount of leeches, and adds a burn-only counter. Sorts leeches based on amount of errors, rather than leechscore. Has the option of downloading just the kanji, radicals and vocab into a txt file for external practice purposes.

  • Leech Tables - Notice your leeches by Dani2: Displays your leeches in tables on your dashboard.

  • Lesson Hover Details by @Seanblue: Lets you see the lesson breakdown by type (radicals, kanji, vocab) when you hover over the Lessons circle in the menu bar.

  • Lesson Lock by @Kumirei: Displays 0 lessons when you have too much on your plate already. Completely customisable to lock lessons when you have anything between 1 apprentice1 items or a million enlightened items.

  • Level Duration 2.0 by @Kumirei: Displays the number of days you have spent on the current level.

  • Level Up Celebrator by @gth99: Shows a little message and image when you level up and some other achievements like 1000 burned items, 1000 lifetime enlightened items, etc. The message and picture can be customised, so go crazy.

  • Level-Up Time Assistant by Inserio: Adds a line to the top of the reviews forecast section that shows your earliest possible date of level-up and indicates when you have items available for study needed to advance your level.

  • Levelup Material Overview by Thalanor: Adds a detailed progress overview to the dashboard, optionally replacing the original pane. You can see progression, backlog and recently failed items with several settings to individually activate or deactivate elements.

  • Levels by SRS by @Kumirei: Displays the highest level at which you have at least 90% of all the level’s item at each SRS level.

  • Levels Overview Plus by razorcat: Improves the level overview popup page to show the SRS breakdown of all items within that level. It also adds a green checkbox to levels that are 100% burned, and a gray padlock to levels that are 100% locked.

  • Overall Progress Bars by @Kumirei: Displays a progress bar for every level.

  • Procrastination Annihilation by @Mempo: hides the community centre panel on the dashboard, redirects you to the dashboard if you use a direct link to get into the forums, allows 30 minutes access to forums if you finish 50% of your reviews.

  • Progress Percentages by @Kumirei: Calculates the percentages of kanji you know in each of the JLPT levels and displays this on the dashboard.

  • Remove useless panels by @Kumirei: Removes the panels New Unlocks, Critical Condition Items, Burned Items, Recent Topics, and WaniKani News, from the dashboard.

  • Rename SRS Stages by @gth99: Customize the names of the SRS stages that are displayed on your dashboard and other WaniKani pages.

  • Review Forecast Clock Style by rwesterhof: allows for 24 hour clocks in the review forecast.

  • Review Hover Details by @Kumirei: Breaks down your current review count by type, SRS, and level, as well as combinations of all the above.

  • Self-study - Quiz Edition with Listening Quiz by @rfindley: New version includes the Quiz feature.

  • Settings Exporter & Importer by @Kumirei: Lets you import and export the settings of all your scripts.

  • Show Number of Learned Kanji, Vocab by Saimin: Shows you how many Kanji, Vocab and radicals you’ve learned at one glance. Similar to Progress Percentages, but simpler.

  • SRS and Leech Breakdown by @Seanblue: displays SRS breakdown and leech information.

  • SRS Grid Details by @DaisukeJigen: Adds a breakdown of the SRS levels by item type (rad, kan, vocab) for each category on the dashboard.

  • SRS Item Totals by razorcat: Similar to seanblue’s WaniKani dashboard SRS and leech breakdown userscript but only adds SRS totals and places them below the SRS stage name to be less distracting from the full total.

  • The GanbarOmeter by Rrwrex: Adds three graphical widgets to your dashboard that summarize information about upcoming assignments and recent reviews. Helps you pace your lessons. Uses self-study quiz if present, and uses @Kumirei 's algorithm for expected daily reviews.

  • Tofugu Latest by Rrwrex: Displays the most recent three blog posts from Tofugu on your dashboard.

  • Ultimate Timeline by @rfindley: a review timeline that shows you when your reviews are coming and what items will be in that review, plus lots more other features. Requires WOFW

  • WaniKani Open Framework Additional Filters (Recent Lessons, Leech Training, Related Items, and more) by @Seanblue: adds additional filters for the WaniKani Open Framework, particularly useful for the Self-Study Quiz and Item Inspector scripts.

  • Woah Burns: by @Kumirei: Adds a Kanna Woah emote to your burn count to boost your ego.

  • Workload Graph by rwesterhof: adds a button to the heatmap (or header if heatmap not installed) to display graphs of either reviews over time or of error percentage / level.

  • Word Frequency Filter by Wyverex: Adds frequency information to vocabulary. Reorders vocabulary on the lesson picker based on the selected word frequency list. Set a cutoff to separate the most important words from the rest. Integrates with Daily Vocab Planner.

  • Wordle-Kani by @Gorbit99: a fun way to play Wordle using the vocabulary you’ve already met on your journey.

Outdated Scripts
  • Burn Reviews by Samuel-H and maintained by jonnydark: Adds a widget to the dashboard that quizzes you on random burned items.

  • Self Study Plus maintained by @Ethan: allows you to review your own vocab WaniKani style, along with other features that I don’t really know about (sorry)

  • Real Numbers by @Mempo: instead of 42+ reviews/ lessons, shows actual number of reviews/lessons

  • Scrollbox by Samuel-H: “Adds a section on the dashboard that displays scrolling SRS level colour-coded links to WaniKani items and allows toggling for each item type and SRS level.” Screenshots in thread.

    • The script currently does not work. Rincewind released a Fixed Version
  • Level Duration Display by @gth99: The original Level Duration. Displays number of days since your last level-up.

  • Judgement Day by @Kumirei: Changes the lesson and review numbers’ colors on the dashboard based on how many items you have pending.

  • Turtle Total by @gth99: " it shows the total number of turtles that are ‘at or above’ a given tier or ‘at or below’ a given tier." You can choose which.

  • Language Connection Fridge Magnet Poetry by hoovard: gives you a set of cards with Japanese words on them that you can drag around to make sentences or phrases. more info in link.

  • Review Count Analysis by hoovard: shows how many reviews you’ve done in total over your wk career and your overall accuracy percentage.

  • Recent Topics Filter by GangsterOfBoats: “Allows certain boards to be excluded from the ‘Recent Community Chat Topics’ list on the dashboard, so you only see activity from the ones you’re interested in.”

  • Clean Dashboard by @Mempo: user style that hides ‘recent unlocked items’, ‘critical items’ and ‘burned items’ on the dashboard.

  • SRS Level Progress by hitechbunny: Adds a breakdown of the number of items in the different SRS levels of Apprentice and Guru, as well as a counter for the number of leeches you have in the SRS levels.

  • Dashboard Level Progress Detail by hitechbunny, updated by BlazzBolt: provides a comprehensive srs-stage overview of your vocab, radicals, and kanji so you will always see progress on your bars after a lesson or review. An updated version of the script to use WKOF and add a 90% progress marker.

  • Leech Training by hitechbunny: The script will put together a lesson of 10 leeches.

  • Bulk Add Kanji User Synonyms by normful: Automatically adds user synonyms to all your unlocked kanji from WWWJDIC.

  • Critical Review Countdown by cpitman: Adds a “Next Critical Review” time to the dashboard. This is the time that the review for the last radical/kanji that you will need to complete the level becomes available.

  • Real Times by penx (and patched by @rfindley): shows more accurate times on WaniKani (in the forum post section) for how long ago a forum post was, e.g. it will show hours and minutes instead of just hours.

Reviews & Lessons

Scripts in this category may also be active on other pages

  • Auto Commit by johmik: checks if your answer matches the correct one and automatically submits it, reducing the number of times you need to press enter

  • Auto-focus Notes by @Kumirei: Automatically focuses the textbox when you click “add note”.

  • Advanced Context Sentence 2 maintained by @Sinyaven: Highlights gurued kanji and provides audio for WK context sentences.

  • Back To Back by @Kumirei: Makes it so that reading and meaning questions appear after each other in reviews and lessons. Can be configured to make it so that either always appears first.

  • Close but no cigar by @Ethan: Instead of accepting close answers, you need to spell things correctly. It doesn’t mark them wrong outright but rather tells you spelt it wrong and allows you to fix your mistake.

  • Community Mnemonics 2 by Dakes: Allows users to submit their own mnemonics and view submissions by others. Users can also vote on other mnemonics.

  • Do You Even Kana? by @Ethan: “This script won’t let you submit an answer with an okurigana mismatch.”

  • Hide Context Sentence Translation by @rfindley: puts a gray box over the English translation of the context sentences on lesson, review, and item pages. translation is revealed by moving your mouse over it.

  • Item Difficulty Indicator :green_circle::yellow_circle::orange_circle::red_circle: by saraqael: Displays the difficulty of an item as a number between 0 and 10 based on the experiences of other WaniKani users with it (the difficulty is also shown as a color based on difficulty).

  • JLPT Indicator by NicoleRauch: shows which JLPT level a given vocab or kanji belongs to while learning or reviewing it. USE WITH CAUTION!

  • KanaMatrix Keyboard by @Ethan: Automatically displays a Kana keyboard for readings on touch-enabled devices.

  • KanjiDamage Mnemonics 2 maintained by @Sinyaven: Displays additional mnemonics from KanjiDamage for the given kanji.

  • Katakana For Onyomi by Harald1: Transforms all on’yomi readings to katakana, reviews and lessons need to be answered in katakana. Continuation of Katakana madness script by Luke-Filewalker.

  • Keisei Semantic-Phonetic Composition by acm: complete rewrite of Phonetic Semantic Composition by ruipgpinheiro, with over 580 phonetic components covering over 1350 kanji. This method helps to infer the reading of compounds, for example if you remember that WK radical circus (冓) is read こう, you get four kanji readings in WK for free 溝, 構, 講, 購, all with On’yomi こう.

  • Lesson/review Explanation Width by yndajas: Limits the width of meaning/reading explanations on lessons and reviews to 600px (or more precisely 37.5rem, by default), making them a little easier to read. The max width is customisable.

  • Media Context Sentences by Inserio: Continuation and rewrite of Anime Sentences, with bugfixes and content additions. Adds context sentences (including audio and picture) to vocabulary lessons, reviews, and item pages. Sources from anime, dramas, games, literature, and news.

  • Mnemonic Artwork by @Sinyaven: Adds the mnemonic drawings created by AmandaBear for the radicals and kanji in the first few levels to the lessons, reviews, and item pages.

  • More Hotkeys by lake: Adds some hotkeys to the lessons/review page.WaniKani mnemonics to the item pages and the item info in lessons and reviews.

  • More Item Info by saraqael: Shows info like JLPT level, Joyo Kanji, frequency, school grade, stroke number, and much more for radicals, Kanji, and vocab while reviewing or doing lessons.

  • Niai 似合い Visually Similar Kanji by acm: This is a more full-featured version of WaniKani’s own Visually Similar Kanji section.

  • Nippongrammar extension by @Ethan: on lessons and reviews, the item you’re being quizzed on will be drawn onto the screen using proper stroke order. click through to see a gif of it in action.

  • Order Vocab’s Kanji Breakdown by @Kumirei: Order’s vocabulary words’ kanji breakdown by order of appearance within the word. Example: the breakdown of 交通 is 通 + 交, this changes it to 交 + 通.

  • Radical & Kanji Mnemonic and Vocabulary Tooltip by irrelephant: shows information for radicals and kanji in a tooltip during reviews and lessons.

  • Reorder Omega by @Kumirei: A very versatile sorting and filtering script that lets you create your own preset designs for organizing your queues.

  • Rendaku Information by nonymouse: adds a “Rendaku Information” section to the lessons information for every vocab word, attempting to explain why it does or does not rendaku.

  • Stroke Order Diagram by looki: Inserts stroke order diagrams from Jisho into kanji pages.

  • Unobtrusive Kanji Stroke Order by atzkey: A minimalist perspective on kanji stroke order diagrams without Jisho dependency.

  • WaniKani SFW by alucardeck: hides most of the styles on the reviews page so it’s not so bright and flashy.

  • Review Audio Switch by @Gorbit99: Adds an autoplay toggle to the top left button cluster on the lesson, review and extra study session page. This way you can turn off audio autoplay during sessions without having to reload the browser or mute the tab/site.

  • Wanikani Mnemonic Images by duffey: Generate and display mnemonic images on WaniKani.

Outdated Scripts
  • Anime Sentences by psdcon: Adds context sentences from anime movies/shows, complete with audio and picture, to vocab lessons and reviews. Still works, albeit with some visual bugs.

  • KunOn+ by hoovard: tells you if WaniKani wants the kun reading or the on reading. Also available with Japanese prompts instead of English, e.g. Kanji Meaning → 漢字の意味 … And so on. Unmaintained, but 2020 fix. Someone might use it in 2022.

  • Hide Mnemonics by nibarius: hides mnemonics.

  • Substitute Audio by nqthqn: if a vocab item doesn’t have audio, it provides languagepod101’s audio instead. however I believe most items have audio now, so this may be obsolete.

  • Reorder Ultimate by xMunch [No longer working, new version is the next link]: order your lessons and reviews by level or type of item (radicals/kanji/vocab) in whatever order you wish. very customizable. WARNING: PLEASE USE THIS SCRIPT RESPONSIBLY AS MISUSE WILL RESULT IN A BACKLOG OF REVIEWS AND/OR LESSONS.

  • Sentences by jeshuamorrissey: “Annotates items with a set of sample sentenced taken from Tatoeba” on vocab item pages, and in lessons and reviews.

  • Phonetic Semantic Composition by ruipgpinheiro: “imports a database of over 100 phonetic components with over 400 regular Kanji that use their on’yomi reading onto WaniKani.” a lot of kanji have a component that decides how they’re read, and this script adds that info to the kanji item info page, in reviews, and in lessons. Rewritten into Keisei 形声 Semantic-Phonetic Composition

  • Part-of-Speech by jeshuamorrissey: adds additional definitions, part of speech, and additional notes to item pages, lessons, and reviews

  • Font sizer by @Ethan: adjust font size on wanikani.

  • Similar Kanji by tomboy: on a kanji’s item page, shows visually similar kanji based on component radicals and community opinion.

  • Lightning Mode by @rfindley: after answering correctly, wk automatically skips to next question. incorrect answers automatically open the info panel.

  • Homophone explorer by @Mempo: Search WaniKani database for homophones for a vocab

  • Vocab Beyond by normful: Shows much more vocabulary for each kanji from the WWWJDIC dictionary along with native speaker pronunciation audio clips from the Forvo API.

  • Additional resource links Review/Lesson/Info by hoovard: adds links to the item on alc, goo, and weblio on the lesson, review, and item info pages. May have bugs. (polv still uses it as of Feb 2022.)

  • Katakana Madness by Luke-Filewalker: transforms all on’yomi readings to katakana, even reviews and lessons need to be answered in katakana. No longer maintained. May have bugs.


Scripts in this category may also be active on other pages

  • 100% Review Fanfare by evolutionxbox: 100% review score is hard! Congratulate yourself with a wonderful fanfare!¨

  • 100% Review Fanfare 2 by ThisIsntTheWay: Continuation of the script above with bugfixes and further enhancements.

  • Summary Page: Revival by Hubbit200: Adds a summary page at the end of review session, with stats and info about the items, accuracy, and SRS changes.

  • Anki Mode by JDurman: allows you to display an answer in reviews, and then choose whether you answered it correctly/incorrectly.

  • Burn Bell by @Kumirei: Plays a bell sound when you burn an item in review.

  • ConfusionGuesser by @Sinyaven: Guesses which WK items you’re confusing when you enter a meaning/reading incorrectly and displays them in a sidebar. Very useful for quashing leeches and direct comparisons between similar items.

  • Don’t Know Button by nibarius: adds a button you can press if you don’t know the answer and it will submit a long string that cannot possibly be correct.

  • Double Check by @rfindley: allows you to mark correct answers as incorrect (eg, WaniKani accepted it because it was close enough, but you’re actually wrong), or incorrect answers as correct (eg, in case of a misspelling/typo).

  • Fast Abridged Wrong/Multiple Answer by @DaisukeJigen: Shows the sought after information right under the input box after answering, so you don’t have to open the info page.

  • Fast Vocab Breakdown by @Kumirei: Breaks down vocabulary items when answered incorrectly and displays their kanji’s meanings without having to open the more info panel.

  • Hide number of reviews left by @Kumirei: Hides the number of remaining reviews and the progress bar during a review session.

  • Hide Review Accuracy by RysingDragon: Removes the thumbs up/accuracy percentage in the top right of the window during review sessions.

  • Intrusive Stroke Order by jacobalbano: replaces the prompt in your reviews with animated stroke images (not yet properly tested)

  • Item Filter by @Sinyaven: Adds a checkbox “Skip in reviews” to every WaniKani item. Checked items will be removed from the review queue. WARNING: PLEASE USE THIS SCRIPT RESPONSIBLY AND ONLY AFTER CAREFUL CONSIDERATION AS IT CAN SEVERELY IMPACT THE LEARNING PROCESS.

  • Jitai (字体): The font randomizer that fits by obskyr: Jitai automatically sets the font of the radical/kanji/vocabulary to a random Japanese font you have installed. Can’t read it? No problem! Just hover over it with the mouse pointer, and it’ll switch back to the normal font.

    • Updated V3 by marciska The original version was last updated in 2020 and is not working on the latest version of Wanikani. Additionally adds support for web-fonts.
  • Read that if you can by @Gorbit99: I’m planning for this extension to handle every possible WK review font modification need that could arise eventually. For now it supports 2 features: 1. Using fonts from Google Fonts in an integrated way 2. Changing the size of the font.

  • Reading Breakdown by @Gorbit99: This userscript modifies the reading section during reviews to include the reading mnemonic (and hint) from the kanji that make up the word, if it’s a jukugo word. The script does its best to detect when a word can be broken up into the learned readings, sometimes this won’t work, tell me when they don’t, and I’ll try to fix them.

  • Later Crabigator by @Sinyaven: Adds a button “Later” which allows to push the current review item to the end of the review queue.

  • Markdown Notes by @rfindley: allows you to use HTML in the item notes

  • Move Context Sentence To Top by @Kumirei: Moves the context sentence to the top for easy access when opening the full info of a vocabulary item.

  • Multiple Answer Input by @Mempo: let’s you input multiple meanings/readings separatet by “;” or 2 spaces

  • Pitch Info by Invertex: displays the pitch type for a given vocabulary reading.

  • Regular Font Guru+ by yndajas: When reviewing items at guru level or higher, the font size is reduced to that of WaniKani’s body text (14px).

  • Review Answer Streak by @Kumirei: Tracks your streak of answering review questions correctly.

  • Review Clock by Makemaan: Adds a session duration timer, review speed, and estimated completion time to review sessions. Displays stats in the review summary page as well.

  • Review Hint Button by Jiftoo: Adds a button that shows part of the answer on hover. Clicks increase characters shown.

  • Review SRS Indicator by @Mempo: user script that adds an indicator for the SRS item of the item you are reviewing

  • Review Queue SRS Breakdown by @Kumirei: Breaks down your queue during a session to give you an overview of how bleak your SRS future is.

  • Show Specific SRS Level in Reviews by @Seanblue: When you finish reviewing an item, you see the green or red popover saying what the new SRS level is. However, it only shows Apprentice or Guru without being more specific. This script changes the popover to show Apprentice 1, Apprentice 2, Apprentice 3, or Apprentice 4 instead of just Apprentice and Guru 1 or Guru 2 instead of just Guru

  • Show Specific SRS Level in Reviews 2: Rewrite of the above script to work after the great scriptpocalypse of march 2023.

  • SRS Ranks by saxoncameron: Adds SRS-level indicators for items during review.

  • SRS Reorder Button by Sonarius: Reorder reviews by SRS level and by type and much more.

  • The Final Countdown by GangsterOfBoats: adds a time limit to reviews, default 10 seconds per item.

  • Vertical Review by lon: with a chance of 50% randomly displays short vocabulary words (2-3 characters) vertically instead of horizontal

  • WaniKani Context by OnigiriBoooy: Adds context sentences to your vocabulary reviews!

  • WaniKani Links by @DaisukeJigen: Adds link to the WK and Jisho page of the item if you click it during a review.

  • Wrap-up Button Enhancement by @Mempo: Allows you to customize the amount of reviews you get when you hit the wrap-up button.

    • Jerky edition by Inserio: Update to make input user-friendly, to use WaniKani’s own styling, and (V4) to work with Turbo Events. Added a button (V5) to make the Wrap Up button filter to the current item and any partially answered items remaining in the queue.
    • Tofurky edition by yndajas: Fork of Inserio’s update (Pre-V4), adding enter/return functionality to start wrap-up and return to answer input (removes on-screen up/down buttons but retains up/down key functionality).
  • Wrong of the Day by zdennis: Adds a row to the reviews summary which displays the wrong items you’ve collected over an extended period of time instead of just the most recent review.

  • Percentage Unifier by @Gorbit99: When you are doing a review, you might notice, that the percentage shown during the review isn’t the same as the one shown after the review. This script “corrects” that by changing the one shown during review to the one shown after it.

Outdated Scripts
  • Override maintained by @Mempo: Adds an “ignore” button that allows you to mark answers you got wrong as correct. WARNING: PLEASE USE THIS SCRIPT RESPONSIBLY AS MISUSE WILL LEAD TO NOT PROPERLY LEARNING ITEMS.

  • WaniKani Improve by Seiji: lots of little things to make your reviews “faster and smarter”

  • True Result by alucardeck: adds another calculation for the review percentage to the review summary page that is more accurate in alucardeck’s opinion.

  • Super Happy Burn Script by toemat: when you burn an item, confetti will shower down and an audio clip of applause, cheering, and trumpets will play. celebrate your burns! warning: it’s pretty loud

  • Review Order by alucardeck: order your reviews so you do radicals=>kanji=>vocab. WARNING: PLEASE USE THIS SCRIPT RESPONSIBLY AS MISUSE WILL RESULT IN A BACKLOG OF VOCAB REVIEWS.

  • SRS Reorder Button by Towe: Reorder reviews by SRS level and by type and much more.

  • Review Asc/Desc SRS Order by @Mempo: Another script to reorder reviews by SRS and item type, based on the code by pyxzure but with a little extra ease of use added by Mempo and more features.

  • Review Order by SRS level by pyxzure: follow the instructions in the thread and your reviews will not only be ordered by type of item but also SRS level.

  • Mistake Delay by @rfindley (originally by ruipginheiro): After you get an answer wrong, pressing “enter” will not move onto the next review for two seconds. Prevents skipping to the next item because you automatically pressed enter twice.

  • Quick Info maintained by kobayashi: hide the 考えている icon on info screens in reviews so you can see past it even while it’s loading.

  • Review Wrong Info Click by Kobayashi: automatically opens the item info if you get an item wrong.

  • Review Feedback Sounds by Jexah: audible feedback for reviews.

  • Egg Timer by horusscope: Adds a timer during reviews and displays the final time afterwards

  • Voice recognition experiment by @Ethan: shows what chrome voice recognition thinks you said after playing the audio.

  • WaniKani Overlay by @Ethan: Adds tooltips to vocabulary reviews from the component kanji meanings when showing information.

  • Context sentence in review by nelemnaru: Show context sentence along with the vocab before answering the review.

  • Left Right by @DaisukeJigen: Puts the item info in reviews to be on the right instead of at the bottom.

  • Review Search by @gth99: quick WaniKani Search of your review answer text. Helpful for figuring out why you got confused and gave the wrong answer!

  • Erase Vocabulary Reviews by aendur: removes vocabulary items from the current review queue without reordering the queue. WARNING: PLEASE USE THIS SCRIPT RESPONSIBLY AS MISUSE MAY RESULT IN A BACKLOG OF LESSONS AND REVIEWS.

  • Random Font by Wind: randomises the font used in reviews (superseded by Jitai)

  • Item Marker by polv: Allows to mark items during reviews.


Scripts in this category may also be active on other pages

  • Lesson cherry-picker by Alphaxion: lets you choose which new words from your lessons pile you want to start learning by adding a button on the vocabulary page. USE WITH CAUTION. YOU WILL END UP WITH A BACKLOG OF VOCAB LESSONS.

  • Lesson Filter by @Seanblue: Lets you specify the number of lessons of each type you want to do in a given session.

  • Lesson Spoiler Removal by @Mempo: Hides the meaning of an item until you hover over it or get to the meanings-tab.

  • Increase kana font size by damyst: More comfortably sized hiragana in lesson pages.

  • Vocab Reading Analyzer by Wyverex: Colors vocabulary on the lesson picker based on their readings and whether you know those readings.

  • Word Frequency Filter by Wyverex: Reorders vocabulary on the lesson picker based on a selected word frequency list. Set a cutoff to separate the most important words from the rest.

Outdated Scripts
  • Lesson User Synonyms 3 by @Sinyaven: Allows you to edit user synonyms during lessons.

  • Skip to Quiz by @Kumirei: Enables the quiz button without having to go through any of the lessons.

  • Lesson Ordering II by @gth99: order your lessons by radicals=>kanji=>vocab or vocab first. WARNING: PLEASE USE THIS SCRIPT RESPONSIBLY AS MISUSE WILL RESULT IN A BACKLOG OF VOCAB LESSONS.

  • Lesson Tab Transmutation by @Mempo: allows you to change the order of the tabs in lessons. the default moves the examples tab to right after the radicals tab for kanji lessons

Information Page

  • Kanji Search by Konanji: Shows additional notes for kanji and vocabulary such as groups of related words (similar kanji, pronunciations, meanings, etc.), English-to-Japanese mnemonics, and other helpful comments/explanations.

  • Keisei Semantic-Phonetic Composition by acm: complete rewrite of Phonetic Semantic Composition by ruipgpinheiro, with over 580 phonetic components covering over 1350 kanji. This method helps to infer the reading of compounds, for example if you remember that WK radical circus (冓) is read こう, you get four kanji readings in WK for free 溝, 構, 講, 購, all with On’yomi こう.

  • WK Bookmarks by @Gorbit99: When looking at an item, a small bookmark will appear in the upper left corner

Outdated scripts


  • Automatically Update The “Latest” Page by @Kumirei: Automatically shows updated threads at the top of the list so that you don’t have to click the banner.

  • Blossom Levels by @Kumirei: Changes out the level flair for a blossom. There is a different blossom for each 10-level stage of WK (Pleasant, Painful, and so on).

  • Easy Mentions by @Kumirei: Adds an @ button to the bottom of each post which appends a mention of the author to your reply.

  • Fake Levels by @Kumirei: Changes the level flair on the forums to 42+ for everyone on or above level 42.

  • Hide Users by @Kumirei: Remove unwanted users from the face of the forums with the click of a button.

  • IME2Furigana by @Sinyaven: The script targets the reply textbox of the WaniKani forum. It adds two functionalities: Easy Furigana Markup and automatic Furigana Markup for IME input.

  • Large Image Embedder by @Kumirei: Embeds images which are too big for the forums to embed natively.

  • Lesson/Review Count in Forums by @rfindley: In the forums, display the time until your next review, and the number of lessons and reviews currently available.

  • Like Counter by @Kumirei: Adds a counter for how many likes you have left before you run out. Useful if you’re the kind of user who runs out often.

  • Lovely Levels by @Kumirei: Display levels 1 and 2 as <3.

  • More Comment Style Buttons by @DaisukeJigen: Adds more styling buttons to the reply box.

  • Prioritize Japanese glyphs by polv: This script fixes Han unification that changes many Kanjis into Chinese variants (like 誤解). This problem, however, only haunts, but not itself. Note that WaniKani Community might not be only website that needs fixing.

  • Quote Whole Post by @Kumirei: Adds a button to the bottom of each post. Clicking this button is the same as clicking the button in the reply box. Essentially all it does is click the reply button on the post, wait 100ms, then click the quote whole post button.

  • Rainbow Flairs by @Kumirei: Allows you to flare people with a rainbow background for their level badge.

  • Repair The Bot by @Kumirei: WaniMekani is the only character on the forums without a level flair of some sort, this style fixes that.

  • Spongebob Time Cards by @Kumirei: Changes out the “[number] months later” and similar messages for funny Spongebob time card images.

  • User Tags by @Kumirei: Adds a field beside the username in post, in which you can type to tag a person with any desired text.

  • Read every day challenge updater by @Gorbit99: This challenge is a companion script to the Read Every Day Challenge threads. It’s meant to automate the daily progress updates that you have to do if you follow along. It automatically increments your completed day counter in the second post and if you’ve linked one there, it will update the checkmark in your homepost. Alongside these, it will copy-paste a template into your reply box so you don’t need to copy it yourself.

  • Keep Open State by polv: This UserScript to meant to keep [details] or <details> tags open while editing; a big problem for me while editing a Wiki, or an extra long thread, with a lot of collapses - opened and when edited, they close themselves.

  • Emoter by @Kumirei: Add custom emoji list to WaniKani Forum. (See the linked post for commands.)

  • Bottled Wanimekani by @Kumirei: WaniMekani is the forum’s one and only bot. Yes, a bot! @WaniMekani See! It had a couple of commands that anyone could use. You could roll dice, and ask the 8 ball questions, and ask for a quote, and… That’s it really. Still, it was a lot of fun! Well, it was disabled in 2018 for reasons. Since then we have been a botless society. This script channels WaniMeKani through you. Just like before you can use commands to talk to WaniMeKani, only it responds in your own post.


These are resources for developers and usually do not need to be manually installed by users


  • DotDotDot Expander maintained by @rfindley: Expands abbreviated English text (e.g. “Undergrou…”) to the full text (“Underground Shopping Mall”).

  • Google Translated Mnemonics: by Zdennis: Auto-translates the mnemonics with google translator. Sometimes they are so comedicly wrong that they stick.

  • Jisho Audio by dboltz03: Adds audio to the Jisho entries which do not currently have audio.

  • Kanji Highlighter On websites with Japanese text, this script highlights kanji based on your WaniKani level such as kanji you already know, kanji you have yet to learn, kanji not taught by WaniKani, etc. (Created by looki, now maintained by thedavidcameron)

  • Level SRS Details by razorcat: Improves the level details page to show the SRS breakdown of all items within that level.

  • NHK Easy Practice With WaniKani by RobotWizard: This script hides the furigana on NHK Easy articles for kanji and vocabular with a level of Guru I or higher. Also, this script works with which is a website that will attempt to add furigana to any Japanese website. Together, the website will add furigana and then this script will remove the furigana you know.

  • SRS Distribution Charts by @Kumirei: Adds three SRS distribution charts to your profile page; one for each type of item (Rad, Kan, Voc).

  • WaniKani Google Sheet by viet: Brings WaniKani API V2 data in a Google Sheet.

Outdated Scripts
  • Tantei by tomboy: get a complete list of your forum posts easily (native feature on Discourse-based forum)

  • NHK Easy Furigana Toggle by kaichi: you can turn on/off the furigana on NHK News Easy

  • Tab Notifications by bleu: shows number of reviews available on the tab next to the page title. eg, “WaniKani / Dashboard” becomes “(74) reviews are available)”

  • Title Update by NeonPhoenix: similar script, only works on dashboard, changes “WaniKani / Dashboard” to “[Reviews] WaniKani / Dashboard”

  • ALC by looki: “Adds a button that says “” to each WK vocab page in the ‘Go to’ section. […] Clicking it will take you to the ALC usage examples.”

  • Hide WaniKani Answers by absalon: hides item info when looking through a level’s items, also allows you to randomise their order to review. WARNING: MAY INTERFERE WITH SRS. USE WITH CAUTION.

  • Titlebar by jakeoid: Adds the review/lessons count to the titlebar of the webpage.

  • Quick Memory Check by Neese: Creates buttons on the side of the level item lists which let you hide critical information so that you can hover over them to display the info, like flashcards.

  • Info Page Tweaks by @DaisukeJigen: Makes sections collapsible and movable. The script is broken, and not on GreasyFork.

  • Item Annotater by jeshuamorrissey: Changes item colour to show SRS of the item. click through for images that explain it better.

  • Item marker by irx11: Mark a radical/kanji/vocab for further ado.

  • Fake Numbers by nibarius: any numbers over 42 will show up as 42+. joke version of WaniKani Real Numbers. (New/updated version here)

  • Never Wrong by @Ethan: no matter what you type, WaniKani will mark it as correct.

  • Denial Mode by nibarius: makes your dashboard look like you’re level 50 with everything burned. joke script.



  • Breeze Dark 2 by Hubbit200: An actively maintained dark theme for WaniKani with customizable colours, other Dashboard and Review customization options, and compatibility with popular / requested scripts.

  • Dark Material by Luke-Filewalker: A dark material looking design for WaniKani.

  • Stealth Mode by saxoncameron: desaturates the site’s colours, and makes the lesson/review screens more grey.

Outdated Themes


Outdated Themes


  • Dark Design by Luke-Filewalker: A basic dark style for Kaniwani. Similar to the Dark Material style for WaniKani by the same author.
Outdated Themes
  • Dark Style by RayderBlitz: A dark style for Kaniwani with ceartain elements of customisation available.

Browser Applications

Web Applications

  • Tofugu grammar article finder by Snowbird4117: A GPT (using it requires you to have a ChatGPT account) that lets you quickly find the relevant Tofugu grammar article(s) according to any question you have or Japanese sentence that leaves you perplex. A tab to keep open while doing your WaniKani lessons.

  • Translation practice sheet generator by Snowbird4117: Inspired by the 4500 sentences translation exercises sheet made by Koichi a few years back, generates a translation exercise sheet with WaniKani example sentences according to your progress in WaniKani.

  • KameSame by @searls: Like KaniWani, a reverse WaniKani. Prompts you to produce actual Japanese with an IME give English prompts. Implements an SRS review queue mirroring WaniKani’s and supports multiple priorities for which lessons to start (as well as adding challenging items to your reviews ad hoc)

  • KaniWani by Tadgh11: Reverse WaniKani. Prompts you with English for the vocab in Japanese. uses SRS and your API key.

    • KaniWani Audio updated by voithos : Updated userscript for KaniWani. Plays the original audio from WaniKani when you get a review item correct, to help reinforce pronunciation.

    • Blurred Hints by acm: Adds a heavily blurred version of the expected answer to help figuring out which one of the abundant synonyms is expected.

  • Kanjiroids: Space Invaders for Vocab, Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana by Darcinon: type them in before they reach the top of the screen, and try to get a high score!

  • Multi-Radical Kanji Search by Saimin: Search Kanji by entering their WK radical names.

  • NHK Easy Practice With WaniKani by RobotWizard: This script hides the furigana on NHK Easy articles for kanji and vocabular with a level of Guru I or higher. Also, this script works with which is a website that will attempt to add furigana to any Japanese website. Together, the website will add furigana and then this script will remove the furigana you know.

  • Sakubun: customized kanji practice by aravk33: lets you make a list of kanji you know (you can import from WaniKani) and will give practice sentences using exclusively those kanji. Also has a tool where you can paste custom text and it’ll generate furigana for all words that have kanji outside of your kanji list.

  • The Struggle by timh: Basic WK Review Analysis with a Graph.

  • Wallpaper Generator by akranis: generates a wallpaper of your progress on WaniKani.

  • WaniKani Custom by Oshawk: WaniKani SRS but with custom words and vocabulary.

  • WaniKani accuracy and review pacing by Tenoch: a webtool that computes your accuracy per SRS level, and deduces how many reviews you should do per day to keep up with your lessons.

  • WaniKani Stats by @rfindley: lots of interesting statistics about wanikani and your progress through WaniKani

  • WaniKani History by saraqael: miscellaneous statistics that are not present in wkstats; questions in this thread; although this website is not as good as wkstats : (

  • WKContext by Michael92: quiz app using WK’s context sentences for vocab.

  • Tangochou by DarioS: Flashcard application aimed at Japanese inspired by the WaniKani review flow.

Chrome Extensions/Apps

  • LipSurf Speech Recognition by mikob: Dictate your reviews quickly via voice. Optionally spell the letters for hard-for-speech-recognizer words, and kanji – even in kana the same way you would type them.

  • WaniKani Companion by lua: adds an icon to Chrome that you can click on to do your reviews and lessons. also, does desktop notification when you have reviews or lessons to do.

  • WaniKani Notifier by BleckJeck: Simple Notifier and Launcher for WaniKani Reviews and Lessons. Notifies you when your reviews are due. Works with API v2.

  • WaniKanify 2.0 by ThePieMonster: New and improved WaniKanify. Replaces words on webpages with WaniKani vocab based on your wk level.

  • WaniKani Kanji Highlighter by digas99: highlights kanji on any web page that you already learned through WaniKani. You can also see detailed information on each highlighted kanji by hovering over it.

  • WaniKani Recall App by Munksey: Prompts you with English for the vocab in Japanese.

  • FuriKani by Lauchmelder23: Removes furigana from websites based on your current Wanikani level.

Firefox Extensions

Safari Extensions

Computer Applications

Windows Apps


Linux Apps

Mac Apps

  • Bitbar WaniKani by jakeoid: Shows some basic information from WaniKani in your menubar, including reviews, lessons, item stats, etc.

  • Übersicht widget by jakeoid: an übersicht plugin that shows WaniKani statistics on your desktop.


  • HebiKani: Unofficial python script to do reviews and lessons through a terminal.

Mobile Applications

Android Apps

  • Smouldering Durtles by Joeni: Native Android app with full offline support, featuring customisable timelines and progress bars, a searchable database, advanced lesson and review settings, and theming. An updated fork of the the now unmaintained Flaming Durtles.

  • Hakubun by salemlf: Cross-platform, open-source app for reviews and lessons. Includes advanced review and lesson selection, swipe gestures to retry/submit, and fun animations. Android beta app available.

  • Leap for WaniKani by vrickey: An open-source app with three main features: a Dashboard that syncs your current WaniKani lessons and reviews status to your device, push notifications if you have pending lessons or reviews in your queue, and in-app web lessons and reviews.

  • Flaming Durtles by ejplugge: A native Android app based with userscript inspired features and offline lessons. Unmaintained for three years as of 2023 and not fully supporting kana-only vocab or Android 13.

  • Jakeipuu by Pakkapao: an Android and IOS app with a sleek design and some additional features inspired by userscripts. Unmaintained, and may have some problems.

IOS Apps

  • Tsurukame for iOS by davidsansome: Native app allowing offline reviews, and equivalents of many essential userscripts

  • Hakubun by salemlf: Cross-platform, open-source app for reviews and lessons. Includes advanced review and lesson selection, swipe gestures to retry/submit, and fun animations. iOS Beta version available on TestFlight.



Telegram Bots


Not a bad start, I think you should add Wanikanify and the Stroke Order Script to the list.

1 Like

You’ve got a type dennmary should be dennmart

I also made this one: Scrollbox. It may be intensive but I think a lot of people would find it useful.

i’ll add them in. right now i’m basically just going through all the threads in the “list of api and third party apps” section and adding everything i see, i’ll get to them both eventually. thank you for the recommendations though!

thank you, i didn’t realize. i’m not on my usual computer so i’ve been making a lot of typos, and i must have missed that one when i was proofreading. thank you!

i’ll add it in soon, probably in this update or the next one. it’s easier to keep track of stuff if i just go through the entire section on the forums thread by thread, so i’ll stick to that method for now. thank you :slight_smile:

For the Android, don’t forget the discontinued but feature-rich WaniKani Mobile and the redder WaniKani Android apps.

Since you are adding community works under “Additional Content,” add BreadstickNinja’s 930+ kana-only words available on Anki and Excel from the second reply of this thread.

That’s all I can think of that aren’t already in the list in the OP.  Great work so far!

You accidentally put the wrong link for the Listening Comprehension Chrome extension. It goes to the Review Order userscript page, not Listening Comprehension!

Also, thanks for this updated list! :slight_smile:

Another web application that you might want to add is WaniKani Stats, which is similar to Kiko’s site, but a little more streamlined (and prettier, if you ask me).

Thanks for putting all these together.

pushindawood said... Another web application that you might want to add is WaniKani Stats, which is similar to Kiko's site, but a little more streamlined (and prettier, if you ask me).
 Is it just me or is that page not working?
BFBullpup said... Is it just me or is that page not working?
 Working fine for me.  The "Progress" tab takes ages to load for me (probably because of my level), but other than that, it's all dandy.

added all three, thank you

thank you, i didn’t realize. fixed.


I don’t know if it applies but you can put my Wan-ki template up.

You should add duendecat in web apps.

And be loyal by adding Viet’s One Kanji a Day.

1 Like
pushindawood said...
BFBullpup said... Is it just me or is that page not working?
 Working fine for me.  The "Progress" tab takes ages to load for me (probably because of my level), but other than that, it's all dandy.
 I just tried it on Opera instead of my usual Chrome browser and it worked perfectly.  Thanks for setting me straight.  I have a question of my own but will post it in the correct thread so I don't hijack this one.

Timeline:  Places a timeline for upcoming reviews on the dashboard screen.  This is a standalone version for people who don’t want to run the WK Customizer.  It also has some improvements over that version.  (It takes a few seconds to load, depending on WK server speed.)

DotDotDot Expander:  Replaces truncated English answers with full text on certain screens (e.g. “Annual Rev…”  –> “Annual Revenue”).

Level Duration: Shows the number of days since your last level-up. (You have to level up once before script shows anything).

1 Like
rfindley said... Timeline:  Places a timeline for upcoming reviews on the dashboard screen.  This is a standalone version for people who don't want to run the WK Customizer.  It also has some improvements over that version.  (It takes a few seconds to load, depending on WK server speed.)

DotDotDot Expander:  Replaces truncated English answers with full text on certain screens (e.g. "Annual Rev..."  --> "Annual Revenue").

Level Duration: Shows the number of days since your last level-up. (You have to level up once before script shows anything).
 For Timeline I looked at the code and I don't feel confident it prevents the issues of timeout from the other version which make it unusable after level 40 unless both your connection and WK are in a good mood.
meneldal said...
 For Timeline I looked at the code and I don't feel confident it prevents the issues of timeout from the other version which make it unusable after level 40 unless both your connection and WK are in a good mood.
 Good to know... I hadn't heard of that issue.  I'm working on a highly improved version anyway, so maybe I'll re-mention it here when it's done.  I'm integrating it with a bigger data framework that caches lots of data to eliminate the vast majority of API calls that various scripts require.
rfindley said...
DotDotDot Expander:  Replaces truncated English answers with full text on certain screens (e.g. "Annual Rev..."  --> "Annual Revenue").

Level Duration: Shows the number of days since your last level-up. (You have to level up once before script shows anything).
 Links to WK forum threads:   DotDotDot and Level Duration.

Great list Shotgunlagoon

Thanks for all the work putting it together

1 Like
rfindley said... Good to know... I hadn't heard of that issue.  I'm working on a highly improved version anyway, so maybe I'll re-mention it here when it's done.  I'm integrating it with a bigger data framework that caches lots of data to eliminate the vast majority of API calls that various scripts require.
 Can you link to the thread that has the code base for this?
(I'm assuming you are sharing it...)
I dont want to hijack this thread.