Newbie to kanji

Welcome @anar1112

Firstly, I highly recommend checking out the FAQ if you haven’t already, and the unoffical FAQ might also be a help. There’s also numerous guides scattered throughout the forums, and advice, tips, and tricks from people who have reached level 60. You can find a helpful thread which contains links to many of those here, and in particular, I recommend the comprehensive strategy guide written by @jprspereira.

Regarding consistency, you might find it helpful to choose a time that suits you (example 30 minutes every morning and afternoon - or in a way that lines up with your reviews) and make working on WK a part of your routine. Then, it becomes less of an ad-lib process and more of an automatic habit that makes consistency much less of an effort.

If you mean consistency as in how well you learn/remember the items, I have a few tips.

  • The WK mnemonics are fantastic, especially at the beginning when you’re new to SRS learning, but they’re not infallible. If you come across a mnemonic that doesn’t seem very memorable to you, feel free to make your own by adding it to the notes section during lessons.
  • If you can’t think of a mnemonic for an item or don’t want to make one, but you’re still struggling to remember the meaning or reading, I find it helpful to retype the main points from the mnemonic in the notes. Even the simple act of typing out that little story while looking at the kanji/vocab etc can help it stick in your mind.
  • What we call “self-study” can also be helpful. In my case, when I can, I go back to my lessons/review pages about 5-10 minutes after a lesson/review and try to recall the items I learned, or the items I failed in review. Doing this just after you learn them can help boost your retention for those first 4h reviews, and it can help you with items that you’ve just failed in review.

Regarding planning reviews, there is a whole host of scripts that you can install to help show you when your reviews will come up and what you can expect.You can find a guide on how to install the necessary software and the scripts themselves in the API thread. I particularly love the dashboard progress plus script and ultimate timeline scripts.

The guide above and many of the level 60 threads/posts contain lots of good advice. Not all of it will suit you, but some of it may appeal to you. Pick and choose the strategies you think you can leverage best. Sorry if this was information overload! Hope this helps! :smiley: