[Userscript] Wanikani Item Inspector

:warning: This is a third-party script/app and is not created by the WaniKani team. By using this, you understand that it can stop working at any time or be discontinued indefinitely.


[ General Script Installation instructions ] :point_left: You’ll need a script host plugin like TamperMonkey
[ Open Framework Installation ]
[ Open Framework Additional Filters Installation ]
[Self Study Quiz Installation ]
[ Kanji Stroke Order Font ]

Download the script here:


Wanikani Item Inspector displays information about Wanikani radicals, kanjis and vocabulary items in tabular form. Data about items are queried with filters to create the table. You may select which information goes in the table as well as the sort order. Once the table is obtained it can be inspected, studied and exported. Tables may also be quizzed on thanks to integration with Self Study Quiz.

Several tables are supplied by default. More tables may be configured by the user.

  • Leeches: Displays your leeches. This table is suitable for studying your leeches, that is the items that give you trouble in reviews…
  • Failed Last Review: Items that have failed their last review in the past 24 hours. Like Leeches this table is suitable for studying.
  • Current Level SRS: Contains SRS information for items of your current level. The popup contains the scheduled review time. Useful to track when radicals and kanji will go to Guru.
  • Previous Level SRS: Like the previous table but for items of the previous level. Useful to track when the last remaining kanjis not yet gurued of the previous level will go to Guru and unlock vocabulary.
  • Burned Items. The items you have burned. Like Leeches this table is suitable for studying.
  • All Learned Items This is all the items for which you had lessons. This table is suitable for the search function.
  • All Wanikani Items This is all the items in Wanikani. This table is the best for the search function.
  • All Wanikani Items and Traditional Radicals This is all the items in Wanikani plus traditional radicals. The latter are items not in Wanikani.
  • Review Sum. - Failed Items: This show the items failed in the last review session.
  • Review Sum. - Succeeded Items: This shows the items that succeeded in the last review session. This table together with the previous one are a replacement for the now defunct Review Summary page.
  • Lesson Summary: This shows the items learned from the last Lesson session. This is a replacement of the now defunct Lesson Summary page.
  • Side-By-Side Comparison: This uses a search filter to search on two or more search terms. This is used for displaying side by side items that you keep confusing.
  • S.-by-S. Based On Substrings: Another side by side comparison page. The difference is this one searches based on substrings. This may be convenient when you don’t remember the exact search string.
  • S.by-S. Radicals in Common: Yet another side by side comparison tool. This one uses a kanji picker to select kanji based on the radicals. This will display all kanji that comprise the same selection of radicals.
  • Burned Items By Level: Display all burned items of a selected level. Convenient for studying your burned items.
  • Typed In Items Allows you to type in the items you want in the table.

Tables may be used for the following purposes:

  • Studying Items You may go over the items reciting meanings and readings, and then you move the mouse over the item to reveal the anser in a pop up. A click on the item opens the Wanikani item page where mnemonics, synonyms and other information is available.
  • Studying Leeches A leech is an item that gives you trouble during reviews. It is called a leech because it siphons your energy by clogging your review pile. The leech table lists the leeches in order of leech values which is a measure of how much trouble the item gives you.
  • Studying Burned Items You may select a subset of your burned items for a daily or weekly study. Items may be randomly selected or traversed systematically by date tranches.
  • Answering Questions About Items The information may be searched, filtered, sorted, and displayed in various ways. Many questions about items may be answered with a suitable combination of these features. For instance it may be used to plan a reset. If these features are not sufficient to answer the question an export to a more powerful software is possible.
  • Quizzing on Items Item Inspector is integrated with Self Study Quiz. The items you have listed in a table may be quizzed on. Alternatively the items displayed on the screen may be quizzed on as well.
  • English to Japanese Studies It is possible to display the items by their English meaning. Then the studying may go in the other direction, from English to Japanese.
  • Exporting to csv Format These exports may be used by spreadsheet and other software such as Anki and Kitsun.
  • Exporting Items to Plain Text This information may be used by word processor software.
  • Word Clouds It is possible to repeat exported words according to some metrics. This can be used in word cloud software to produce word clouds.
  • Studying Traditional Radicals: Information about traditional radicals is built-in Item Inspector. They can be searched, filtered and displayed.

Tables And Main Interface Features

The Table View

Item Inspector displays tables like this.

These tables are designed to support studying. You may go over the items one by one and recite the meanings and readings. Then you move the mouse over the item to reveal the actual meaning and reading in a popup. If you have business with the mnemonics and/or the synonyms you click on the item and the item page is displayed.

As you may see the popup displays information besides the meaning and reading. This information is configurable. A lot of information available through the Wanikani API is accessible through the tables.

The kanji in the tables are small. They may be hard to read. This is why a larger version is available in popups. For purpose of studying it is desirable to be able to consult this enlarged version without revealing the reading and meaning, also located in the popup. A second popup located to the right of the item is available for this purpose.

This popup may be annoying in tables that are not used for studying. It may be disabled in a setting. By default only the Leech table and the Failed Last Review have it. It is turned off on all other tables including newly created tables.

It is possible to turn on audio mode. Then when you click on a vocabulary item the audio is played. Turning off audio mode brings back the click to open the item page. Audio is not available for kanji and radicals.

It is possible to display items by their English meanings instead of the Japanese characters.

Item Inspector tables are designed to fit on one screen so you don’t have to scroll to read the items. However the number of lines that fit your screen depends on the theme you are using. It is possible to configure the number of lines to fit your screen with a setting.

The Icon List View

It is also possible to present the items as a list of icons.

The information that was presented in table form is now shown in markers. All items following a marker share the same information, until the next market informs us of a change of value.

No marker is present for information that changes every item like meaning, reading etc. This information is in the popup.


Like tables, list of icons are suitable for studying. Information is revealed in a popup when the mouse moves over.

Clicking on an icon opens the item page. In audio mode vocabulary icons play audio.

It is possible to display English meaning in icons.

The Control Bar


The title bar features widgets. If there are more items than there is room to display them you may navigate over your items using the forward and backward buttons on the left hand side. The double arrows will lead you to the beginning and the end of the table respectively. A dropdown lets you select the table to display.

Other buttons of interest are:

toggle1 Toggles between table view and list of icons view.

There is the toggle between Japanese and English mode for the display of items. This button changes icon depending on the current state.
toggle2 English mode is on. Click to change to Japanese.
toggle3 Japanese mode is on. Click to change to English.

There is the toggle between link to new page and audio mode for the click on vocabulary items. This button changes icon depending on the current state.
toggle4 Link mode is on. Click to change to audio.
toggle5 Audio mode is on. Click to change to link.

There is a trio of buttons for further selecting items to study.
LeechTraining Enters Leech Training Emulation mode.
Random Enters Random Selection mode. A random selection of items in the table is made for studying.
date Date Oredering mode. Forces the items to be ordered by date.

There is a dropdown selector what selects the temporary filter to apply to the table.
There is a dropdown for selecting views and reports.

There is a pair of buttons for launching Self Study Quiz.

quiz1 Quizzes on these items: Items
quiz2 Quizzes on these items: Items

The there is a pair of buttons for export.
export1 Export table data to csv format. Suitable for spreadsheets, Anki and Kitsun.
image Export word list to plain text. Suitable for word clouds.

Last are two utilities button.
setting Opens the settings dialog.
helpa Opens this page for easy access to documentation.

Settings for Tables

The settings features a widget for managing your tables. You may add, delete, reorder or rename your tables. You may also select a table to edit its specific settings.

The Ask Before Filtering check box causes a dialog to open when you select the table. This dialog lets you change the settings of the filters.


The Filters tab lets you control the filters that are used to select the items in the table. Each filter is controlled by a checkbox. If checked the filter is applicable and you may set the filter parameter. All selected filters will be applied and the resulting items will be displayed on the table.

The Contents tab lets you select which information is displayed in the table and in the popup. You may also specify the sort order. The setting for showing the enlarged item is located there.


Leech Values

The leech table relies on a formula that calculates a leech value. This formula captures how much trouble an item is giving you. If the leech value is an integer then most often you just have failed a review. In this case the leech value is the number of incorrect answers since the item has been unlocked. When the leech value is a real number you are ongoing a streak of correct answers. The leech value will gradually decrease

Math Geek Note

The leech formula:is:

LeechValue = IncorrectCount / currentStreak1.5

The higher the value the more troublesome the item is. If you have many reviews incorrect the numerator will increase. The more often you are incorrect the higher the leech value will get. On the other hand if you are on a roll and have a streak of successful reviews the denominator will increase. The longer the streak the lower the leech value will be. If you fail a review your streak will stop and the leech value will revert to a high number.

Wanikani statistics used in the leech formula start counting streaks at 1. When you just have failed a review the streak is 1, not 0. Moreover the calculation is done separately for meanings and readings. The largest of the two numbers is the leech value.

The best parameter for the leech filter is 1. All items with a leech value greater or equal to 1 will be displayed. This will include all items that have failed a review for the first time because these items always have a leech value of 1. If you feel you should exclude these items use 1.01 for the filter parameter. Values lower than 1 will return items that are not troublesome and should not be used. Another useful value is 2. This number ensures an item is considered a leech only when you have failed it at least twice. It is also more selective as what is a leech than 1.01.

The leech value formula has an unfortunate feature. If you fail too many reviews you can’t get a long enough streak to bring the leech value back under the filter threshold before the item is burned. The solution is to supplement the leech filter with the SRS Level filter. Items that reaches Enlightened and Burned are dropped off the table under the assumption that if you can drive an item this far it is not troublesome enough to be a leech. This filter is configured by default.

There is also the Leech Streak Limit setting that causes a leech to be dropped of the table when the current streak of correct answers reaches a certain number. By default this setting is turned off.


Leech Training Emulation

If you use Item Inspector for studying your leeches you should try the Leech Training script. This script will set a quiz sessions designed specifically to the study of leeches. This is a nice complement to Item Inspector that I highly recommend.

Item Inspector can setup quizzes in a way that is close to Leech Trainer. This comes handy in the following circumstances.

  • Settings: Item Inspector lets you configure all aspects of the quiz session. Leech trainer doesn’t have settings at all.
  • Tables: Item Inspector can setup Leech Trainer style quizzes for every table. If you want to be quizzed on Last Failed review or JLPT N3 kanji, with Item Inspector you can. Leech Trainer does only leech training.
  • Alternative: Users that are dissatisfied with Leech Trainer may consider Item Inspector instead.

In Item Inspector the Leech Trainer emulation quizzes are setup with the Leech Training button.lt When you click it items are randomly selected from your current table and displayed on the screen. Then you may use one of the Self Study Quiz button to be quizzed on these items. To undo a selection click the button again. The full table is displayed back.

You get a new selection every time you use the button. You may have one new quiz every day, week or whatever your schedule is.

Leech Training has a concept of “clearing the leeches”. It requires you to get the leech (and visually similar items) three times to clear the leech. Self Study Quiz has no such concept but it will give you the option to be quized on the same items as many times as you want. The decision of whether you had the items right often enough is yours.

You may configure the Leech Trainer Emulation with these settings. You may also define your own settings on what you consider a leech. In Leech Trainer the definition of leeches is built-in and can’t be changed.

  • Size of Traing Selection: This setting sets the sze of the random selection. The default 0 value means to select as many items as is needed to fill the screen.
  • Only Once Before Next Review: If checked this setting will select an item only once since the last review. Leech Trainer does this better because it can track reviews and quizzes done on several devices. Item Inspector will track your activity on a per brower and device basis. There is no hope to improve on this for technical reasons.
  • Add Similar Items: If checked this setting will cause up to three visually similar items to be added with each randomly selected item. Leech Trainer does this. I can’t compare both scripts because I don’t know how Leech Trainer does its visually similar item selection.
  • Type of Similarity Indicates which similarity information will be used to add similar items.
  • Leech Training Visual Treshold: The treshold for similary scores built into Lars Yencken and Niai databases. In effect this selects how visually similar you want your items.
  • Use Niai Alternate Sources Indicates whether you want the Niai sources be augmented with the alternate sources.

There is a progression where Wanikani has few similar items but they are highly similar while Niai has the most similar items but similarity is ranging from good to non-existant depending on the item. Lars Yencken lies in the middle, both in terms of number of similar items and quality of similarity.

There are only so many similar items and when we try to expand their numbers the quality of the similarity drops.

A Tip to Those Who Consider a Reset

If you consider resetting because you have too many items poorly learned you can use Item Inspector to better plan your reset. Set the Table Data Element to Level in the Leech table. This will cause your leeches to be displayed in order of levels. You will be able to see which levels have a lot of leeches and which do not cause particular problems. You will then be able to pinpoint the best level to reset to.

Burned Items

Studying Burned Items With Self Study Quiz

You can be quizzed on a random selection of burned items with Self Study Quiz. You must use the Burned Item preset and set the Maximum Quiz Size to the number of items you want to be quizzed on.

Self Study Quiz will randomly pick this number of items among your burned items and quiz you on them.

This procedure is not related to Item Inspector but it is included here because it is cool and I like Self Study Quiz.

Studying Burned Items With Item Inspector

There may be thousands of burned items. It is recommended to study them piecewise, one screenful at a time. You may select the number of items on your screen by toggling the display mode with the toggle1 button. You may change the items on your screen with the navigation buttons.

Item Inspector gives you choices on how to study.

The Popup Method vs Quizzes (Or Both)

You may study your items by going over them, reciting meaning and reading, and then verifying the answer by moving the mouse over the item. This will bring up a popup.

Alternatively you may be quizzed on the items displayed on your screen with the quiz2 button. This will bring up Self-Study Quiz preconfigured to quiz you on exactly these items.

Of course you can study by the popup method first and launch a quiz afterwards.

Random Section va Range of Dates Selection.

There are two recommended ways to select which items are on your screen to study.

If you use the Random button Item Inspector will make a random selection of items that fits your screen. Item Inspector will remember the items until you ask for another selection or close your Wanikani browser tab.

The date button sorts burned items in order of the date where they were burned. Then the navigation buttons will move the items on the screen in order of date. This will let you study one tranche of dates at a time. The next study session you move to the next tranche etc traversing the whole table over the course of several days.

There are many more options in Item Inspector that may help you with your studies. You will learn them as you get more familiar with Item Inspector.

Filters, Views and Reports - Tools To Answer Questions About Your Items

Fundamentals Of Filters

Filters are tests for Wanikani items. If an item passes the test it gets displayed in Item Inspector or quizzed on in Self-Study Quiz. In Item Inspector filters have three main uses.

  • Select the items you care about a question about your items.
  • Answer a question about your items.
  • Perform search.

You select the items you care about occurs when you set up the filters for a page. If you care about leeches you need a table configured with a leech filter. The rule is if you are going to see some items often you should create a table just for them.

Let’s say for the sake of the example you are preparing for JLPT N3 and you want to study N3 kanji. The procedure goes as follows:

  • First you must create a table for JLPT N3 kanii. You don’t want to override a table that serves another purpose.
  • Go to the Table Table
  • Press the New button, a table table called <untitled> will appear.
  • Change the table name with the Edit Table Name field.


Then you go set the filter.

  • While the JLPT N3 table is selected go to the Filters tab.
  • Reach for the Item Type filter and select kanji… In this example you want the kanji, not the vocabulary.
  • Then teach for the JLPT level with vocab at the bottom of the filter list and select N3.

Voila you have a kanji JLPT table. It will automatically show up in the selector for tables.

Temporary Filters

Sometimes you have a question about items that can be answered by setting up additional filters to your table during a limited period of time. For example you may want to see which leeches have a streak of good answers of 2 or higher, indicating that they are on the way of recovery.

Previously you needed to go to the table filters and tamper with them on a temporary basis. Once you got your answer you needed to restore the filters to their normal settings. Now there is a temporary filter dropdown on the toolbar. You select the filter you need and it is automatically applied. When you are done you select the No Temporary Filter option and things go back to normal.

A number of convenient filters are pre-configured. If you need need to ask a question often you may setup your own temporary filter

The procedure is the same as with permanent filters except that you do it in the Temporary Filter tab. These filters will show up in the temporary filters selector.

There is an option checkbox called Ask Before Filtering. This option causes the selected filters show up in a dialog where you can change the settings. If sometimes you want to see only the kanji and at other times you want to see only the vocabulary you can set the Item Type filter with this checkbox clicked. Then you will be able to change the setup every time you use the filter.

Built-In SearchFilters

The third use of filters is search. There are filters designed expressly for search. Four of them is preconfigured in the Temporary Filters dropdown.

The first one is called Global Search. You type in your search criteria and the matching items will be selected.

The other three search filters are as follows:

  • Extensive search is a filter that searches items based on their characters, the readings and meanings. It expands on the Global search in that it can search Kanjidic2 readings and meanings as well as traditional radicals.

  • Advanced Search is the swiss army of searches. For one thing it can search almost everywhere there is information to be searched.

    • Characters, readings and meaning, including Wanikani, Kanjidic2 and Traditional radicals
    • Can specify whether to search onyomi, kunyomi or nanori reading information
    • Part of speech
    • Wanikani allow list and block list
    • Reading and meaning mnemonics and hints
    • Context sentences
    • Reading and meaning notes, as well as user synonyms
    • Keisei semantic-phonetic composition
    • Supports wild cards to return items where information is present or absent
    • and more
  • Related search for discovering items related to others. The following relationships are supported

    • Items that are components of others
      • Radicals in kanji
      • Traditional radicals in kanji
      • Kanji in vocabulary
    • Items where components are used
      • Kanji using radicals
      • Kanji using traditional radicals
      • Vocabulary using kanji
    • Visually similar kanji
      • According to Wanikani
      • According to Lars Yencken
      • According to Niai
    • Keisei relationships
      • Phonetic compounds
      • Non-phonetic compounds
      • Related phonetic marks

Search filters are ask before you filter type of filters. The search is performed on the currently selected table.

Three new default tables are added for search: Existing users must use the Restore Missing Defaults button in the settings to have them.

  • All Learned Items.
  • All Wanikani Items.
  • All Wanikani Items.and Traditional Radicals.

Kanji Picker

There is also called Kanji Picker. It is available in the Temporary Filters defaults filters. This filter lets you pick the radicals from their Japanese characters and the kanji that use the radicals are selected. There is some duplication between this filter and the Related Items Filters.

  • Related items also lets you search kanji by radicals if you choose the “Components of Matched Items” option. The other options are not duplicative with Kanji Picker.
  • Related Items require that you type in the characters or English meaning of the radicals.
  • Kanji Picker requires that you click on the radicals icons based on your ability to recognize visually the characters.
  • If you give more than one search term to Related Items kanji matching any of the search terms are returned.
  • If you pick more than one radical in Kanji Picker kanji matching all picked radicals are returned.

  • You have the choice between Wanikani or Traditional radicals.
  • They are classified by stroke count.
  • A darker background for the count icon indicates which count is in used.
  • The thick border indicates which count has radicals selected in them.
  • Selected radicals also have a thick border.
  • Kanji corresponding to your picks are automatically displayed.
  • If the kanji list is empty it means no kanji are matching your picks.

When you move your mouse over a radical or a kanji some information popups up. In the example below the mouse was moved over the Bow radical.

Optional Filters

Here is a description of the optional filters.

Dates and Events Link to script

These are filters for all the date information available in Item Inspector. For each date there are three filters.

  • Date after <your setting>
  • Date before <your setting>
  • Whether (or not0 an event associated with the date had occured

Searches Link to script

A collection of filters for searching item information.

Statistics Link to script

A collection of filters for all statistics included in Item Inspector. For each statistic there are two filters.

  • Statistics greater than <your setting>
  • Statistics greater than; <your setting>

Kanjidic2/Traditional Radicals Link to Script

This is a collection of filters using the new information.

  • There is a pair of stroke count filters
  • There is a filter to explicitly list the wanted items
  • There is a filter to explicitly block named items.

Items List Link to script

Three filters by @rfindley that let you explicitly list the items you want.

Blacklst Link to script

Three filters by @rfindley that let you explicitly block the items you want from showing up in the results yielded by other filters.

Part Of Speech Link to script

A filter by @rfindley that searches vocabulary by their part of speech.

Lars Yencken Visually Similar : [Link to script]([Userscript] Open Framework: Visually Similar Kanji Filter}

This is a filter by @Kumirei that does what the name says.

Joyo, JLPT, Frequency Link to script

This is a set of filters by @Kumirei that does what the name says.

Views and Reports

Views and reports answers questions about your items .The answers are provided by changing the data that is displayed. There are two type of changes:

  • Views : This changes the content of the popups. Optionally this may change the main table element and the sort order.
  • Reports :: This display a summary of statistics for your table.

You enable views and reports with a new dropdown on the Item Inspector top bar.

The procedure is:

  • You pick a table you have a question about
  • You use the new dropdown to select the view or report that will answer your question.
  • When you are done you return to the “No view, No Report” selection option to bring your table back to normal.

There are three views and three reports provided by default. As usual you can configure your onw views and reports in the settings.

Views are pretty much self-explanatory. They all change the popups according to the descriptions

  • “Leech Stats View”: Show stats related to leeches.
  • Progression : Shows dates when Wanikani events occurred
  • Item Info : Shows relationships and other information about the items such as part of speech and allow/block list content.

Reports display a table of statistics as below:

The first column is the report key. It is “Level” in the screenshot. All items in the table that have the same level are grouped together for computing the stats,.

The second columns is the number of items with this key value. It is under “Items”.

The third column is the legend for the stats. The report collects the minimum, average and maximum value for each statistic. The remaining columns are the stats that go with the legend.

Sometimes there are item that don’t have the statistics. for example there is no reading stats for radicals and there is no passed guru date for items that never reached guru. These items are not used in computing the stats. In some extreme case there is no item at all for computing the stats. In this case the report mentions “No Data”.

The default reports are:.

  • Leech Stats : Various leech related stats broken down by leech value.
  • Leech By Level : Leech stats broken down by level. This may be useful to plan a reset because you will see at which level there are a concentration of leeches.
  • Progression : Wanikani event dates broken down by level.

Tools For Studying

Integration With Self Study Quiz

You may be quizzed on your items with Self Study Quiz at a click on a button. two buttons are available.

The quiz1 button quizzes on these items: Items

In effect, in normal mode this is quizzing on a whole table. You may select which table with the table selection dropdown and you may use the filters to alter the items in the table. This changes the items you will be quizzed on. There are some features (discussed elsewhere) that further limit the items in the table. When one of these features is turned on this button will quiz you on all items selected by the feature.

If you have a big table and you want to limit the size of the quiz, you may use the Maximum Quiz Size setting of Self Study Quiz.

The quiz2 button quizzes on these items. Items

In effect you are quizzed exactly on the items displayed on the screen. You may use navigation butons to change the contents of the screen, which in turn changes the contents of the quiz. Table mode displays fewer items, this makes for a shorter quiz. For a maximum quiz size use icon mode with English meanings. This is how you get the most items on the screen.

This integration changes a few details on the Self Study Quiz interface. First there is a pseudo preset called (Item Inspector) that shows up in your preset dropdown.

This preset is automatically created by the automation for the duration of the quiz. It will not show if Self Study Quiz is not started by Item Inspector. You need to have this preset selected for the integration to work. This is the default, that is this preset is automatically selected for you. If you change it you will have the wrong quiz.

Studying Large Tables

Some people want to study big tables, in the thousands of items. This is the case of people who want to cram their burned items. These people need to study their table piecewise, a little bit each day. There is a pair of new features that will help them do so.

Random This button makes a random selection of items. It is used to extract a random subset of the items for studying,

When in random mode the button turns green. Random If you click it in this state the random selection is turned off. The complete table is displayed again and the button reverts to its normal grey color. If it is pressed again when grey a new random selection will occur. In fact a new random selection is made every time you turn this mode on.

The number of random items is controlled by this setting. A value of zero means the random selection will pick the exact number of items required to fill your screen.


In random mode the quiz1 quizzes on all randomly selected items. The quiz2 button quizzes on the random items that are displayed on the screen. Often times these are the same items because the default configuration is to fill the screen with random items. But there are configurations where there are more random items than what fits the screen.

The date button cause the items to be sorted by some date. By default the Lesson Date except the Burned Item table which is configured to use the Burned Date. This can be changed in the settings.

When items are ordered by date the navigation buttons, in effect, navigates across tranches of dates. This permits to traverse the table in a systematic fashion, studying one tranche every day. A quiz on the items displayed on the screen will study the current tranche Every time you use a navigation button a new tranche is on the screen and may be quizzed on.

Item Inspector will remember the last date position when Date Ordering Mode is used. So you may leave Date Ordering mode to do something else, and when you return the date position is recovered. This permits to resume the systematic studying by tranche of dates.

This studying procedures doesn’t work well if you select Review Date because these dates keep changing. You can’t define meaningful date tranches when using this date.

Date ordering alters the table by filtering out the items for which the date does not apply.

  • Review Date filters out items for which no review is scheduled, like Burned items.
  • Lesson Date filters out items for which no lesson has yet been taken.
  • Passed Guru Date filters out items that have not yet passed guru at least once.
  • Burned Date filters out items that have not yet been burned.
  • Resurrected Date filters out items that have never been resurrected.
  • Unlock Date filters out items that are still locked.

In Date Ordering mode the quiz1 button will quiz you on the table that results from this filtering.

When in Date ordering mode the date ordering button turns green. date If clicked when green the Date Ordering mode is turned off. The table reverts to its normal ordering and filtered out items are brought back into the table.

Date Ordering and Random Selection are mutually exclusive. If you use one the other is automatically turned off.

Effect on SRS

Some of you may worry of the effect of extra studying on the learning value of SRS. If you see the meaning and reading of an item too close of the review time it may influence the result of the review in a way that doesn’t reflect how you are learning the item. The solution is to configure the Time Until Review filter. It will exclude from the table items that are close to the review time. By default this filter is not configured.

Supported Data

List of Textual Data Elements

The following information is supported in Item Inspector.

  • Item This is the main information, a Wanikani radical, kanji or vocabulary.
  • Item Type Wheter the item is radical, kani or vocabulary.
  • Meaning Full The list of all accepted meanings.
  • Meaning Brief The primary meaning.
  • Kanjidic2 Meaning The meaning according to Kanjidic2
  • Reading Full The list of all accepted readings.
  • Reading Brief The one or two primary readings.
  • Reading by Type A list of readings with an indication of whether it is onyomi, kunyomi or nanori.
  • Kanjidic2 Onyomi Onyomi reading according to Kanjidic2.
  • Kanjidic2 Kunyomi Kunyomi reading according to Kanjidic2.
  • Kanjidic2 Nanori Nanorireading according to Kanjidic2.
  • Stroke Count The stroke count for kanji and traditional radicals.
  • Leech Value A measurement of how much trouble an item gives you in review.
  • Meaning Correct Answers The number of times you have answered correctly a question on meaning.
  • Reading Correct Answers The number of times you have answered correctly a question on reading.
  • Meaning Incorrect Answers The number of times you have answered incorrectly a question on meaning.
  • Reading Incorrect Answers The number of times you have answered incorrectly a question on reading.
  • Total Correct Answers The total number of times you have correctly answered a question.
  • Total Inorrect Answers The total number of times you have incorrectly answered a question.
  • Percentage Correct Total The percentage of correct answers on both meaning and readings.
  • Percentage Correct Meaning The percentage of correct answers on meaning.
  • Percentage Correct Reading The percentage of correct answers on readings.
  • Percentage Incorrect Total The percentage of incorrect answers on both meaning and readings.
  • Percentage Incorrect Meaning The percentage of incorrect answers on meaning.
  • Percentage Incorrect Reading The percentage of incorrect answers on readings.
    ^ Number Of Reviews The current number of reviews for this item.
  • Meaning Current Streak The number of times in a row you have correctly answered a question on meaning.
  • Reading Current Streak The number of times in a row you have correctly answered a question on reading.
  • Meaning Maximum Streak The length of the longest sequence of correct answers to questions on meaning.
  • Reading Maximum Streak The length of the longest sequence of correct answers to questions on reading.
  • Number of Reviews The total number of reviews done on the item since a lesson was taken.
  • Level The Wanikani level of the item.
  • SRS Stage The Wanikani SRS stage the item currently is.
  • Last Review Date The date and time when the last reviewwas done.
  • Review Date The date and time when the next review is due.
  • Review Wait Time The amount of time you need to wait until the next review.
  • Date of last review The last time you had a review.
  • Passed Guru Date The date and time when an item reached guru for the first time.
  • Burned Date The date and time when an item was burned.
  • Resurrected Date The date and time an item was resurrected.
  • Lesson Date The date and time you have taken your lesson on the item.
  • Unlock Date The date and time the item was unlocked for you.
  • Allow List The contents of the item allow list.
  • Block List The contents of the item block list.
  • Part of Speech The part of speech information applicable to a vocabulary item.
  • WKVisually Similar Kanji The kanjis that are visually similar to a kanji item according to vanilla Wanikani.
  • LKVisually Similar Kanji The kanjis that are visually similar to a kanji item according to Lars Yencken database.
  • Components of Item The radicals that compose a kanji and the kanji that are used in a vocabulary item.
  • Items Where Used The kanji where a radical is used and the vocabulary items where a kanji is used.
  • Export Date The date and time where an export is performed (only for exports)
  • URL of Item Page The Internet URL that leads to the item page on Wanikani. (only for exports).
  • Joyo Grade
  • JLPT (voc by kanji lvl) JLPT data. Vocabulary information is inferred from the levels of constituent kanji.
  • JLPT (voc by vocabulary lvl) JLPT data. Vocabulary information is the true JLPT level for the vocab item.
  • Frequency

Audio Support

In audio mode the pronunciatio audio of vocabulary items will be played when the item is clicked.

This feature causes a large number of audio file transfers to prepare the links for clicking. To economize computer resource and avoid burdening Wanikani servers audio mode is automatically disabled when you change the information displayed on the screen. You must reenable audio mode when you are ready to actually listen to audio.

Visually Similar Kanjis, Components of Items and Items Where Used

This information causes lists of icons for items appearing in the popups.

Starting from now you may mouse over the little icons in popups to obtain some information. Also the icons are clickable to open the item page.

Sometimes there are too many little icons to fit the popub. The mention And More indicates that this is the case. If you mouseover the And More mention the full list will show up. These icons too can be mouseovered and clicked.

You may now have Lars Yencken visually similar kanji on top of those by Wanikani. The Visual Similarity Threshold parameter is in the table Content settings.

The old Make Table button has been removed. The new mini icons popups popups do a better job.

You may also configure popups to display the Niai visually similar kanji. Just select a popup element.

You may configure which Niai kanji show up with these settings in the Content tab of the page.


The threshold is a real number between 0 and 1 that indicates how similar you want the kanji to be. 0 returns all kanjis and higher the number the fewer but more similar the kanji that are shown.

Niai uses six data sources, three main sources and three alternate sources. When unchecked only the main sources are used. When checked both the main and alternate sources are used.

Don’t ask me what is the difference between main and alternate. All I know is @acm2010 script Niai Visually Similar script works this way and I made sure Item Inspector displays the kanji identically to this script. This way people using both scripts won’t see discrepancies.

Various Visual Information and Popups

You may now display visual information on top of the popups.

  • For radicals you may add Keisei Semantic-Phonetic composition.
  • For kanji you have the choice between Keisei Semantic-Phonetic composition and stroke order diagrams.
  • For vocabulary you may have pitch info diagrams and rendaku information.
  • For radical, kanji and vocabulary you may enable stroke order popups using the Kanji Stroke Order font mentioned at the beginning of this post.

If you mouseover the items In Semantic-Phonetic Composition explanations popups will show up.

All this information may be enabled or disabled in the table Content settings.

It is now possible to display this information in popups.

  • Meaning mnemonics
  • Meaning hints
  • Reading mnemonics
  • Reading hints
  • Context Sentences
  • Meaning Notes
  • Reading Notes
  • Use Synonyms

Kanjidic2 and Traditional Radicals

Kanjidic2 is a publicly available database of Kanji data. This is the file used by jisho for its Kanji entries. In item inspector only the stroke count, readings and meaning information for Wanikani kanji is supported. You may select this data in your popups and in exports.

There is also support for a new item type: Traditional Radicals. This means you can now display traditional radicals items in your table. You must enable the data source in your filter tab to get them.

The information available is

  • Stroke Count
  • Meaning
  • Reading

Also most filters don’t apply to traditional radicals because they are written for WK items only. In particular filters like Level and SRS Level will never apply to traditional radicals because these items are not part of Wanikani. Filters that are applicable to traditional radicals are marked as such in the filter tab.

Exporting Features

Exporting Lists of Items and Word Cloud Support

The following button exports a list of the items in your currently selected table. The items will be listed in the same order as they appear in the table. This copies just the items and not any other data in the table.


You will be offered to either copy the item in the clipboard or download them as a text file. If you choose the clipboard you will be able to paste it in the software of your choice.

There are also settings that go with this:

Some radicals have no unicode characters to represent them. They are displayed as images in the tables. These images can’t be exported. These items are exported as latins characters, for example the cleat radical is exported as ‘cleat’. For some applications like word clouds this may ruin the look. You have the option to exclude these radicals from the export.

You also have the option of exporting items one by line or all bundled in a single paragraph.

You may set a limit to the number of exported items. Some tables are large and you may want just the first x items. If the limit is 0 then the whole table will be exported.

There is also support for the making of word clouds. item Inspector does not make word clouds but it you copy the items in the clipboard you may then paste them in you word cloud making software. This requires to repeat the item according to a numeric value, otherwise you end up with an equal weight word cloud. This setting permits to choose which value will be used to repeat.


Export Items Data to CSV Format - Supporting Transfer to Spreadsheet Software

The following button exports the table data in csv format.


You will be offered to either copy the items in the clipboard or download them as a text file. If you choose the clipboard you will be able to paste it in the software of your choice.

You must configure the export format to match the capabilities of the software that will use the data. You must select a separator and determine whether you use quotes. Choosing horizontal tab and no quotes export nicely Wanikani data to most software. If this doesn’t work you must tinker with the settings of both software until you find a combination that works.

You may also configure the appearance of Wanikani data in the csv file.

  • You may choose whether to include a title line for identifying the data.

  • You may choose to include a label for the data in each cell. This feature permits to import properly labeled data in Kitsun or Anki.

  • You may export the URL of the item page. If you choose to do so you may export it in the form of a spreadsheet formula that will turn it into a clickable link. Or alternatively you may export it in HTML format for Anki that will create a clickable link on your card. Clicking the link will bring up the item page in your browser.

  • Sometimes some data is missing from Wanikani database. For example there is no statistics for reviews when an item is still locked. When this happens you may choose between leaving a cell empty or fill it in with the mention “Unavailable”.

  • You have the choice of whether or not to include hours and minutes with dates.

  • You may select how context sentences will be handled. You are offered a combination of two choices. You may have either the Japanese or the English translation come first. You may also have the sentences either lined-up on the same row or broken down one pair each on its own row.

Tables must be configured for exporting prior to export. This is done in the Export tab of the page settings. There you indicate whether you want a title line for the columns and which information belongs to which column.

Exporting to Anki, Kitsun, Excel and Libre Office

Exports to Anki work fine in the default table without quotes format.
A title line should not be included because Anki will create a card for the title. Make sure to unclick this option.
Including labels in cells will make the data properly labeled in the card.
Exporting links in HTML format creates clickable links to the item page. Just be sure to use the HTML formal for Anki. The one for Kitsun does not work.


Exports to Kitsun work best without quotes and the tab separators.
A title line should not be included because Kitsun will create a card for the title. Make sure to unclick this option.
Including labels in cells will make the data properly labeled in the card.
Exporting links in HTML format creates clickable links to the item page. Just be sure to use the format for Kitsun. The format for Anki may cause your review session to terminate abruptly when you click on a link.


Exports to Excel work best without quotes and tab separator. In this configuration Excel will import the data cleanly and separate it in columns. Other configurations may run into problems.

You may export links to Wanikani item pages with the “URL clickable in Spreadsheet” option. This will automatically create clickable links that will open the page in your browser.

Libre Office

Almost every quote and separator configuration work with Libre Office. A configuration dialog opens upon importing csv. Enter the configuration you have used when creating the csv.

You may export links to Wanikani item pages with the “URL clickable in Spreadsheet” option. This will create clickable links that will open the page in your browser. If you use this feature make sure that in the configuration dialog quoted cells are NOT imported as text.

Procedure for Tracking the Evolution of Leeches with a Spreadsheet Using Exported Data

This is a step by step procedure using Libre Office. This is the software I have so I use it for the demonstration It is up to you to adapt the procedure to the software you use.

To track leeches you need to configure the Leech table export information as this:

  • The Level and Export Date columns are required to sort the spreadsheet. They are best placed at the beginning because they provide context to the leech data.
  • Item and Item Type are both necessary to identify the items. Some items are visually identical and can be distinguished only by their types. (Rad. Kan. Voc.)
  • The Leech Value tracks the status of the leech.
  • The other three columns provide additional information that tracks how the leech healing process is going.

Exports must be done periodically to take snapshots of your leech situation. The data will be pasted cumulatively in one spreadsheet. The procedure is as follows.

  • For the first export include a title for you columns. Then export the data in an empty spreadsheet.
  • For subsequent export turn off the title line. You already have one. You paste the new data at the end of your existing data. To do so select the first empty cell of the first column and paste. The information will nicely position after your existing data.

You also need to make a separate csv file using notepad or similar software for each download. You can paste multiple times the same data as long as you don’t overwrite the clipboard. Your spreadsheet will grow big overtime and become unwieldy. When that happens start a new spreadsheet by pasting the data from some of your most recent csv. This will in effect eliminate older stale data without too much labor.

After a download you need to sort the data to make it useful. Use the sorting function in the menu that pops up the sort wizard.

The in the wizard configure the four sort columns as follows.

  • First sort column Level order ascending.
  • Second sort column Item order ascending.
  • Third sort column Type order ascending
  • Fourth column Export Date order ascending

This will place the items nicely ordered for inspection. Lines with the same item and type will be one after another ordered by Export date. Then you can highlight the most recent export with conditional formatting.

  • Select the Export Date column.
  • Enter the conditional formatting dialog for dates.

Use a style with bold and yellow background. Set it to the dates in the last seven days.

This will cause the date of your most recent export to become yellow and bold.

  • You can tell right away which line corresponds to your last export and compare the leech situation with the history given by the lines right above it.
  • You can tell when a new leech appears because there is no lines for preceding history.
  • You can tell when an item is no longer a leech because there is no highlighted date for this item.

Exporting Reports To Spreadsheet Software

Reports are exportable to spreadsheet by copy and paste.

  • Display the report you want on the screen.
  • Click the mouse on the top left corner of the report.
  • Holding the mouse down, drag the mouse to the bottom right corner of the report.
  • At this point the whole report must be selected.
  • Click Ctrl-C to copy the report.
  • Open your spreadsheet soft ware
  • Click Ctrl-V to paste the report in the spreadsheet.

Voilà! The report is now in your spreadsheet. I have tested this procedure with Libre Office. With other spreadsheet YMMV.


What If You Don't Install the Prerequisites?

The effect of not installing a prerequisite varies depending on the prerequisites.

A script host plugin such as Tampermonkey is mandatory. Item Inspector can’t be installed at all without this.

Missing the other prerequisites will cause item Inspector to display a warning message on startup that something is missing. The effect of the message depends on which prerequisite is missing.

If you don’t install the Wanikani Open Framework or the Wanikani Open Framework Additional Filters your Item Inspector will not work. You absolutely need to install these two scripts.

If you don’t install Self Study Quiz the integration with Self Study Quiz feature will not work but Item Inspector is otherwise functional. If you don’t want this feature you may turn off Self Study Quiz in the Optional features setting. This will cause the missing feature message to disappear.

If you don’t install the Kanji Stroke Order Font the Show Stroke Order Popup feature will not work but Item Inspector is otherwise functional. If you don’t want this feature you may turn off the Show Stroke Order Popup check box in every table and every view. This will cause the missing feature message to disappear. Doing so manually is fastidious. Now there is a button in the settings that does all the job for you.

A Tip to The Color Blind People

There is a setting for the colors of Breeze Dark.


The color blind option is meant to let color blind people set Breeze Dark to colors they can distinguish. If you look at Stylus there is a gear icon next to the Breeze Dark option.


If you click on this icon the option to change the items colors show up.

Color blind people may use this feature to set the colors on Wanikani to values they can distinguish. But the default color for the text is readable only on relatively pale colors. This limits the possibility of distinguishing colors based on how pale or dark they are. This is something strongly color blind people need. The Color Blind option sets the text color to pitch black. Then a greater range of color values is available without hindering readability.

How to Compare Items Side by Side

Select the All Learned Items table. This will restrict your search to the items for which you had a lesson.

Make sure you are in list mode with the concentric circles button. This will make sure items are displayed big enough to be compared visually.

Pick the Global Search filter in the Temporary Filters dropdown. Type in the search term for your kanjis separated by commas.

This will bring up all items that are responsive to the search. The ones you want are in the list and they are close enough to be compared as if they were side by side.


Change of Semantics - Random Selection

The semantics of the old Random Selection settings is changed with the introduction of the Random Selection mode and the corresponding button on the control bar.


Prior to version 1.9.0 this settings caused a random selection to occur every time the table is displayed. Starting wih version 1.9.0 automatic display no longer occurs. The Random Selection button must be pressed. Also in versions prior to 1.9.0 a value of 0 meant the random selection is disabled. Staring with version 1.9.0 a value of 0 means the random selection will pick the exact number of items required to fill your screen.

Git Hub Contributions

You can contribute to Item Inspector code via Github.

Release History

Version 1.30.0 - New features See here.
Version 1.29.7 - Implements a workaround for a bug affecting Safari and MacOS users
Version 1.29.2 - Adjust CSS to better integrate with the new dashboard.
Version 1.29.1 - Cleans up edge cases in the startup sequence resulting from turbo events processing.
Version 1.29.0 - Support turbo events and bug fixes
Version 1.28.1 - Fixes bugs in the layout of table mode
Version 1.28.0 - Fixes incompatibilities with the new Wanikani dashboard
Version 1.27.2 - Fixes a bug affecting audio
Version 1.27.1 - Fixes the styling of cog wheel icon in Dark mode
Version 1.27,0 - Implements custom icons and filter for radicals with SVG images.
Version 1.26.6 - Further fixes ugliness from the recent Wanikani font change
Version 1.26.5 - Fixes ugliness from the recent Wanikani font change
Version 1.26.4 - Bug fix
Version 1.26.3 - Implements a css variable for text color as suggested by @LupoMikti
Version 1.26.2 - Bug fix
Version 1.26.1 - Fixes console pollution
Version 1.26.0 - Changes date formats and bug fix.
Version 1.25.1 - Fixes console pollution
Version 1.25.0 - Bug fixes and improved support of dark themes
Version 1.24.0 - Now supports kana only vocabulary
Version 1.23.2 - Bug fixes in export feature.
Version 1.23.1 - Fixes the look of icons in the top bar
Version 1.23.0 - Add support of comma separators in Item List Export
Version 1.22.4 - Bug fix for exporting context sentences
Version 1.22.3 - Bug fix for Reading By Type information
Version 1.22.2 - Bug fix for invalid Number of Reviews
Version 1.22.1 - Bug fixes related to some temporary filters.
Version 1.22.0 - Additional feature. See Here
Version 1.21.4 - Removes an unwanted popup for some radical items.
Version 1.21.3 - Fixes Breeze Dark styling for Keisei explanations.
Version 1.21.2 - Fixes problems with icons resulting from a Wanikani site change.
Version 1.21.1 - Bux fix and feature update. See Here
Version 1.21.0 - New features and bug fixes See Here
Version 1.20.8 - Bug Fix
Version 1.20.7 - Bug Fix
Version 1.20.6 - Bug Fixes
Version 1.20.5 - Tracing why there is a message to install stroke order fonts
Version 1.20.4 - Bug Fix
Version 1.20.3 - Bug Fix
Version 1.20.2 - Bug Fix.
Version 1.20.1 - Improvement the error message for unconfigured exports.
Version 1.20.0 - Supports rendaku information popups for vocabulary…
Version 1.19.0 - JLPT modifications to filters and data display
Version 1.18.0 - Bug fixes and support of the Kanji Picker filter.
Version 1.17.0 - Supports stroke count data for Wanikani radicals
Version 1.16.1 - Bug Fix.
Version 1.16.0 - New Features See Here
Version 1.15.0 - New Features See Here
Version 1.14.0 - New Features See Here
Version 1.13.0 - Styling Overhaul.
Version 1.12.3 - Bug Fix
Version 1.12.2 - Bug Fix and an enhancement to stroke order popup default setting
Version 1.12.1 - New features See Here
Version 1.11.2 - Bug Fix
Version 1.11.1 - Bug Fix
Version 1.11.0 - New Features See Here
Version 1.10.3 - Bug fix.
Version 1.10.2 - Bug fixes.
Version 1.10.1 - Bug fixes.
Version 1.10.0 - Performance tuning and adding Burned Items to defaults tables.
Version 1.9.1 - Added date validation for date filters.
Version 1.9.0 - New features. See here
Version 1.8.1 - Adds HTML export for Kitsun and Anki.
Version 1.8.0 - New features. See here
Version 1.7.3 - Bug fix
Version 1.7.2 - Bug fix
Version 1.7.1 - Bug fix
Version 1.7.0 - List of icons, meaning mode and audio support.
Version 1.6.1 - Bug fix.
Version 1.6.0 - Adding support for the Breeze Dark theme.
Version 1.5.1 - Bug fixes
Version 1.5.0 - Export of table data to csv.
Version 1.4.2 - Look and ease of use improvements. See here
Version 1.4.1 - Repeat for word cloud feature added
Version 1.4.0 - Item export to clipboard. See here
Version 1.3.4 - New features. See here
Version 1.3.3 - Bug fix
Version 1.3.2 - Implements Table State Memory
Version 1.3.1 - Bug fix
Version 1.3.0 - New features. See here
Version 1.2.1 - Fixed a deprecated API attribute, minor bug fixes.
Version 1.2.0 - New features. See here
Version 1.1.1 - Minor bugfix.
Version 1.1 - Bug fixes and improvements. See here.
Version 1.0 - Original release


Thanks to @Dani2 whose code has helped jumpstart this project.

Big thanks to @rfindley for putting the Self Study Script under the MIT licence, which authorizes me to use this code in Item Inspector.

Thanks to @Kumirei for showing me how to implement the dashboard position feature. Also thanks for permitting to use code from Dashboard Apprentice in Item Inspector.

A special note to @seanblue: The Self-Study Quiz is no longer the sole user of the Open Framework Additional Filters script.


Item Inspector is released under either the GPLV3 or the MIT license with these restrictions and exceptions.

  • The license is GPLV3 because this script includes @acm2010 code and database licenced under GPLV3 for Keisei Semantic-Phonetic Composition. — The GNU General Public License v3.0 - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

  • If you use @acm2010 code and/or database you work as a whole must be licensed under GPLV3 to comply with @acm2010 license.

  • Code borrowed from Self Study Quiz and WKOF is licensed under MIT — The MIT License – Open Source Initiative

  • You may use Item Inspector code under either the GPLV3 or MIT license with these restrictions.
    — The GPLV3 code and database borrowed from @acm2010 must remain licensed under GPLV3 in all cases.
    — The MIT code borrowed from Self Study Quiz and WKOF must remain licensed under MIT in all cases.

  • These restrictions are required because we can’t legally change the license for someone else’s code and database without their permission.

  • Not even if we modify their code.

The jisho.org stroke order image are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license. Legal Code - Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported - Creative Commons

Lars Yencken Visual Similarity data is freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

The KANJIDIC project files are released under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Licence (V3.0) License Information The Licence Deed can be viewed here, and the full Licence Code is here.

Traditional Radicals uses information from the following sources:

The link to the original kradfile-u doesn’t work anymore. You can get this file here

Complete licensing details about Kanjidic2 and kradfile-u are available here

The WK_radicals.json.compressed file is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 license. Deed - Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International - Creative Commons This data was manually copied from the Kanji Stroke Order font for the radicals characters. When no font for a radical existed the stroke count was extracted from the font for a kanji using the character.

Rendaku information is available under GPL# or later, courtesy of jameshippisley aka @nonymouse See here for original data.


Only here because I saw the term “Inspector”
I kid of course. I am going to try this out once I get back from work tonight! Thank you for your efforts.


Version 1.1 of Item Inspector is now released.

The changes:

  • A few bug fixes.

  • The title bar is changed from 'Top Items" to 'Items". No effort is made to select top items so it is simply items now.

  • In the settings the number of tooltip elements is increased from three to four.

  • In the settings new choices for data are added to the dropdown.


  • The hours format is now a setting. The old “Review Date 12h” and “Review Date 24h” options are now replaced by simply “Review Date”.

  • The sort format is improved with a secondary key to sort items with the same primary key when it makes sense to do so. For example items with the same SRS Level are sorted by Review Date within a SRS Level.

Update your script with Tampermonkey “Check for userscript updates” feature.


If you install Item Inspector for the first time please use the procedure at the beginning of the top post.

1 Like

I like the idea with the tooltips which I missed in the old leech table script.
However there seem to be some problems:

  • I still get V1.0 out of greasyfork
  • I set the WK level as third tooltip to be displayed and since then I only get radicals with leech level 0:

My settings are (no filters set):

My fault. I hadn’t installed the Open Framework Additional Filters. Now it’s working again - but there still is no V1.1 as announced?

I updated the link in the top post. Now you should get V 1.1.

1 Like

Got it. Merci beaucoup!

Version 1.1.1 is now available. This is a minor bugfix.

You may download it here:

If you download Item Inspector for the first time make sure to comply with the requirements mentioned in the top post.

I swapped it out and so far I’m really happy with it. It looks boss.

1 Like

Thanks for your kind words. I am glad that you are happy.

1 Like

Version 1.2.0 of Item Inspector is released.
This is a new features version.

New data element for tables and tooltips “Lesson Date”:


Now available: sorting options for those who don’t like the default sorting order.


Now available: a random selection feature:


A value of zero disable the random selection and returns all items. A value greater than zero returns a random selection of the stated number of items. Multiple displays of the table will return a different selection each time. This may be used for things like selecting 30 random burned items for a cram review.

You may download version 1.2.0 here:

If you Install Item Inspector for the first time make sure to meet the requirements mentioned at the beginning of the top post.

@adr-p: You are waiting for the sort option. It is here. I think you want to sort by Lesson Date.

1 Like

Thank you! Much appreciated!

1 Like

Version 1.2.1 is now released.

  • Replaced a deprecated Wanikani API attribute with a supported attribute.
  • Minor bug fixes.

You can have it here.

If you install Item Inspector for the first time make sure you comply with the requirements mentioned at the beginning of the top post.

1 Like

Per our conversation, I was finally able to install your creation.
Thanks to you, it seems I have a LOT of leeches


I suggest you use the Random Selection feature to bring the number to a manageable study size.

1 Like

I tweaked the settings (followed your 1.01 tip) and it fell to 473. It’s still a lot so I have work to do :sweat_smile:

simple request

The only thing I would like to ask is how to make it’s location on my page lower. I prefer to have this below the heatmap and the leaderboard if possible.


1 Like

Other people (me for example) prefer to have it higher. It is difficult to get below Heatmap and Leaderboard. These scripts position themselves at the very bottom of the page. Someone has to give in.

Ah I see. I will make a personal adjustment instead. Thank you for creating a very useful script!
:bowing_man: :nerd_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


Where exactly do I set the 1.01 filter value? It’s not in settings on the website, so I suppose it’s in the script itself, but there’re so many filters that I’m not sure which one is needed. Right now it shows me the items even with 0, even though I guess it wasn’t supposed to?

If it displays items with 0 the most probable cause is the Leech Training parameter has been set to 0.

Here is where you go to the proper setting. First you must open the Settings dialog like this.

Next you go to the Tables tab and make sure the Leech table is selected. Otherwise you will set the setting for some other table.


Finally you go to the Filters tab and change the Leech Training parameter.


1 Like