Let's praise these USERSCRIPTS and their awesome CREATORS

To be honest… yeah, I do :sweat_smile: when I used Memrise for a couple of weeks, one of the things I thought was absolutely the worst was the way it would automatically submit your answer once you typed it in correctly. I would just keep typing in different possibilities until I hit the correct one (and then it moves on so you barely have time to process which was correct). I didn’t actually get to know the correct answer at all.

They do tell you whether it’s on or kun, and writing the on’yomi in katakana is just a dictionary convention. I don’t use this script and I’m still able to guess the readings of new vocab like you are.

Not that I don’t think this is a good script, but for me the value would be in katakana exposure.

Scripts I Use

Ultimate Timeline - of course. For me this is the must-have script. Only being offered information about my next set of reviews is useless for helping me to plan my reviews, and I do have to plan them, because I have life to get on with as well as WK.

Jitai - randomises the font your reviews are displayed in, so that you don’t just get used to the WK font. Everything about this is fab; I can’t recommend it enough.

Keisei Phonetic-Semantic Composition - tells me whether a kanji was constructed with a phonetic component, or whether it’s used in other kanji as a phonetic component. Contributes even more to being able to guess readings.

Pitch Info - tells you (with a great diagram too) the pitch type for vocabulary. It makes me pay more attention to the pitch in the recording, and helps me interpret it more accurately. I’m also learning what the different pitch options are.

Lesson Hover Details - shows you how many radicals, kanji and vocabulary lessons you have from your dashboard, on hover. I was always going right into my lessons to find this information, so this saves a lot of time.

Auto-Focus Notes - this literally means that when I click into the notes text boxes it goes straight to typing mode without requiring another click. An essential script, haha!

They’re all amazing and I’m incredibly grateful to the people who created them; and for the WK Open Framework, of course!