Making notes?

This does sound like a lot of work for me. In the end, you don’t need to remember the mnemonics. As you progress it’s normal to forget them and just remember the reading/meaning when seeing a kanji. That’s what you’re aiming for.

As for taking notes in general, I think it’s a good way of increasing retention. It takes longer to write down, so somehow that helps you build associations with the things you learn.

That being said, I didn’t take any notes using WK. It’s just not necessary. If you fail items, the SRS will give you more chances to review the items, and thus you’ll get more exposure to the information and eventually the items stick.

What I’m trying to say is that while your efforts are commendable and good for you, you can save a lot of time by focusing on only those items that you don’t learn on the first try. The rest tend to progress through the SRS all by themselves.

You can use the Self-Study Quiz for that and the Item Inspector to identify which items you’re failing more often than others and needs that extra bit of work.

Good luck with your studies! And congrats on your wedding!