Can't keep up with my reviews

Are you doing lessons still? Since the way that SRS works means that your input controls how much reviews you have, if you hold off on the lessons or reduce the amount you do, gradually your review count will decrease and the pace will slow down. When it gets to a manageable level you can then look at your dashboard and see how many apprentice items or lessons per day/week creates this ideal pace for you.

Many people also download one of the mobile apps on their phone so they can do some in their lunch break or while commuting, etc. just in little bits so it chips away at the overall pile.

For me, when i have to take extended breaks of more than a day or two, or if i’m getting overwhelmed i put on vacation mode and just take a bit of a break, step back and remind myself that Wanikani isn’t a race, it’s a marathon that looks very different for everyone and that reviews aren’t the be-all and end all of Wanikani. I also use [Userscript] WaniKani Prioritize Overdue Reviews (reorder script) so (at least in my head) i feel like I’m making progress when i get back to reviews.

I hope some of this helped : )
Also, since it’s your first time posting:

\textcolor{MediumPurple}{\huge \textsf{Hi}} {\huge \textsf{@kaleshe}} \textcolor{MediumPurple}{\huge \textsf{!}}


It’s great to have you here!

If you haven’t already check out the Forum Guidelines and the Wanikani User Guide .
There’s also tonnes of things on the forums to help you on your way such as The guide, The Ultimate resource list, and API and Third Party Apps.

If you have any questions, check out this thread; but if this doesn’t answer your questions, feel free to create a thread like you’re done here, or email The Wanikani staff

Good luck, and I look forward to seeing you around!