I would still love to use AlliCrab with the Anki mode script or (even better) having a textfield where I can add my own scripts. So I was trying to build it and deploy it to my own device. But it seems that without a developer account I’m just out of luck, right? I got it to build and run but then it fails with “Can’t find group shared directory for group identifier” and as far as I understood there is just no way around this, not even without using fastlane.
I’m seriously tempted to pay the 99$ for a developer account just for this but that seems very… unreasonable.
EDIT: Never mind, I forgot that I still have a developer account
I tried to include a couple of my favorite scripts and these are the results. I’ll be updating this list as time goes on and I test more of them:
- Anki mode script: I have a slightly modified version with buttons which I included and it seems to work: Wanikani Anki Mode (irrelephant mod with buttons) - Source code
- Reorder script (I’m using my slightly modified version that you configure once and afterwards it will just apply your settings and start out in collapsed mode: Wanikani Reorder Ultimate 2 (irrelephant mod) - Source code). Just had to comment out line 331 which is "$(‘#version’).text(“v” + GM_info.script.version);” to make it work.
- Installing Wanikani Open Framework works as far as I can tell
- [Userscript] WaniKani Lesson Cap loads data via open framework, settings dialog works, score is calculated but the available lessons are either + or - Infinity. But it is usable.
- [Userscript] WaniKani Super Burn Happy Script - Celebrate your burns! animation works partially (confetti is raining from top left corner instead of from the center), no sound; probably not worth including it
- [userscript] Level-Up Celebrator! - #60 by denko doesn’t create errors, --could not verify yet if they work correctly-- but unfortunately doesn’t seem to work. Leveling up is not as fun without it…
- [Userscript] Dashboard Progress Plus works
- [Userscript] WaniKani Show Specific SRS Level in Reviews works
- [Userscript] WaniKani Lesson Filter works
- A little script I once made (based on an existing script) to always show the info of an icon after answering it: WaniKani Always Show Item Info - Source code works but makes everything a bit “jiggly”
- [Unsupported] [Userscript] WaniKani Review Audio Tweak (reupload/fixed) seems to work
- [Userscript] Wanikani Review SRS/Level Indicator works
Thanks a lot @cplaverty for building this app and making the source code available, it was obviously a lot of work. You can’t imagine how happy I am today. I’m finally going to get rid of my crappy Android device that I had to carry around just to do reviews with the Anki mode
Let me know if there is anything else I should do. I usually don’t submit Github pull requests and I guess the changes are so simple that it wouldn’t help much but I’d be happy to submit one if it helps.