🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Fall 2023 🍁 🍂 - Volunteer needed to keep the challenge going!

Welcome to the “Listen Every Single Day” Challenge, Fall/Autumn 2023 edition! :maple_leaf: :fallen_leaf:

A little history: In the summer of 2022, @KJules had the awesome idea to start a Listen Every Day Challenge, where we challenged ourselves to listen to something in Japanese every day. This was inspired by the also awesome Read Every Day Challenge, which has been going on continuously since 2021 with great success.

If you missed the previous Listen Every Day Challenges, feel free to jump in on this one - we would love to have more people join in the fun! Whether you’re an expert at listening or just starting out, everyone is welcome to participate.

So what is it? This is a place to set your own goals for listening, and to share what you’re listening to with all of the rest of us! This will be a positive, encouraging space to share and get advice from each other, or just to keep a study log for yourself. Make it into something that works for you!

Whether you are an expert or just starting out, everyone is welcome to participate in this challenge! To quote @KJUles quoting @windupbird quoting @Redglare ( :grin:):

This is a thread for people who:

:bookmark: want to spend time more time listening
:bookmark: want to improve their comprehension
:bookmark: want to hold themselves accountable and have a place to document their progress
:bookmark: simply want to join in on the challenge!

Time frame: October 1 - November 30

This is the “official” recommended time frame, but late starters are absolutely welcome! This thread will be up and running until the end of June, so you can start and finish your personal challenge at any point during that time, and shorten or lengthen the challenge to the time period that works best for you.

Your listening materials can be whatever you want, anime, podcasts, youtube videos, audiobooks, TV, JLPT listening quizzes - you name it, anything goes as long as it is something in Japanese :jp:. “Listening” can be interpreted creatively, if that helps keep you motivated!

Would you like to participate?
  • Yes
  • Yes, but I might start late
  • Not sure
  • No
0 voters

Archive of past challenge threads

🔉 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge (Summer Edition) 🏖
🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Fall 2022 🍁
🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Winter 2023 ❄ 🧤
🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Spring 2023 🌼 🌱
Listen Every Day Challenge - Summer 2023 🏖 ☀

Threads worth checking out:

Kurzgesagt Watching Club :earth_americas:

What do you listen to for Japanese practice?

Extensive Listening Challenge 2022

There’s also a list of resources here. Please check it out if you’re looking for advice, and add to it if you have something you think others would like!

Calendar template if you'd like to use one.
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To get these calendars, just copy and paste the text underneath into your post. Feel free to modify as you like.

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Feel free to add your username to the list!
Note: please try to keep this alphabetical

Username Date Joined Days Completed
aynnej October 1 see home thread
CandyKale October 1 see home thread
EBB October 1 :smile:
eefara October 1 38
fallynleaf December 1 31/31
hotdogsuplex October 2 48/61
Javerend October 1 see home thread
Jojo_Sunshine November 8 see home thread
Kaarssteun October 3 see home thread
lucylavelle October 1 0
mmb October 1 see home thread
mortiii October 1 yes
nyanko_san October 1 0
omk3 October 1 ?
polv October 1 :person_shrugging:
ricebabe0611 October 1 see home thread
snowwater October 1 see home thread
soggyboy October 1 see home thread
sudipabhattacharya October 1 Home Thread🏠
taiyousea October 1 see home thread
Twelvewishes October 1 see home post
yuetu October 1 home post :moon_cake:

Don’t know if these are common knowledge, but a few YouTube channels I follow for just this reason:
mikurealjapanese https://www.youtube.com/@mikurealjapanese3804/videos
Speak Japanese Naturally https://www.youtube.com/@SpeakJapaneseNaturally/videos
あかね的日本語教室 https://www.youtube.com/@Akane-JapaneseClass/videos


In a strange burst of bravado I signed up for the N3 test in December, and will need to desperately practice listening for the next 2 months to have even the slightest chance of passing. :sweat_smile:
Thanks for running this challenge again @omk3, I definitely need the motivation!

I’ll probably mostly be listening to N3 related things, but I’ll try to fit in some fun stuff too.

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Progress Report

Signing up once more; checking these little boxes is a little bit of motivation, and I need all I can get. :muscle: I did so-so in the previous challenge; not quite once a week, but that’s my next goal for consistency.

Instead of checkboxes I’ll be replacing the day with an appropriate icon for thing listened to.

:sailboat: - Flesh&Blood drama CD
:hibiscus: - 華doll drama CD
:tv: - Anime/Movie/TV show
:books: - Audiobook
:studio_microphone: - Podcast
:headphones: - Any other activity

:bat: :jack_o_lantern: :bat:
:books: :books: :books: :studio_microphone::books: :books: :books: :tv:
:books::tv: :studio_microphone: :studio_microphone: :books::tv: :sailboat: :books: :tv:
:books: :books: :books: :headphones: :books: :books: :books: 22
:books: :books: :books: :books: 27 28 29
30 31
:fallen_leaf: :turkey:
01 02 :x: :books: :x:
:x: :x: :x: :x: :x: :books: :tv: :x:
:tv: :tv: :books: :studio_microphone: :books: :tv: 17 18 :tv:
:books: :books: :books: :books: 24 25 :tv:
27 28 :books: :books:

Sounds great! I’ve already been doing that but I’m happy to participate anyway. :slightly_smiling_face:

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October log
  • Oct 1
    • Nihongo Con Teppei Z: 500,501 (~ 27 min)
    • Nihongo Con Teppei SLEEP ~ 14 episodes (~ 1 hour)
  • Oct 2
  • Oct 3
    • Japanese with Teppei and Noriko: 2 episodes (~ 45 min)
  • Oct 4
    • various Nihongo Con Teppei episodes (~ 45 min)
  • Oct 5
    • various Nihongo Con Teppei episodes (~ 60 min)
  • Oct 6
    • various Nihongo Con Teppei episodes (~ 40 min)
  • Oct 7
    • Nihongo Con Teppei Z (~ 30 min)
  • Oct 8
  • Oct 9
    • Nihongo Con Teppei SLEEP (~ 15 min)
  • Oct 10
    • Nihongo Con Teppei Z (~ 15 min)
  • Oct 11
    • Nihongo Con Teppei SLEEP (~ 15 min)
  • Oct 12
    • Nihongo Con Teppei Z (~ 15 min)
  • Oct 13
    • Nihongo Con Teppei SLEEP (~ 15 min)
  • Oct 14
    • Nihongo Con Teppei Z (~ 15 min)
  • Oct 15
    • Nihongo Con Teppei SLEEP (~ 20 min)
  • Oct 16
    • Nihongo Con Teppei Z (~ 30 min)
  • Oct 17
    • Nihongo Con Teppei Z (~ 15 min)
  • Oct 18
    • Nihongo Con Teppei Z (~ 20 min)
  • Oct 19
    • Japanese with Teppei and Noriko: 2 episodes (~ 45 min)
  • Oct 20
    • Japanese with Teppei and Noriko (~ 20 min)
    • Nihongo Con Teppei Z (~ 20 min)
  • Oct 18
    • Dr.STONE NEW WORLD (~ 45 min)
  • Oct 22
    • Dr.STONE NEW WORLD (~ 45 min)
    • Nihongo Con Teppei Z (~ 15 min)
  • Oct 23
    • Nihongo Con Teppei SLEEP (~ 20 min)

notes: I like to listen to podcasts at 1.2x / 1.3x speed to save some time so the actual duration is lower.

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I lost track of what I was listening to but I did complete all the days! c:


:headphones: :mushroom: taiyousea’s home thread :fallen_leaf: :loud_sound:

:round_pushpin: Study Log | :bookmark: Natively

Planned Resources:
:loud_sound: :desktop_computer: 色々な Youtube / Japan Vlogs
:loud_sound: :blue_book: Textbook Companion Audio
:loud_sound: :memo: JLPT N3 Practice Audio

:spider::spider_web: Listening Progress :spider_web::spider:

:headphones: :jack_o_lantern: 十月 :jack_o_lantern: :headphones:
01 02 03 04 05 06 – 07 –
08 – 09 10 11 12 – 13 14
15 – 16 17 18 19 20 – 21
22 23 24 – 25 26 – 27 – 28
29 30 31 –

⌂ = いない

:spiral_calendar: Date :iphone: Resource :loud_sound: Time
Oct 23 :desktop_computer: 【映画風に観る】FINAL FANTASY X HD Remaster :ocean: 35:12
Oct 22 :desktop_computer: 【映画風に観る】FINAL FANTASY X HD Remaster :ocean: ~45:00
:memo: 日本語の森 JLPT N3 言葉プレイリスト ~9:00
Oct 21 :desktop_computer: 【映画風に観る】FINAL FANTASY X HD Remaster :ocean: 42:49
Oct 19 :memo: 日本語の森 JLPT N3 言葉プレイリスト 8:42
:desktop_computer: 旅する美少女ハンター三人組!:1【FFX-2】:dancer::crystal_ball: 22:38
Oct 18 :desktop_computer: 永遠のナギ節、新しい旅の始まり:0【FFX-2】:dancer::crystal_ball: 18:16
:memo: 日本語の森 JLPT N3 言葉プレイリスト 8:32
Oct 17 :desktop_computer: [「ファイナルファンタジーX-2 (PS4)」:dancer::crystal_ball: 18:52
:desktop_computer: 夜ふかしおっちょ【星のカービィ ディスカバリー】:star2: 11:50
Oct 16 :memo: 日本語の森 JLPT N3 言葉プレイリスト 12:39
Oct 14 :memo: 日本語の森 JLPT N3 言葉プレイリスト 4:27
Oct 13 :desktop_computer: 夜ふかしおっちょ【星のカービィ ディスカバリー】:star2: 18:42
:memo: 日本語の森 JLPT N3 言葉プレイリスト 5:01
Oct 11 :memo: 日本語の森 JLPT N3 言葉プレイリスト ~9:00
Oct 10 :memo: JLPT N3 Listening Practice ~16:00
Oct 9 :desktop_computer: 【ASMR風】ささやき声 :night_with_stars::sparkles:【Unpacking】:package: 35:12
Oct 5 :desktop_computer: 【ASMR風】ささやき声 :night_with_stars::sparkles:【Unpacking】:package: 1:05:21
Oct 4 :blue_book: 新完全マスター N3 Practice Audio ~7:00
Oct 3 :memo: JLPT N3 Listening Practice 5:08
:desktop_computer:「大奥」Season 2 Summary 2:01
:desktop_computer: Takarazuka Revue: Promo for “Genroku Baroque Rock" 5:44
Oct 2 :desktop_computer: Interview w/『遠巷説百物語』author Kyōgoku Natsuhiko 9:36
:desktop_computer: Takarazuka Revue: Promo for “Augustus" “Cool Beast” 6:28
:memo: JLPT N3 Listening Practice 4:47
Oct 1 :desktop_computer: Miku’s Life Update / Bali Life 14:36


:headphones::mushroom: taiyousea’s listening challenge :fallen_leaf::loud_sound:
my study log

October 1st:
:speaker: (何と言う)(time / chapters)

(Notes, updates, things I noticed, etc.)

zoom back to home thread

listening and vocab are my two weakest JLPT sections, so while i go hard in vocab learning i will also be diving into this listening challenge!! i was really enjoying listening to an audiobook with the summer challenge until life got in the way toward the end of july. this is my redemption arc! :man_running:


I was horribly busy for the past few months so fell off reading both of last season’s listening and reading threads but I’ll try to keep up this time around. I’m mostly just in it to socialize though as my Japanese media habit is well established :joy:


:fallen_leaf: :jack_o_lantern: :maple_leaf:Javerend’s Home Post: :maple_leaf: :jack_o_lantern: :fallen_leaf:

Hello again everyone! I fell off pretty hard on doing daily listening in the last challenge, but as it’s still my weakest area (at least, of the ones on the JLPT) I really should try to do a better job of working those ears out a bit :smile:

My main goal is to listen to something every day from now until the JLPT in december: whether that’s podcasts, movies, youtube videos, or narrated audio from games/visual novels.

In the time between challenges, I started putting together a japanese youtube channel specifically to use the algorithm to my advantage and recommend me more japanese language videos rather than learner focused videos and have had great success with that so far!

I have also been starting to watch grammar videos before bed (on my english yt), from 日本語と旅, I’d like to make it all the way through the N2 ones during this challenge.

Other than that, just trying to keep at it and trust that my brain is working and figuring stuff out in the background!

As always, thanks to @omk3 for hosting :blue_heart:

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I will try to listen to 22-24 minutes of Japanese everyday (conveniently the length of most anime episodes :smile:)

Gillyweed’s Study Log - Campfire - WaniKani Community

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:maple_leaf::jack_o_lantern: snowwater’s home thread :snowflake::droplet:

I’m joining again to keep myself motivated to listen daily. I think the accountability during the summer challenge helped me to keep on track (though daily posts might be a bit too much, I dont know). But I noticed I haven’t been listening every day recently, and I’m starting a new job soon, so I’m worried I’ll just completely stop and then freak out before the JLPT in December :sweat_smile:

Main materials will be podcasts for now, as they will probably be the most accessible during my commute. But I’d like to include youtube videos (Kurzgesagt, vlogs, N3-directed practice) from time to time as well. I might edit this later.

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:maple_leaf: :fallen_leaf: polv’s Listening Challenge of Q4 2023 Home Post

I want to tone down my time-energy investment, but I want to ensure listening everyday.

Main materials are going to be podcasts and audiobooks. Maybe some YouTube or club materials sometimes.

Calendar to posts :calendar:

04 06 08
09 11 12 13 15
18 21
24 27
01 05
07 12
14 18
20 23 26

=> Summary


Did some listening :white_check_mark:

Without subtitles: eh, some words here and there
Reading Japanese subtitles: no problem (but is that really listening?)


I’d argue yes. I think of it like biking with training wheels. You’re training your brain to associate the sounds and the kanji and enforcing those connections, but with the Japanese subs steadying you and confirming when you’re right. So long as you keep trying without, you’ll be able to see your raw listening progress grow over time.
Very early on in my listening work I’d listen with JP subs (or listen to an audiobook with the text) and then relisten without to reinforce and IMO it worked very well.


I like YouTube for this the best, because I can either just let it play out and try to piece together what I understand (like real life), or I can pause after each sentence and try to figure out what I just heard. And it’s easy to replay the last 5 or 10 seconds with a keystroke. (back arrow = back 5 seconds, ‘J’ = back 10 seconds)

What I don’t like about YouTube is depending where on the screen the subtitles are, sometimes when it’s paused, the on-screen control graphics cover up the %^&* subtitles. Very annoying.

I was watching a J-Drama on Rakuten Viki, but the lack of a “go back” keyboard shortcut made it a little harder.


This kind of brings up a question that I’ve been wondering - what are some tactics that help you guys best improve your listening skill?

I’ve heard of some people who watch with subtitles first, then no subtitles after, or vice-versa, or only stick to no-text or with-text. I was just wondering what you guys have found works best for you? What feels productive and what might feel a little useless?

For me, listening without the text can become mentally exhausting very quickly as I try to parse everything that I’m hearing. But I wonder if that’s because I’m trying to actively listen to the entire thing rather than let it be passive?

So many questions :sweat_smile: I guess I’m just afraid of wasting my own time on something that I can’t tell if it’s helping or not, only to find out that everyone says it doesn’t actually work (or something like that… hmm)


I haven’t done this as systematically as some others on this site, but for learning vocabulary I generally have watched anime with English subtitles, and when a particular word or phrase catches my attention (either because it is somehow interesting to me or because I notice that it has been repeated several times - especially if the audio is clear) I will rewind and replay it as well as do a dictionary lookup.

That approach is less useful at learning grammar or general sentence parsing, however.


In my experience, any kind of listening helps. Passive, active, with Japanese subtitles, with English subtitles, without subtitles. I’ve never been systematic about it, but I’ve been doing a casual mix: I have mainly been watching movies/series with English subtitles on, listening to audiobooks while reading along, or watching youtube videos without any subtitles, sometimes passively and sometimes actively. I can confirm I’ve seen definite progress in my listening comprehension. Is this the most efficient approach? Probably not, but it’s the only sustainable one for me, as watching movies without understanding everything would be way too frustrating, and listening several times to the same thing would be way too boring for me. So my advice is, do what you find suits you best. Any kind of exposure to the language is still exposure, and every little thing you do helps.


Pretty much this.

@taiyousea - I had a more targeted approach, but that’s because it fit my personality type to do so. I wanted clear structure and methods where I could see my progress over time. In the very beginning I was using subs2srs to train my listening using shows I’ve already watched (note that this requires you to have copies of those shows on your computer…but there are also pre-made decks online for various shows if you look!) and that allowed me to practice in bite sized chunks every day, without mentally taxing myself too much. Seeing cards that had initially been horribly difficult become instant understanding let me see I was progressing.

I also used Satori Reader and would listen to a chapter to see how much I got, relisten with the text and look up whatever I needed to, then relisten without the text. Since the chapters are short this was very easy. You don’t need Satori Reader for this though - I’ve done the same with regular audiobooks, but Satori Reader was about where my comprehension level was at the time and the pieces are very small so it wasn’t too taxing.

Finally, rewatching something I’d seen with either English or Japanese subs, sans subs was helpful. This does require you find the content interesting enough to watch twice, though.


I find the one-or-two-sentences, then pause, ask myself if I understood that, fix it if I didn’t method WORKS the best (for me). But it’s tedious and I have to be in the mood. When I’m really feeling ambitious, I try to say the same sentence until I can smoothly. I think being able to say it helps your brain recognize it when you hear it.

But sometimes I also like to just listen for a while and see what I got out of it overall. Like when I watch the news in Japanese, did I get the basic information out of that story, even if I didn’t understand every sentence? It’s encouraging to know that some useful communication did occur, even as bad as I am.