🔉 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge (Summer Edition) 🏖

Welcome to the “Listen Every Single Day” Challenge! :beach_umbrella:

The community is working together to compile a list of the resources they like here. Please check it out if you’re looking for advice, and add to it if you have something you think others would like!

This is the first Listen Every Day challenge, with strong inspiration from the Read Every Day Challenge here

Officially, the challenge will run from July 1 to Aug 31, but feel free to post as much or as little as you want until then.

So what is it? This is a place to set your own goals for listening, and to share what you’re listening to with all of the rest of us! I plan to challenge myself to listen to something every day (even if it’s small), but everyone should set their own goals. This will be a positive, encouraging space to share and get advice from each other, or just to keep a study log for yourself. Make it into something that works for you!

So I am blatantly stealing the following stuff from the read every day challenge, but I think it captures the vibe. (Thanks @windupbird please don’t sue me for copyright infringement)

Why is this challenge so special, or what makes it unique? Well, we think it’s a combination of the short/limited time frame, the habit-focused (versus output-focused) approach to the goal of “listening more,” and a general atmosphere of camaraderie and community spirit! I hope by joining this challenge we can all get more comfortable with listening!

Whether you are an expert or just starting out, everyone is welcome to participate in this challenge! To quote windupbird quoting @Redglare (lol):

This is a thread for people who:

:bookmark: want to spend time more time listening
:bookmark: want to improve their comprehension
:bookmark: want to hold themselves accountable and have a place to document their progress
:bookmark: simply want to join in on the challenge!

Time frame: July 1 - August 31

This is the “official” recommended time frame, but late starters are absolutely welcome! You can start and finish your personal challenge at any point during that time, and shorten or lengthen the challenge to the time period that works best for you.

Your listening materials can be whatever you want, anime, podcasts, youtube videos, audiobooks, TV, JLPT listening quizzes - you name it, anything goes as long as it is something in Japanese :jp: “Listening” can be interpreted creatively, if that helps keep you motivated!

Some forum threads devoted to listening recommendations

What do you listen to for Japanese practice?

Extensive Listening Challenge 2022

A calendar template also taken from windupbird! They're really nice! You can use these to keep track of the days you listen, if you decide to follow the "every day" part

Calendar Templates!
To use, reply to this post, click the “quote whole post” button (little speech bubble), and copy/paste the part below into whatever post you desire:

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The next reply to this post will be a participant wiki, if I can figure out how to do that! You can add yourself to the wiki, and link to your main post, if you’d like.

I don’t think I’m trusted enough to do it myself, so hopefully I can get some help from the mods…


Please add your specific listening recommendations to others in Post 45 of this thread, organized by your best guess of listening comprehension level.


Feel free to add your username to the list!
Note: please try to keep this alphabetical

Username Date Joined Days Completed
Beyond_Sleepy June 8th 2022 24
Daisoujou June 8th 2022
ddleighc June 10
dunlewy June 8
fallynleaf June 8th 2022 53/53
KJules 8 June 2022 a bunch?
lucylavelle July 1st Every day
meagstudies will start July 1
Naphthalene June 9
natarin July 1st 1
NihongoLearner19 planning to start July 1st
OatmilkLatte July 28th 1
omk3 Jun 8, Wed most days
pocketcat June 9 :upside_down_face:
polv Jun 9, Thu 60/62 (90/92)
rikaiwisdom July 1 3
Scylie June 9
Shannon June 9 1
softlyraining Aug 4
Weezie June 14th 2022 12
windupbird July 2 6
yuskanji July 7 7
Zakarius June 22nd 71

KJules study log

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Some materials I may use:

WK Extra Study script listening quiz
NHK Easy News
N4 JLPT practice youtube
Learn Japanese Through Smalltalk podcast
Back to some of my favorite animes… If I watch them for the 50th time I’m bound to learn some new words, right?

June log
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Ah, the mods haven’t helped you out yet, but if people want to “list up” in the meantime I can make this a wiki and we can just copy the list into the official list-post when it is made a wiki :upside_down_face:

okay, poof, gone


Feel free to add your username to the list!
Note: please try to keep this alphabetical

Username Date Joined Days Completed
Beyond_Sleepy June 8th 2022 1
Daisoujou June 8th 2022
KJules 8 June 2022

Home Post

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Btw, sorry for making this a reply @KJules it’s because I copied your calendar :sweat_smile:

What the #£@! ^^;

You can tell I was in a funk there at the tail end of my exams (the 8th of June) :stuck_out_tongue:


Home Post

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Struggling with getting the calendar to properly add the boxes, but I’ll take more of a look at it later heh. Like I was saying, I’ll see how much time I have for posting updates. I’m on board, though!

Current things I'm listening to:

Most mornings I take a little time to chill and watch this 月ノ美兎 VTuber playthrough of Judgment, and I’m also using the audiobook for スマホを落としただけなのに by first listening, then reading the section, then listening again. Seeing pretty good results there! When I have the time to somewhat more idly listen to things when out for a walk or whatever I’ve been throwing on the 4989 American Life podcast because it seems to be right about at my level, though I’m quickly burning through what’s available.

I’ve also just been making an effort to incidentally switch some stuff over to Japanese listening when I can. Like, I can understand a decent chunk of some things in Japanese. Other things, nothing at all. But because of that latter group it’s easy to hide away and not feel “ready” to get as much out of things as I want to, so the strategy has just been pushing myself to do more and more anywhere where I think missing some of the language is tolerable. Right now part of the project has been trying to get my body and stress-addled mind in slightly less bad shape so I’ve taken the Tofugu recommendation of trying some yoga videos and the like in Japanese, as well as a little meditation stuff. The latter might just benefit me more to do without guided videos, but then I get to say it’s listening practice too. Either way, with that combination, I’m certainly very familiar with the words for breathing in and out :sweat_smile:


Here ya go!

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:beach_umbrella::sunflower: meagstudies’ summary post :sunflower::beach_umbrella:

I was just thinking I wished there was a listening challenge like the read every day challenge!! I still have to decide what exactly I’m going to listen to but I’ll go ahead and set up my home post now



Daily Updates

Trying something new w/ the formatting here since I don’t actually make a post every day

:sunflower: july :sunflower:

  • 01: Kona’s Big Adventure
  • 03: Nihongo con Teppei
  • 08: Bite Size Japanese
  • 10: Teppei and Bite Size
What I'm Listening To + Progress

I’m thinking I’ll listen to Comprehensible Japanese and some beginner podcasts. I’d also like to use some easier Satori stories that I’ve already read (but for listening practice instead of reading this time!)

Listening To Type Count Subs/Transcript?
Kona’s Big Adventure Satori 10 no
Nihongo con Teppei (Beginner) Podcast 8 (starting from ep 27) no
Comprehensible Japanese (Beginner) Youtube 3 no
Bite Size Japanese Youtube 1 when needed
Comprehensible Japanese (Intermediate) Youtube 0 no

I listened to 3 hours of TV Japan last night. That included some news programs I had recorded and a 2-hour program on the local food of Tokyo.


This is a great idea for a challenge :slight_smile: Thanks for arranging it @KJules!
Count me in!

I’ve really needed something to push me to do more listening as its definitely my weakest skill - I try but then get frustrated when I can’t understand much and end up stopping.

I’ve decided that since I have the JLPT early next month I’m going to have a more relaxed month afterwards to recover from studying so hard this month, so I probably shouldn’t be joining another challenge… :sweat_smile:
So for July at least my listening will probably mostly be fun and simple stuff like watching anime with the support of subtitles rather than pushing myself to do something that relies solely on listening.

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Progress Report
  • July 1st
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 4-7
  • July 2nd
    • Fruits Baskets (Eng Subs) - S2, E1-4
  • July 3rd
    • JLPT!
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 8-10
    • JapanesePod101, The 800 Core Words and Phrases - Lesson 11
  • July 4th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 11
    • Fruits Basket - (Eng Subs) - S2, E5-7
  • July 5th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 12-13
  • July 6th
    • Fruits Basket - (Eng Subs) - S2, E8-11
  • July 7th
    • Fruits Basket - (Eng Subs) - S2, E12-14
    • JapanesePod101, Upper Beginner Season 1 - Lesson 3
  • July 8th
    • Fruits Basket - (Eng Subs) - S2, E15
  • July 9th
    • JapanesePod101, The 800 Core Words and Phrases - Lesson 12
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 14
    • Fruits Basket - (Eng Subs) - S2, E16-19
  • July 10th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 15
    • Fruits Basket - (Eng Subs) - S2, E20-23
  • July 11th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 16-17
    • Fruits Basket - (Eng Subs) - S2, E24-25
    • Fruits Basket - (Eng Subs) - S3, E1-2
  • July 12th
    • JapanesePod101, The 800 Core Words and Phrases - Lesson 13
    • Fruits Basket - (Eng Subs) - S3, E3
  • July 13th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 18
    • Fruits Basket - (Eng Subs) - S3, E4-6
  • July 14th
    • JapanesePod101, Upper Beginner Season 1 - Lesson 4
    • Fruits Basket - (Eng Subs) - S3, E7-10
  • July 15th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 19
    • Fruits Basket - (Eng Subs) - S3, E11-13
  • July 16th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 20
  • July 17th
    • JapanesePod101, The 800 Core Words and Phrases - Lesson 14-15
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 21
  • July 18th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 22-23
    • Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens - (Eng Subs) - Episode 3
  • July 19th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 24
    • Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens - (Eng Subs) - Episode 4-5
  • July 20th
    • Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens - (Eng Subs) - Episode 6
    • The Bite size Japanese Podcast - Episode 1
  • July 21st
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 25
    • Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens - (Eng Subs) - Episode 7
  • July 22nd
    • Nihongo Con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 26-27
  • July 23rd
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 28
    • JapanesePod101, The 800 Core Words and Phrases - Lesson 16
    • JapanesePod101, Absolute Beginner Japanese for Every Day - Lesson 21
  • July 24th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 29
    • Madoka Magica - (JP subs) - Episode 1
  • July 25th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 30
    • Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens - (Eng Subs) - Episode 8
  • July 26th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 31
    • JapanesePod101, The 800 Core Words and Phrases - Lesson 17
    • Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens - (Eng Subs) - Episode 9
  • July 27th
    • Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens - (Eng Subs) - Episode 10
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 32-33
    • JapanesePod101, The 800 Core Words and Phrases - Lesson 18
  • July 28th
    • Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens - (Eng Subs) - Episode 11-12
  • July 29th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 34-35
  • July 30th
    • JapanesePod101, The 800 Core Words and Phrases - Lesson 19
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 36
  • July 31st
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 37
  • August 1st
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 38
    • Shirokuma Cafe - (Eng Subs) - Episode 6
  • August 2nd
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 39
  • August 3rd
    • JapanesePod101, The 800 Core Words and Phrases - Lesson 20-21
  • August 4th
    • Hajimete no otsukai - (Eng Subs) - Episode 3-6
    • Terrace House: Boys and Girls in the City - (Eng Subs) - Episode 6-9
  • August 5th
    • Hajimete no otsukai - (Eng Subs) - Episode 7-9
    • Madoka Magica - (JP Subs) - Episode 2
  • August 6th
    • Hajimete no otsukai - (Eng Subs) - Episode 10-12
    • 竜とそばかすの姫 - (Eng Subs)
  • August 7th
    • Shirokuma Cafe - (Eng Subs) - Episode 7
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 40
  • August 8th
    • Shirokuma Cafe - (Eng Subs) - Episode 8
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 41
  • August 9th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 41 (Again)
    • JapanesePod101, The 800 Core Words and Phrases - Lesson 22-23
    • Bubble - (Eng Subs)
  • August 10th
    • Hajimete no otsukai - (Eng Subs) - Episode 13-16
  • August 11th
    • JapanesePod101, The 800 Core Words and Phrases - Lesson 24-25
  • August 12th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 42
    • Hajimete no otsukai - (Eng Subs) - Episode 17-20
  • August 13th
    • JapanesePod101, The 800 Core Words and Phrases - Lesson 26
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 43
  • August 14th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 44
    • キョコロヒー
    • Teasing Master Takagi-San S01 - (Eng Subs) - Episode 1-6
  • August 15th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 45
  • August 16th
    • Teasing Master Takagi-San S01 - (Eng Subs) - Episode 7-9
  • August 17th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 46
  • August 18th
    • The Bite size Japanese Podcast - Episode 2
  • August 19th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 47
  • August 20th
    • JapanesePod101, The 800 Core Words and Phrases - Lesson 27
    • Teasing Master Takagi-San S01 - (Eng Subs) - Episode 10-12
  • August 21st
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 48
    • Teasing Master Takagi-San S02 - (Eng Subs) - Episode 1-3
  • August 22nd
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 49
    • Teasing Master Takagi-San S02 - (Eng Subs) - Episode 4-6
  • August 23rd
    • Teasing Master Takagi-San S02 - (Eng Subs) - Episode 7-9
  • August 24th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 50
  • August 25th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 51
    • Teasing Master Takagi-San S02 - (Eng Subs) - Episode 10-12
  • August 26th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 52
  • August 27th
    • Teasing Master Takagi-San S03 - (Eng Subs) - Episode 1-3
  • August 28th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 53
  • August 29th
    • Teasing Master Takagi-San S03 - (Eng Subs) - Episode 4-6
  • August 30th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 54
  • August 31st
    • Teasing Master Takagi-San S03 - (Eng Subs) - Episode 7-9

Natalie’s Home Post! :blossom:

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Yay this is super exciting!! :tada: Hopefully having something like this will help me be more consistent with listening. I think my baseline goal is going to be to watch at least an episode of something every day, so we’ll see how that goes :man_shrugging: It’ll probably be at least mostly with Japanese subtitles as well because I want to but it’s still a different balance than like voiced VNs you know? I’m at a point now where I feel reasonably confident watching most things with subtitles and understanding them a satisfying amount so I’m looking forward to watching some cool stuff! :grin:


Currently Watching:


I haven’t been nearly consistent enough with anything for this to make any sense lmao, it’s just a day by day adventure :laughing:


That sounds great! Fun content you enjoy is the way to go, absolutely


Going to start with tentatively committing to just the remainder of June for now! When the read every day challenge starts back up, I’ll reevaluate and see how I feel about doing both.

:sound: Jun
Week 22
Week 23
Week 24
Week 25
Week 26

= Japanese
= Japanese and Spanish

I’m also aiming once again for practicing both Japanese and Spanish! I’ve been working on my Spanish listening practice pretty regularly already, but I’m going to try to commit to practicing it every day.

Just like with the read every day challenge, I won’t be posting daily updates here, though I’ll be posting about it in my study log and in the pro-wrestling thread. I’ll try to check in every now and then, though!

What I'm listening to in Spanish:

The main thing I’ve been listening to is Duolingo’s Spanish podcast. It’s very doable for my current ability level, and I can listen to it while exercising, which is awesome.

I want to try watching more TV in Spanish with Spanish subtitles. Netflix has a good amount of shows. I already tried Nailed It! Mexico months and months ago, and I could follow it fairly well without needing to look anything up (it helps that there isn’t a strong incentive to understand every detail in order to follow the “plot” of that show haha).

I also recently found out about Señorita 89, which is not on Netlfix, but it looked interesting, so I might try to track it down, assuming I can find it with Spanish subtitles.

Besides those things, I occasionally watch lucha libre shows (mainly AAA, but I’ve watched a little CMLL), so that’s another possibility for listening practice.

What I'm listening to in Japanese:

As far as actual dedicated listening practice goes, I’m considering trying out some of these children’s stories that are available on this website. I’m also considering Nihongo con Teppei, which has been on my radar for a while, but I haven’t even tried it, so I’m not sure if it’s suitable for my level or too easy or what.

I already watch quite a bit of Japanese pro wrestling, haha, so that will probably be the majority of my practice. Lately, I’ve been watching Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling, DDT Pro-Wrestling, a little bit of Pro Wrestling NOAH and ChocoPro, and a fair amount of indie joshi wrestling. Besides just watching shows, there’s also loads of other audio content, like backstage interviews, press conferences, random twitter videos, etc.

TJPW also has a new show that’s sort of a small scale competition with four candidates who are all women with different backgrounds in the entertainment industry. The women are trying out different wrestling things, and the winner will get to achieve her dream of becoming a wrestler. I talk a little more about it (and link to the first episode) in this post here.

The first episode has Japanese subtitles, so I’m hoping the rest do as well. I’m planning on watching the whole show if I can, though mostly just for passive immersion without aiming for full comprehension (my Japanese is just not good enough yet for that without it taking a whole lot of extra time). I am going to try to learn at least a few words every episode if possible, though.

With Japanese listening practice in general, most of my immersion will probably be passive rather than active.

Part II:

I’m back again for the off-month, after finishing the read every day challenge!

Week 35
Week 36
Week 37
Week 38
Week 39

= Japanese
= Japanese and Spanish

What I'm listening to in Spanish:

I’ve been listening to the Duolingo podcast and watching La Casa de las Flores on Netflix with Spanish subtitles. I largely fell out of listening practice over the past couple months when I was focusing on reading, so I’m more or less picking back up where I left off with the podcast and the show at the end of June.

What I'm listening to in Japanese:

Like last time, almost all of my listening practice will be Japanese pro wrestling related. I might watch some more episodes of 夢プロレス - dream on the ring -, Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling’s new series on youtube, which I started watching during the first portion of this challenge. I’ll also do a lot of passive listening while watching wrestling shows and such.

The other thing main thing I’m going to be listening to this time are the post-match comments from the TJPW wrestlers. Since my last attempt at this challenge, I have acquired almost-complete transcripts of these videos, which I have been translating into English for a small audience on twitter :sweat_smile:. Since I have full transcripts now (thanks to subscribing to the shupro mobile site), listening is much more productive because I can get a lot more out of it by following along with the transcript, and it’s also really useful for improving my translations because it helps me have proper context for the lines.


:house_with_garden: polv’s Listening challenge of Summer 2022 (Q3) Home Post

My thoughts on the challenge – Any interest in a listening every day challenge? – polv’s comment

I realized it might be better to make it a real Listening Every Day Challenge. I will track a week at a time, although the real goal is Summer’s first 2 months. After all, quantity matters a lot, at this stage.

Rather than ticking only for listening everyday, I would give credits for listening longer, like :headphones: for ≧30 minutes.

Preliminary: 六月

実験の11 09 :pushpin: 10 :thinking: 11 ・ 12 :white_check_mark:
実験の12 13 ・ 14 :writing_hand: 15 ・ 16 ・ 17 ・ 18 ・ 19 :open_book:
実験の13 20 :ear: 21 :writing_hand: 22 :headphones: 23 :headphones: 24 :headphones: 25 :open_book: 26 :headphones:
第1週目 27 :writing_hand: 28 :headphones: 29 :headphones: 30 :headphones:

Actual Challenge:

第6週目 01 :headphones: 02 :headphones: 03 :headphones: 04 :headphones: 05 :headphones: 06 :headphones: 07 :headphones:
第7週目 08 :headphones: 09 :headphones: 10 ・ 11 :headphones: 12 :headphones: 13 ・ 14 :headphones:
第8週目 15 :headphones: 16 :headphones: 17 :headphones: 18 :headphones: 19 :headphones: 20 :headphones: 21 :headphones:
第9週目 22 :headphones: 23 :headphones: 24 :ear: 25 :headphones: 26 :headphones: 27 :headphones: 28 :headphones:
第10週目 29 :headphones: 30 :headphones: 31 :headphones:
第10週目 01 :headphones: 02 :headphones: 03 :headphones: 04 :headphones:
第11週目 05 :headphones: 06 :headphones: 07 :headphones: 08 :headphones: 09 :headphones: 10 :headphones: 11 :headphones:
第12週目 12 :headphones: 13 :headphones: 14 :headphones: 15 :headphones: 16 :headphones: 17 :headphones: 18 :headphones:
第13週目 19 :headphones: 20 :headphones: 21 :headphones: 22 :headphones: 23 :headphones: 24 :headphones: 25 :headphones:
秋の初 26 :headphones: 27 :headphones: 28 :headphones: 29 :headphones: 30 :headphones:

Progress :pick: (ordering may change)

See more at my all-round topic.

  • Committed
    • (Now at Ep.12) Death Note – Anime on Netflix (no sub) to watch along with manga
      • I won’t watch ahead of manga discussion, nonetheless.
    • (Now at Ep.43) HUNTER×HUNTER (1999)
  • Semi-committed
    • (Finished) やがて君になる – Anime on Netflix (with sub)
      • I think I got somewhat hooked with the series.
    • (Now at Ep.2) 進撃の巨人 – Anime on Netflix (without sub)
      • mariodesu さん made a reading topic with vocabulary Google Sheets
    • (Occasionally) Podcasts on Podbeans
    • Singing with sound recording
  • Potential
  • Dropped
    • (Now at Ep.4) Samurai Champloo
    • (Now at Ep.3) SPY x FAMILY – Anime on Netflix (with sub) to watch along with manga
      • Watching ahead is OK for this one. I have finished the first manga volume in advance.
    • (Dropped focus at around week 6) Read aloud with sound recording – will be progressed in each week’s home reply
Personal Background :back:

I have been to Japan many times. I was an exchange student with some alone travelling time, too. I know what Japanese sounds like, but I had to survive with my smartphone and dictionary app, nonetheless.

Also knows well that immersing in anime and dramas won’t magically work, unless I do something (but of course I don’t know how).

I hope that some clear planning and reflection will help, just like with reading.


Oooooh, now that’s a challenge I’d like to try! I mean, I am listening to the radio everyday in the morning while getting ready anyway, but I guess I’ll only count things on top of that. Probably just YouTube? If anyone knows a fun podcast, I’m also up for that, maybe.

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Maybe you already know this, but for difficulty Teppei has 3 different podcasts, the one you linked is his easiest and then there’s Nihongo con Teppei Z and Japanese with Teppei and Noriko where he talks to… Noriko and it’s another step up from the others. I started at Z (well back then it was prior to that and just “Nihongo con Teppei”) and then moved up to the co-hosted one and found that a nice early listening progression. Never tried it myself but Noriko has her own, too.


:loud_sound: :notes: windupbird’s summary post :loud_sound: :notes:

:sparkles: Challenge Progress and Links to Daily Posts :sparkles:

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= listened today
:books: = read today
:star2: = read and listened today
:heavy_multiplication_x: = missed day

Preliminary Thoughts on How I Will Approach This Challenge

Sooo first things first, I think I will be modifying this to be an “every other day” challenge so that I can accommodate the Read Every Day challenge along with it. I am also not going to hold myself to doing all my listening without English subtitles - I feel like that might be controversial (?) but I don’t particularly want to confine myself to “things I can understand pretty fully without subtitle assistance” because my auditory understanding is so limited that “what I can pretty fully understand without subtitle assistance” is pretty narrow and boring atm :upside_down_face: I have tried the beginner Nihongo con Teppei podcast previously, and found it generally comprehensible without any sort of written text assistance, but that…doesn’t really interest me :joy: The only saving grace of that one is that each episode is very short so they’re easy to get through without too much of a time commitment. I’m not writing it off completely, I may sprinkle it in, but I also want to keep the primary focus on enjoyment. I don’t want this to feel like a chore. Japanese subtitles are certainly an option for some things, and I’ll definitely be giving them a try, but I suspect that my reading speed in Japanese is probably not equal to subtitle speed unless the language is pretty simple, so I’m not sure how much help they’ll be. But maybe I’m wrong! I honestly haven’t tried it, so maybe it’ll be easier than I think and I’ll be able to manage with Japanese subtitles only. Tbd.

I’m not much of a podcast person (even in English), and I struggle to pay prolonged attention to verbal things that don’t have any sort of accompanying visual, so I’m thinking most of my listening will be in the context of watching a show or video of some kind. Ideally I’d like to do a mix of listening w/English subtitles, listening w/Japanese subtitles (hopefully I can figure out how to get those on stuff :upside_down_face:) and listening without subtitles. I think that what may work is to watch things I’ve previously seen and enjoyed with English subtitles, while taking away the crutch of English subtitles. There are also some things I would enjoy watching even when I understand nothing, so those could be good options for non-subtitle listening as well xD

Ideas for Listening Materials - A Stream of Consciousness List

Things that come to mind immediately (y’all are gonna be like what is this list :joy:)

  • I recently binge-watched every episode of はじめてのおつかい on Netflix (with English subtitles) and I loved it, so that might be a good one to try rewatching without subtitles. The language seemed pretty simple. Idk what it is, I’m not really a kid person, but those kids are so cute :joy: Honestly if anyone has any recommendations for shows that have a similar wholesome vibe to this show, please let me know.
  • There’s also that movie 泣きたい私は猫をかぶる on Netflix that I’ve been wanting to watch forever - maybe now would be a good time xD This one I would probably watch with English subtitles.
  • I have a random/niche fascination with Miura Ayme as the voice of Asmodeus in Obey Me! and I know there’s some youtube content with him related to that so I’m thinking I might watch more of that (this falls into the category of “things I would enjoy watching even when I understand nothing” :joy: Idk, he’s kind of adorable in a weird way and I just like hearing him talk :woman_shrugging: )
  • I have a DVD collection of Ghibli movies (that may or may not be legit, idk, I bought it off some random website without thinking too much about it :joy:) - I’ve seen many of those with English subtitles before, so that might be another option. I believe the DVD was supposed to have subtitle options.
  • I have audio CDs for 囀る鳥は羽ばたかない - idk if I will get to those because I found manga quite difficult, but :woman_shrugging: They’re there, thanks to my tendency to impulse-buy things that are way above my level :joy: Maybe an option for passive listening while doing something else.
  • I could always rewatch some of my old favorite anime, Free! or Yuri on Ice. Maybe I could finally get around to watching the newer season/movies of Free! :eyes:
  • Maybe I could even watch a new anime :eyes: That’s a thought
  • Another idea I just had would be reading along with an audio book, though I’m not sure my reading abilities are fast enough/good enough for that to really work the way I’d like it to xD
  • Here’s a big brain idea, watch some grammar videos in Japanese and kill two birds with one stone (I probably won’t but it would probably benefit me to do it xD)

Something like this I need, it helped wonders with the reading ones

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What topics do you like? I sometimes listen to this podcast: ‎„Rebuild“ auf Apple Podcasts
The format is that the host talks to another person (a different one in each episode), and they usually geek out about programming or digital gadgets or stuff like that, while also doing smalltalk about day-to-day stuff (usually in the first part).
Granted, I don’t understand everything they’re saying (especially when it comes to specialized vocabulary) but I absolutely love the voice and the speaking style of the host, so what can I do :sweat_smile: