I have been using the Niai user script for some time but it stopped working lately. From the Niai thread there is only little evidence that many people having this issue but I am at my wit’s end.
I verified that the Wanikani Open Framework is installed and that it is executed before the Niai script. I also added console.log
statements at the end of both scripts to ensure in the console that wk is loaded before niai. In the attached screenshot you can verify the order.
I then also reinstalled Tempermonkey and re-installed only the wk and niai scripts, tried the same with Violetmonkey and tried the same with the latest Chrome and Firefox.
In the screenshot you can see that both scripts are loaded and no error is thrown but still the similar kanji section is not showing up. The displayed warnings also seam unrelated with the issue.
Does someone have an idea what else to try? Or is there simply a newer version of the plugin I missed?