WaniKani Denial Mode

So you’ve tried both WK Real Numbers and WK Fake Numbers but you’re still not happy.  Does seeing that you are still far from level 60 make you sad? Do you get stressed by seeing that you have a lot of lessons and reviews waiting for you?

Why not go into denial a while and activate the Denial Mode user script? With this script activated your dashboard will look like you are at level 60 with everything burnt so there is nothing else for you do here on WaniKani than hang out on the forums and be happy.

Get the script at https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/9388-wanikani-denial-mode


Sounds nic. Now I just need to use this for a couple more months before it’s not denial anymore

Bug report… I’m seeing cracks of truth and starting to panic here!!

Ethan said... Bug report... I'm seeing cracks of truth and starting to panic here!!

 Use the nuke to fix this little issue

Either be the man you look like,
or look like the man you are.
- Rumi

I'll be level 50 now, laterz!!!
meneldal said... Use the nuke to fix this little issue
 Use the nuke to get through!

one day far in the future… It will be one of the happiest moments in my life when I see the infinite symbol for next reviews.

Ethan said... Bug report... I'm seeing cracks of truth and starting to panic here!!

Yes, this only really works on the dashboard when you do reviews/lessons or surf at other places of the site that may say what level you are it won't work.

Is there an update in the works? :stuck_out_tongue:

this is one of my favorite joke scripts since denial is the only way to survive wanikani with your mind mostly intact

Ethan said... Is there an update in the works? :P
 A long overdue update is now available. Now you can pretend you're level 60 all you want!

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nibarius said...
Ethan said... Is there an update in the works? :P
 A long overdue update is now available. Now you can pretend you're level 60 all you want!
 Finally we can obtain instant knowledge up to level 60 without any effort and any disadvantage!
Aikibujin said... https://youtu.be/SGUflZS7jG0?t=53

So this song's chorus stayed in my head unto well in the afternoon. Was nice. Thanks
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New joke script - anti-denial mode: shows infinity for lessons and reviews regardless of real amount

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