So it was brought to my attention that [UserScript] WaniKani Fast Abridged Wrong/Multiple Answer was busted. A big part of that being stupid turbo events. I did not realize these were a thing here now, and what a pain they are to code around.
But anyways, while that script got a fair bit of love (at least according to greasyforks installs count), I decided its time to throw it out, and replace it with something new.
So here we go. WaniKani Reviews Plus
Want to send me a tip? I don’t expect you to, but if you wanted to, I wouldn’t complain. Ko-fi
Like before, pops up the correct answer(s) for both reading and meaning, with all the same options (I think)
New stuff: For kanji readings it will display primary readings as the top line, and secondary readings on a second line, and slightly smaller font. (No option yet to only show primary, but its on my radar)
There is also an option to show next to the question a breakdown on kanji making up the vocab, or radicals making up the kanji.
Review summary: After the reviews are done, you’ll see an overall list of corrects/incorrects. You can even have this at the bottom while doing reviews, to see a ‘live tally’. This is still early and ugly, so I’ve marked it experimental in the options, but its there if you want. I didn’t want to hold up the release of the script for this, but also didn’t want to hide it away completely.
10/07/24: Fixed a bug where on normal reviews everything was labelled incorrect. Normal reviews and extra study mark things differently, and I had been developing mostly off extra study, as I didn’t have normal reviews a lot.
Added percentages to results screen, as well as the ability to click an item and get more detailed info. Some other small CSS changes as well.
- Breakdown only shows after meaning
- Fix vocabulary breakdown for single character items
- breakdown appears to the right of the question, without changing the questions centering
- Breadown items clickable for more info
- Show full level in indicator
- Always show level
- Added user synonyms to answers
- Reworked settings
- Added a progress bar under the question. One bar with a red portion and a green portion, to show both correct and incorrects, as well as counts of each. Or, there’s a setting to make the bar ‘slim’, by reducing its height and removing the counts. Another setting to position above or below the question
Somehow I managed to go all these years without ever noticing the progress bar at the time until after I made this.