📚📚 Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 🏖 ☀

Ready for my third read every day challenge! I was able to complete both the winter and spring challenges without missing a single day, so hopefully I’ll be able to continue my perfect streak for this one!

Week 26
Week 27
Week 28
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 32
Week 33
Week 34
Week 35

= Japanese
= Japanese and Spanish

Like last time, I’m aiming to read something in both Spanish and Japanese every day! I’ve been neglecting my Spanish reading in favor of practicing my listening, so it’ll be good to finally get back to the book I’m reading. :sweat_smile:

I’ll be coming into this challenge right out of the listen every day challenge, which I did for most of June. Going forward, my plan is to alternate the two and do the read every day challenge during the main two-month challenge period, and then the listen every day challenge during the off month. As long as I want to work on both languages, I know that I can’t keep up with both challenges at the same time, unfortunately.

As always, I won’t be posting very frequent updates in this thread, though I’ll try to check in at least occasionally. For more detailed posts about my reading, see either my study log or the pro wrestling thread.

What I'm reading in Spanish:

The main thing I’m reading right now is a parallel text book in Spanish and English about local history. It’s really good so far, and I’m really, really enjoying it :blush:.

I should be finishing it a week or so in, so I’ll be choosing another book after that, and I’m not entirely sure what exactly I’ll be reading! I own a couple books that I want to read, but they’re both a little hard, for different reasons, and I’m considering checking out another library book to read instead, because I think reading something a little closer to my level will help me improve faster.

I also started watching La Casa de las Flores for the listening challenge, but I’m watching it with Spanish subtitles, so it’s also reading practice :sweat_smile:. I might end up using that for this challenge as well, because I think there’s an argument for it counting for both.

What I'm reading in Japanese:

Same as last time! I’m primarily going to be translating Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling recaps and post-match comments, and then maybe reading some more of 大海原と大海原 volume 3 if I run out of wrestling translations to do (which doesn’t happen often).

I’m also going to be trying to keep watching TJPW’s new show on youtube, 夢プロレス-dream on the ring-, which is like a very small scale competition show where four women in the entertainment industry are competing for the chance to become a wrestler. The episodes are short and also entirely subtitled in Japanese, so I’ve been using them for listening practice, but my listening is very poor, so it ends up being almost entirely reading practice :sweat_smile:. I can only follow them with very extensive pausing and looking stuff up.