🔉 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge (Summer Edition) 🏖

Jul 27, Wed of Week 5 of Summer :beach_umbrella: 2022

Today’s story is 狼の恩返し (:studio_microphone:), from ひさこばあばのむかしむかし.

Story impression

Going through a dangerous path to get a doctor? – The doctor probably won’t come back with you.

Anyway, he can already do a 度胸な手術.

I read ()()(なか) wrong.

Then, I took a look more at NHK for School on ひょうたんからコトバ part (1 session = 15 minutes); and anime with Language Reactor. Also took a look at news posted above, and in YouTube. I felt like cheating, because I can read with visual cues by picking out vocabularies (and by other pictures). Half Kana’d vocabularies aren’t really problematic either, as long as those vocabularies are known.

Indeed, probably text matching with audio is necessary, but audio alone and audio unrelated to text should give another lesson.

I also played Yakuza 0 and DMC 5, but didn’t really have time, so just watched cinematics to the playable part. Cinematics can’t be paused or rewind, but it didn’t matter much this time, really.

I will probably try particle picking, when focusing more on listening, even if the listening doesn’t make much sense in total. (I might also be able to put Kodansha’s reference into use.)