[Script] WaniKani Links

:warning: This is a third-party script/app and is not created by the WaniKani team. By using this, you understand that it can stop working at any time or be discontinued indefinitely.

Made for myself, but thought I’d share.  Sometimes after I get something wrong, I want to get more info on it, so now its easier.
Simple script that adds links to Jisho and the WK info page itself, to the reviews.  Click the item in question, and a popup gives you the links.  Pretty ugly right now, but it does the job.



Nice. Thanks. :slight_smile:

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Hey, seems pretty useful! I was hoping for something like that. Thank you.

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You might be interested in this one, too:


Coincidentally I started working on something like this last weekend and was gonna finish it this weekend, but seems like you beat me to it.

Finished it anyway. Mine has some more cosmetics and is embedded in the info pages.

If anyone would be interested: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/24377-wanikani-review-info-page-link



I have always been using this chrome plugin to be able to do something similar.
This lets you search the highlighted text on jisho or wanikani (if it’s available there).

Nuke said... Interesting.

I have always been using this chrome plugin to be able to do something similar.
This lets you search the highlighted text on jisho or wanikani (if it's available there).
 I had a feeling I'd be reinventing the wheel.  Actually thought about putting links in the context menu, but decided against it to keep unrelated stuff out of the way.
Mempo said... Coincidentally I started working on something like this last weekend and was gonna finish it this weekend, but seems like you beat me to it.

Finished it anyway. Mine has some more cosmetics and is embedded in the info pages.

If anyone would be interested: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/24377-wanikani-review-info-page-link
 Nice and clean.

If I am using Chrome, the extension would probably be nice as well.

I installed both the scripts. One is handy to just click the item at the top and go to its page, quicker than opening info and clicking the link there. But the other script is nice and I like the way the links are added to the info section and are styled nicely.

Maybe I’ll add the extension at some point too :smiley:

You should have this on the main list of scripts, it’s very useful. 

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Still works and is exactly what I wanted. Thanks again!