This is a third-party script/app and is not created by the WaniKani team. By using this, you understand that it can stop working at any time or be discontinued indefinitely.
WK lesson cherry-picker
This userscript lets you choose which new words from your lessons pile you want to start learning.
I created this script because I use WK to learn new kanjis and to prepare for JLPT N3.
I do not intend to ever speak Japanese very well, so I feel like WK is making me learn too many words.
With this script, I can browse new lessons, check their JLPT level and other infos on, and decide if I want to learn the word.
Indeed, but not having it may be even more dangerous! If I had not created it, I would probably have stopped using WK altogether. It felt very boring to me to have to learn new words in a fixed order without necessarily any desire to do so, and to be blocked in my progress if I don’t.
You’re welcome! I didn’t add this functionality because you have to learn all the radicals and kanjis anyway to unlock the next level.
I modified a few lines of code and made this version, which works with kanjis (not with vocabulary though, so keep both activated). I have no new kanjis to learn for now so I couldn’t test it, tell me if it doesn’t work.
Ohhh thank you so much! I don’t have kanji ro learn either rn in two days I’ll probably get new ones thought. So I’ll tell you whether it works afterwards!
Encountering an error that I’m not sure is on my end or not. It affects 3 scripts so I’m posting it on each of their pages in the hopes that someone will be able to fix it for me. Though this is the most recent of the three so maybe this is the best place.
Pitch Info, Cherry Picker, and Hide Context Sentences all fail to load/work correctly when I load up a vocabulary page. Here’s the console errors:
Sometimes I look at Tampermonkey and see that they’re not even showing up in the list of scripts on the page, othertimes they show up but seem to do nothing. Any ideas?
WK has been removing jQuery on some of their pages. The script authors need to update their scripts to load it. This can be done through WKOF by adding “Jquery” to the loaded modules