🔉 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge (Summer Edition) 🏖

Summary Post

July 31st
What did I listen to?: Obey Me! Boys in the House Ep 1
How much time did I spend listening?: 18 min

I started this Youtube series today - trying to pace myself so I won’t be fumbling for things to listen to during the week when I’m busy :joy: But I love this so much lol, the seven VAs are so fun together :purple_heart:

Highlights (hidden for big pictures lmao)

When they’re talking about potentially making the sheep plushies available as merch, Baby Satoshi is a whole entire mood:

Same, sir. Same.

And I need to appreciate Baby Satoshi’s handwriting (calligraphy?) because wth, why is his handwriting so pretty all the time

Satan’s VA, on the other hand, wrote a kanji wrong :joy: (Bonus points if you spot it)

Answer: he forgot a line in 名, leading them to joke that it actually says クロ探偵 xD I was pleased that I was able to understand this joke :joy: And then Beel’s VA:

:joy: Savage

I love them and I can’t wait to watch more of these xD