🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Summer 2023 🏖 ☀

Welcome to the “Listen Every Single Day” Challenge, Summer 2023 edition! :beach_umbrella: :sunny:

A little history: Last summer, @KJules had the awesome idea to start a Listen Every Day Challenge, where we challenged ourselves to listen to something in Japanese every day. This was inspired by the also awesome Read Every Day Challenge, which has been going on continuously since 2021 with great success.

If you missed the previous Listen Every Day Challenges, feel free to jump in on this one - we would love to have more people join in the fun! Whether you’re an expert at listening or just starting out, everyone is welcome to participate.

So what is it? This is a place to set your own goals for listening, and to share what you’re listening to with all of the rest of us! This will be a positive, encouraging space to share and get advice from each other, or just to keep a study log for yourself. Make it into something that works for you!

Whether you are an expert or just starting out, everyone is welcome to participate in this challenge! To quote @KJUles quoting @windupbird quoting @Redglare ( :grin:):

This is a thread for people who:

:bookmark: want to spend time more time listening
:bookmark: want to improve their comprehension
:bookmark: want to hold themselves accountable and have a place to document their progress
:bookmark: simply want to join in on the challenge!

Time frame: July 1 - August 31

This is the “official” recommended time frame, but late starters are absolutely welcome! This thread will be up and running until the end of June, so you can start and finish your personal challenge at any point during that time, and shorten or lengthen the challenge to the time period that works best for you.

Your listening materials can be whatever you want, anime, podcasts, youtube videos, audiobooks, TV, JLPT listening quizzes - you name it, anything goes as long as it is something in Japanese :jp:. “Listening” can be interpreted creatively, if that helps keep you motivated!

Would you like to participate?
  • Yes
  • Yes, but I might start late
  • Not sure
  • No
0 voters

Archive of past challenge threads

🔉 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge (Summer Edition) 🏖
🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Fall 2022 🍁
🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Winter 2023 ❄ 🧤
🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Spring 2023 🌼 🌱

Threads worth checking out:

Kurzgesagt Watching Club :earth_americas:

What do you listen to for Japanese practice?

Extensive Listening Challenge 2022

The community worked together to compile a list of the resources they like here. Please check it out if you’re looking for advice, and add to it if you have something you think others would like!

Calendar template if you'd like to use one.
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To get these calendars, just copy and paste the text underneath into your post. Feel free to modify as you like.

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Feel free to add your username to the list!
Note: please try to keep this alphabetical

Username Date Joined Days Completed
amendo8 July 1 none so far
Daisoujou July 2 :person_shrugging:
D4rkD0rk Aug 7 none so far
eefara July 1 :skull_and_crossbones:
enbyboiwonder July 1 6
fallynleaf September 1 30/30
Javerend July 1 home thread
Jojo_Sunshine July 5 home thread
lucylavelle July 1 See Here
Nicole216 July 2 home post
omk3 July 1 none so far
Pflaumentee July 1 none so far
polv July 1 -1
rikaiwisdom July 1 :cookie:
snowwater July 1 none so far
taiyousea :flamingo: July 1 home thread
Twelvewishes July 1 home post
windupbird Aug 1 home thread

Hmmm. I really want to participate, since I’ve been trying to put a bit more emphasis on my listening, but I’m so inconsistent. :< Trying to decide if posting here would be enough to get me to be more consistently motivated…


Excited to participate!!


I want to start listening more—rather, have been wanting to start listening more but never really gotten anywhere. Participating in the reading challenge definitely helped when I was still struggling to read every day, so hopefully this will help. Currently I do listening practice, like, less than once a week or something, I don’t even know (last week where I watched a few eps of anime every day was an outlier). I downloaded all the audio dramas and little 朗読s and the like that I have to my phone to make it easier ages ago, and most of them have still gone unlistened to. (Yes, even while I still continue to buy the odd drama CD.)

I’ll probably mostly just be listening/re-listening to the same things. I’m also probably going to end up tuning much of it out even if I don’t start out doing anything else at the same time, because ADHD and auditory processing issues (I do much better with audiovisual media than with purely audio). But something in the background is still better than nothing at all, right?

Unlike in the reading challenges, I won’t be keeping track in this home post what all I’ve listened to, partially because it’s likely mostly gonna be all the same stuff and do I really wanna mark down that I listened to the 2.43 audio dramas 10 separate times in a month? but mostly because I’m never really sure whether to count something as listened to when I unintentionally tuned out and/or didn’t understand 90+% of it…

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If, when the time comes, I decide to continue into September, I’ll add that calendar. I don’t even know if I’ll be doing this every day or not, as my main priority is still reading.


:desert_island::sunny: taiyousea’s home thread

:round_pushpin: Study Log
:bookmark: Natively

Planned Resources:
:loud_sound: :sun_behind_rain_cloud: 天気の子 / Weathering With You (小説)
:loud_sound: :desktop_computer: 色々な Youtube / Japan Vlogs
:loud_sound: :blue_book: Tobira (passage companion audio)

:sunny::palm_tree: July Listening Updates

Latest Listening Update:

Date Resource(s)

:headphones: :desert_island: :flamingo: 七月 :flamingo: :desert_island: :headphones:
02 03 04 ⌂ 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 – 15 –
16 17 18 19 20 21 – 22
23 – 24 25 26 – 27 28 29 –
30 – 31

⌂ = いない

:spiral_calendar: Date :iphone: Resource :loud_sound: Time
July 10 :sun_behind_rain_cloud: 天気の子 06:41
July 9 :desktop_computer: 花組公演『うたかたの恋』 06:00
July 8 :blue_book: 上級への「とびら」『武道』Pt. 1 04:14
July 7 :desktop_computer: AkaneTeki Listening Vlog (KFC) 14:58
July 6 :blue_book: 上級への「とびら」『ロボット』 08:31
July 5 :blue_book: 上級への「とびら」会話 1-3 04:17
July 3 :sun_behind_rain_cloud: 天気の子 (Prologue Pt. 3) 06:29
:desktop_computer: メイキングドキュメンタリー 03:06
:desktop_computer: 新海誠:監督作品集 03:05
July 2 :sun_behind_rain_cloud: 天気の子 12:10
July 1 :sun_behind_rain_cloud: 天気の子 10:11
June 30 :desktop_computer: Japan Weather Broadcast 06:50
:desktop_computer: NHK News Web Easy 01:54


:headphones::desert_island: taiyousea’s listening challenge :flamingo::loud_sound:
my study log

July 1st:
:speaker: (何と言う)(time / chapters)

(Notes, updates, things I noticed, etc.)

zoom back to home thread


Count me in! I really fell off the listening bandwagon during June, so I’m glad that its Summer Challenge time so I can get back on track!

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Progress Report
  • July 1st
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 145-146
    • JapanesePod101 - Must-Know Expressions for Agreeing and Disagreeing
  • July 2nd
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 147-148
  • July 3rd
    • Shadows House - No Subs - Episode 2
  • July 4th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 149-151
  • July 5th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 152-153
  • July 6th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 154
  • July 7th
    • Lesson
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 155
  • July 8th
    • Lesson
  • July 9th
    • Shadows House - No Subs - Episode 3
  • July 10th
    • Shadows House - No Subs - Episode 4
  • July 11th
    • Shadows House - No Subs - Episode 5
  • July 12th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 156-158
  • July 13th
    • Shadows House - No Subs - Episode 6
  • July 14th
    • Lesson
  • July 15th
    • Lesson
  • July 16th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 158-160
  • July 17th
    • Terrace House: Boys and Girls in the city - En Subs - Episode 23
  • July 18th
    • Terrace House: Boys and Girls in the city - En Subs - Episode 24
  • July 19th
    • Terrace House: Boys and Girls in the city - En Subs - Episode 25
  • July 20th
    • Terrace House: Boys and Girls in the city - En Subs - Episode 26
  • July 21st
    • Lesson
    • Terrace House: Boys and Girls in the city - En Subs - Episode 27
  • July 22nd
    • Terrace House: Boys and Girls in the city - En Subs - Episode 28
  • July 23rd
    • Terrace House: Boys and Girls in the city - En Subs - Episode 29-30
  • July 24th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 161-162
  • July 25th
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 163-164
  • July 26th
    • Shadows House - No Subs - Episode 7
  • July 27th
    • JapanesePod101 - Lower Intermediate S1 - Lesson 23
    • Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners - Episode 165
  • July 28th
    • Lesson
  • July 29th
    • JapanesePod101 - Lower Intermediate S1 - Lesson 24
  • July 30th
    • Shadows House - No Subs - Episode 8
  • July 31st
    • Shadows House - No Subs - Episode 9

:beach_umbrella: :sunny: polv’s Listening Challenge of Q3 2023 Home Post

Probably audiobook would be a major material. I have Audible JP now, and many LN have 朗読.

Easier podcasts on downtime, but maybe I would try harder ones too.

A goal is to post a decent summary.

Symbols: is more satisfactory than . Otherwise, probably just ・

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I’ve been basically doing my version of this thing mixed with some general study log and dumping ground vibez over here, except a few houserules, because I like to cheat myself by laying rules that play into my worst qualities.


I’m getting better about automatically practicing listening as well as the other skills but I could still use this challenge as a motivator. The content that everybody shares here gets me past the days when I don’t want to look at any of my routine material.

Recently, I’m too busy to watch Movies on a regular basis. Plus, I’m reading much more than last time around. Actually listening to something everyday may be more difficult this time. I have to play Zero Escape nearly everyday to keep up with that club though, and I count that as practice. Especially when I have time to sit back with a previously read section on auto mode.

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I have been motivated to listen every day recently and that’s great; mostly podcasts in the morning, on my way to work, and in the gym. I started rewatching Rick and Morty in Japanese; I understand some phrases but I am only enjoying it because I have watched it in English before. I am to sentence mining but only doing those vocabulary after I finish the N3 decks I am doing (taking JLPT N4 on Sunday but makes no sense waiting since I want to be good at Japanese overall).

Let’s hope my motivation and discipline continues.


:ocean: :leaves: :watermelon: Javerend’s Home Post :watermelon: :leaves: :ocean:

Hello again everyone! :grin: Glad to be back. Last challenge, I made it my goal to just get some japanese in my ears every day, and kinda play around and figure out what kinds of things I enjoyed listening to/watching.

For this challenge, I’d like to set a little more measurable goal: listen to 10 minutes of japanese audio every day. This can be whatever; streams, videos, podcasts, audiobooks, test practice, music, pretty much anything as long as I’m actually trying to process what I’m listening to.

I also have the 新完全マスター N3 listening practice book, and during this challenge I’d like to make a bigger dent in it. But, because I really hate doing test practice, I’m not gonna worry too much about hard focusing on those, I’ll just do some as I see fit. My primary focus is still reading, so I probably won’t be updating every day here unless I do something notable or want to share a particularly good video or something, but I look forward to seeing what everyone is doing! :grin:

And as always, thanks to @omk3 for hosting!

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Links and Past Threads


Currently watching LoTR 1 in Japanese. May switch to Hobbit since its going to be removed in 3 days from Amazon Prime Video. My level is not close to it but I have watched numerous times in English.


Since I fell of the wagon doing the last challenge, I feel conflicted joining again but I will try my best to beat my inconsistency this time. Currently listening to Nihongo con Teppei and some chatting in japanese videos. My goal for this challenge will be upadating everyday, even if I don’t do extraordinary amounts of listening, and going until the end! Instead of sprinting, I will just try the marathon this time :sloth:

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Snowwater’s home post :snowflake: :droplet:

Heh, I was already considering 1) creating a study log thread for myself, and 2) increasing listening practice, so this thread came in at a great time. I used to listen to quite a few Japanese podcasts (Noriko, Teppei, あかね的日本語), but I just lost the habit. Since I’ve joined several reading/book clubs in the forums, I feel like I’ve made good progress in reading, but listening got left behind. So my aim is to get back to it in the next few months. I am participating in the Kurzgesagt Watching Club :earth_americas:, which has been really great so far, but perhaps I’ll also look for other media such as movies and anime to complement my listening. I hope to be able to do a bit every day!

*Edited because I’ll have guests over this weekend and I won’t even try to trick myself into thinking I’ll get any studying done by then, so I’m shifting my start date to the 3rd.

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Listening to Shun podcasts although I find him boring, most topics are easy to understand. Also halfway through LoTR 2. Realize Hobbit is too boring to watch since its not close to my level and even in English I find it was never as engaging as LoTR.


Hey there, long time no see.

Just wanted to let you know that the Kurzgesagt Watch Club has its vote ending tomorrow. If you want to participate, it’s prime time to vote for the videos that interest you.


eefara’s home post

Well, I’m 100% not going to be able to make it every day, but I’m going to give it a shot to at least see a more overall distribution of my listening; do I listen as infrequently as I believe? Or is it not all that bad? I’d like to average some sort of listening activity three times per week, ideally.

Instead of checkboxes I’ll be replacing the day with an appropriate icon for thing listened to; I’m counting on having a pretty calendar being a source of motivation to update at the very least, haha.

:sailboat: - Flesh&Blood drama CD
:microscope: - Kurzgesagt video
:hibiscus: - 華doll drama CD
:tv: - Anime/Movie/TV show
:books: - Audiobook
:studio_microphone: - Podcast
:headphones: - Any other activity

:sailboat: :studio_microphone:
:hibiscus: :hibiscus: :microscope: :microscope: 07 08 09
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On my commute I continue to listen to podcasts. I have started Japanese with Noriko which isn’t that exciting but its comprehensible i+1 as they say. I finished LoTR part 3 yesterday and I plan to do Pride and Prejudice in Japanese later because “Mr. Darcy” and while it is way above my level I have watched it about 3 times in English so I will be okay.


:loud_sound: :notes: windupbird’s summary post :loud_sound: :notes:

:sparkles: Challenge Progress and Links to Daily Posts :sparkles:

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As usual, I’m planning to start late and do a 1-month challenge instead, but I’ll make my home post now ^^ Last challenge, I had a lot of success with walking videos and videos of real-life everyday conversations (or as I like to call them, videos on how to be a person in Japan). I’ll probably try to look for more of that type of content unless something else catches my eye between now and then.

Previous challenge summary posts

Summer 2022 Challenge :beach_umbrella:
Fall 2022 Challenge :maple_leaf:
Winter 2022 Challenge :snowflake::gloves:
Spring 2023 Challenge :blossom::seedling: