This is a third-party script/app and is not created by the WaniKani team. By using this, you understand that it can stop working at any time or be discontinued indefinitely.
Keisei Semantic-Phonetic Composition
by acm
I am proud to release the stable version of my first script, Keisei Semantic-Phonetic Composition!
Installation Instructions
- Get Tampermonkey (installation instructions in this thread)
- Click on the installation link (Tampermonkey should auto-detect
files) - Install the script after you check the security (at least see that script will only change the wanikani website, all
should be related to WK)
- v1.7.3: Fixed issue where Keisei might interfere with other scripts on Firefox
- v1.7.1: Layout fixed, and WK only mode!
- Layout changes
- beta features (enable them in the settings!)
- Tooltips and “dakuten mode”
It is a full rewrite of the great script from ruipgpinheiro (LordGravewish) from this thread:
The script adds a phonetic compound information section to:
- Kanji and Radical pages
- Kanji and Radical lessons (also lesson reviews)
- Kanji and Radical reviews
Example Screenshot
User Poll
I want to find out who is using the script, and send out @notifications I case I break something seriously in the future. Please click something!
- I use the script and want notifications
- I use the script but will just suffer silently
- I just like to click on polls
- All new database with 2201 kanji covered, 546 tone marks, 264 of which are also WK radicals. The goal is to show something for each and every kanji in WK.
- Two new colors for phonetic marks in the character grid (see screenshots)
- Badges show how useful the phonetic mark is for a kanji, in four levels (天、上、中、下)
- The character-grid style is added to lessons and reviews as well (this is basically an ugly hack by adding some styles, let me know if pages look weird)
- Some tone marks also have cross references to derived marks (for example 溥 → 尃) and (very rarely atm) warnings for kanji that have the component but are not phonetic compositions
Data Sources
I collected the phonetic information from (main readings source)
That being said there are nearly always different theories for the origin a kanji, so no guarantees for the accuracy of the information provided.
More Screenshots
GPL v3, just do what you want with it.
I am not responsible for any problems caused by this script. It currently has “works for me (most of the time)” status.
This script was developed on Chrome Version 61.0.3163.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) with Tampermonkey 4.4. It uses some fairly new features, but a recent browser version should do fine. Everything is done as strings, depending on your browser you may see some boxes instead of kanji for rare ones.
I tested it at some stage with Firefox or Greasemonkey, but just message me is you run into trouble.
Only the “meanings” of kanji are pulled from WK, readings may not fully correspond to what WK is saying.
Other Scripts
Also check out my similar kanji script!