Japanese Language
Resources Want to share a Japanese resource you found or made? Let us know about it! Please just make sure that it follows our rules about not spamming. Questions Have general questions about the Japanese language? You can ask it here. Of course, questions about grammar / vocab / kanji / speaking / etc should probably be posted in the appropriate sub categories, if you can. Listening Post Japanese language listening practice, requests for help regarding listening, or offer advice on listening. If it has to do with listening to Japanese, this is a good place for your post. Japanese Only (Beginners) This is the Japanese Only section for beginners. Staff will try to use easy kanji and expressions, but sometimes you may come across kanji you don’t know. To quickly look up the kanji reading and meaning, we recommend you to use a furigana extension such as Rikai-kun. Grammar The Grammar sub category is for Japanese grammar. WaniKani doesn't actually teach grammar, so I'm sure you have many questions. Ask them here, get them answered. Or, if you're feeling like a plant from Shel Silverstein's wacky mind, you can give your Japanese grammar knowledge out freely to all who want and need it. Study Logs (Public) Do you want to keep track of your progress and goals on WaniKani? Why not share it with everyone for accountability? If you have a WaniKani study log that you want to share, add it to this category Speaking Need help with speaking in Japanese? Want to give advice on speaking in Japanese? Does your post have something to do with speaking in Japanese? Go ahead, speak your mind in this sub category. Kanji If only there were some place to learn kanji. Like, stay with me, some kind of thing, perhaps on some kind of interconnected network of data, that could help you to learn them. Maybe in a particular order? Or, like, maybe it would test you on them, but not just at any old time, but at a specific time that's better for your... what do you call it? The things in your head that come out of your head sometimes when you need that information? Book Clubs This category is ONLY for book club threads! For other questions or topics regarding reading, use the Reading subcategory Reading Post Japanese reading practice, requests for help regarding reading, or offer advice on reading. Start a book club! If it has to do with reading Japanese, this is a good place for your post.