So, I wanted to give this study log thing a try and to track my progress here on WK. At the same time, I’m not particularly disciplined when it comes to my Japanese studies. I don’t have scheduled reviews, but rather fit reviewing into my days when I have time and energy to do so. The same goes for lessons, which I just do en masse once they get unlocked.
I understand if this approach isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s been working well enough up to this point. I’m now at the half-way point after all.
Still, there is one thing I truly want to work harder on and perhaps get a tiny bit disciplined about: LEECHES!
What to do about them?!
We all have them and try to squash them. Some are worse than roaches. They just refuse to die!!! >_>
So, I’ve decided to try to make them a bit more tangible for me.
Since I like to do all my lessons at once, I figured I might as well try to face all my leeches the same way: all at the same time! Yay!
What better way than word-clouds then to make it visual and visceral enough for my lazy brain to realize just who the worst offenders are! (I’m looking at you 頑, you stupid stubborn leech, that just refuse go away ).
In any case, I’ll try to update this log from time to time about how my battle against the leeches is going (who’s winning, me or them?! O-O;).
For now, this is my current leech-situation… (level 31)
Scripts I rely heavily on in my Leech battle!
@prouleau’s Item Inspector
Amazing script that makes leech clouds a reality! Kidding aside, I use it to hard train my biggest leech offenders. And the script has only become more useful (Keisei-script support for example! Just wow!)
@rosshendry’s Shin WaniKani Leech Trainer (based off @hitechbunny’s Leech Trainer) Link to Greasy Fork Shin WaniKani Leech Trainer
This was the first script I ever installed and it has delivered beautifully! ^>^
It creates a session of 10 failed items and quiz you on it, but also throws similar looking items into the mix to see if you react before you press enter! You need 3 correct answers on each item to clear a leech off the list (self-generated)*.
This script is much more time consuming to use than the Self-Study Quiz. But, it’s time well spent as interference, mixing up of similar items, is one of my biggest issues!
*It’s worth noting that this self-generated list has a higher threshold of what constitutes a leech compared to the Item Inspector (a script that also gives me control over this, so I can include more items for training). Thus, for the wast majority of leeches it’s the Self-Study Quiz I rely on.
@rfindley’s Self-Study Quiz
This together with the Item Inspector helps me go after leeches with gusto - en masse! Bring 'em on. I regularly go through my leeches and quiz myself until I get every singe one right.