Why you’re reading this:
If you recently installed a userscript, and you suddenly find yourself reading this, it’s (probably) because the script requires the Wanikani Open Framework, an open-source, user-created project for making it easier to write scripts for Wanikani.
Below are the instructions for properly installing the framework.
(If you’re reading this thread for any other reason… well, hello . Feel free to look around!)
Installing the Open Framework
1. Install a script manager (TamperMonkey, etc.)
First, you’ll need a script manager plugin for your browser, such as TamperMonkey or ViolentMonkey (GreaseMonkey is currently not supported). TamperMonkey is currently the most commonly used and widely supported by the Wanikani community and its various script writers. Note that whichever script manager you choose, it must support the ability to specify the order that scripts load on the web page. (TamperMonkey and ViolentMonkey both support this).
2. Install the Wanikani Open Framework
Go to the following link, and click the Install
3. Set the Open Framework to run before all other scripts
Open your script manager’s options. The following image shows how to do this for TamperMonkey:
In the script manager’s options, set the Wanikani Open Framework to run first. The image below demonstrates how to do this in TamperMonkey. First, make sure your scripts are sorted by # as shown (click on the # if it doesn’t show the little arrow next to it). This turns on the ‘Sort’ column on the right side. Click-and-drag the Open Framework’s ‘Sort’ icon until it’s at the top of the list. When you release the mouse button, the script should be # 1. [Note: The ‘#’ column must be sorted in ascending order, with #1 on top, otherwise the ‘Sort’ column will not appear. Click the # again if #1 is not on top.]. If you still have trouble for some reason, try this [alternative method].
4. Install any script that uses the Open Framework.
Now you are ready to install any script that supports the Wanikani Open Framework. For a list of useful scripts (some of which use the Open Framework), check out [The New And Improved List Of API and Third Party Apps]. If you already installed a script, you can skip this step. However, as long as the script you installed shows up after the Wanikani Open Framework in the script-order window.
If you followed the above instructions and are still being redirected to this thread, please ask for help in this thread. It often helps to tell us which browser you’re using (including the version), and which script manager (e.g. TamperMonkey). Also, try posting a snapshot of any errors on your Javascript console. You can access your Javascript console by pressing F12 and clicking on the Console tab.
If you keep getting forwarded to this thread, and you really just want it to stop doing that, please disable your script manager until you can get some help fixing the issue.
If you have any trouble with these instructions, please ask for help in this thread. We have a friendly and helpful community here, so you’ll probably get some helpful replies quickly. Also, I’ll do what I can to improve the instructions as questions arise.