Reading Vol. 12・ふらいんぐうぃっち・Flying Witch (Beginner Book Club) 🧹

Welcome to ふらいんぐうぃっち

We read this as the Beginner Book Club! We’re now continuing the series beyond volume 1 as an offshoot - check out that Beginner Book Club thread to see what we’re currently reading as our main pick.

Currently reading: Volume 12

If you want to take part… just buy the book and join in the discussion! We also recommend setting this thread to ‘watching’ so that you receive notifications when the discussion threads are posted.

Not sure if this book is for you? Check out the sample pages in the Nomination Post - remember that your fellow book club members and the vocab sheet will be here to help you out though :wink:

Buy the Book

Volume 1

Physical | CDJapan | Amazon JP
eBook | BookWalker | Kobo | Kindle

Volume 2

Physical | CDJapan | Amazon JP
eBook | BookWalker | Kobo | Kindle

Volume 3

Physical | CDJapan | Amazon JP
eBook | BookWalker | Kobo | Kindle

Volume 4

Physical | CDJapan | Amazon JP
eBook | BookWalker | Kobo | Kindle

Volume 5

Physical | CDJapan | Amazon JP
eBook | BookWalker | Kobo | Kindle

Volume 6

Physical | CDJapan | Amazon JP
eBook | BookWalker | Kobo | Kindle

Volume 7

Physical | CDJapan | Amazon JP
eBook | BookWalker | Kobo | Kindle

Volume 8

Physical | CDJapan | Amazon JP
eBook | BookWalker | Kobo | Kindle

Volume 9

Physical | CDJapan | Amazon JP
eBook | BookWalker | Kobo | Kindle

Volume 10

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eBook | BookWalker | Kobo | Kindle

If you haven’t used Amazon JP before, note that you will need a separate account.
CDJapan has (slow) economy shipping options available so is usually cheaper.

Discussion Threads & Reading Schedules

Volume 1
Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 October 19th Chapter 1 - 6年振りの不思議 3 - 19 17
Week 2 October 26th Chapter 1 - 6年振りの不思議 20 - 35 16
Week 3 November 2nd Chapter 2 - 道草は万能薬 37 - 61 25
Week 4 November 9th Chapter 3 - 国鳥は鳴き止まない 63 - 85 23
Week 5 November 16th Chapter 4 - 使い魔の活用法 87 - 109 23
Week 6 November 23rd Chapter 5 - 魔女への訪問者 111 - 133 23
Week 7 November 30th Chapter 6 - 魔術講座 135 - 158 24
Volume 2
Start Date           Chapter                         Page Numbers     Page Count
February 15th 7 - 夢と道端の幸せ 3 - 26 24
February 22nd 8 - 桜の中の占い師 29 - 55 27
February 29th 9 - 犬魔女と姉魔女 57 - 84 28
March 7th 10 - 千夏の決意 85 - 107 23
March 14th 11 - おかしなおかし 109 - 132 24
March 21st 12 - 春の山 133 - 156 24
Volume 3

Volume 3 Discussion Thread Home

Start Date   Chapter                                                      Page Numbers   Page Count
April 4th 13 - 喫茶個コンクルシオ 3 - 26 23
April 11th 14 - 常連の鳴き声 27 - 50 23
April 18th 15 - 明日の明日は今にある 53 - 77 24
April 25th 16 - 良薬は口に辛し 79 - 101 22
May 2nd 17 - シンブンヤとクジラ 103 - 126 23
May 9th 18 - フライパンとホットケーキの関係性 129 - 156 28
Volume 4

Volume 4 Discussion Thread Home

Start Date   Chapter                                                      Page Numbers   Page Count
May 16th 19 - 魔女のローブは十人十色 3 - 26 24
May 23rd 20 - 魔女の爪はアーモンド 29 - 52 24
May 30th 21 - 魔女蜂合わず 55 - 78 24
June 6th 22 - 煙草とオイルとコーヒーの香り 81 - 104 24
June 13th 23 - 春の日に兎を釣るように 106 - 130 25
June 20th 24 - 兎の逆立ち 133 - 156 24
Volume 5

Volume 5 Discussion Thread Home

Start Date   Chapter                                                      Page Numbers   Page Count
June 27th 25 - 障子に猫あり蝶蝶あり 3 - 24 21
July 4th 26 - 雨の降る日は機嫌が悪い 25 - 50 25
July 11th 27 - タイがエビを釣る 53 - 78 25
July 18th 28 - 一口物に喉が鳴く 79 - 105 26
July 25th 29 - 飛ぶ水たまり 107 - 134 27
August 1st 30 - 裏庭の魔法使い 137 - 163 26
Volume 6

Volume 6 Discussion Thread Home

Start Date           Chapter                                                          Page Numbers   Page Count
August 8th 31 - 初めて魔法記念日 3 - 28 26
August 15th 32 - 天地、夏冬、雪と墨 31 - 54 24
August 22nd 33 - 猫が来ても食休み 57 - 80 24
August 29th 34 - 亀の甲より年の劫 83 - 108 26
September 5th 35 - 複製される街 111 - 136 26
September 12th 36 - ナルナルの貴重な食事風景と捕獲方法 139 - 170 32
Volume 7

Volume 7 Discussion Thread Home

Start Date              Chapter                                             Page Numbers   Page Count
September 19th 37 - 魔女のあだ名 3 - 30 28
September 26th 38 - あっちの菓子折り 33 - 56 24
October 3rd 39 - 犬が?草を刈る 59 - 84 26
October 10th 40 - 走る薬草 87 - 114 28
October 17th 41 - 酒は魔女を釣る針 117 - 139 23
October 24th 42 - 見ざる聞かざる言わざる 141 - 169 29
Volume 8

Volume 8 Discussion Thread Home

Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
November 4th (Wed) 43 – からくり使い魔 3 - 26 24
November 11th (Wed) 44 – ここのつとコインと魔法使い 29 - 61 33
November 20th (Fri) 45 – 道草、近道、帰り道 63 - 90 28
November 27th (Fri) 46 – 凍る草には剥がれる影あり 93 - 117 25
December 4th (Fri) 47 – モッホにしてはいけないこと 119 - 142 24
December 11th (Fri) 48 – 夏の始まり、排球の屍 145 - 172 28
Volume 9

Volume 9 Discussion Thread Home

Start Date              Chapter                                             Page Numbers   Page Count
January 2nd 49 - カラスの口からカメラがあまる 3 - 26 24
January 9th 50 - 表の祭り、裏の祭り 29 - 53 25
January 16th 51 - 憧れのチョモランマ 57 - 79 23
January 23rd 52 - 友達は浜辺の守り神 83 - 108 26
January 30th 53 - マンドレイク・エボリューション 111 - 132 22
February 6th 54 - 仁王は食通 135 - 159 25

Volume 10 Discussion Thread Home

Volume 11 Discussion Thread Home

Current: Volume 12

Volume 12 Discussion Thread Home

Vocabulary List


Volume 1 Membership

Are you planning to read ふらいんぐうぃっち with us?

  • Yes
  • Yes, but I might start late
  • No
  • Not sure

0 voters

Volume 2 Membership

Volume 3 Membership



Flying Witch has six chapters which are each around 23 pages long. I think we should follow an overall schedule of one chapter per week, but the first chapter is substantially longer (as they often are) at 33 pages. We do often start out with a slower pace to help people ease in anyway.

How long do you think we should spend on the first chapter?

  • One week
  • Two weeks

0 voters


If you’re joining us for this book, which version are you planning to read?

  • Physical
  • eBook

0 voters


This will be my first “book” with the BBC. I’m excited but also scared when looking at the weekly amount. I should be able to do it, I’m just not sure how much else I can read at the same time. ^^


I’m gonna be in Japan until the 28th of October. Tempted to take the book with me in my luggage (ooooor buy it when I get there? :stuck_out_tongue:) but I feel reasonably confident I’d never find time to actually do the reading. Maybe on the plane? With no internet…


I reckon you could get through the first chapter without a dictionary :wink: even if there were some words you weren’t sure of…


I’m not participating in this book club or anything, but I must say…

Somehow it’s really hard to read hiragana when it’s used for loan words. It took me a while to figure out that title.


Yeah, what’s a ぐうぃっち anyway?


Like, a fried Koichi or something


The link to CDJapan appears to be broken. I think CDJapan : Flying Witch 1 (Weekly Shonen Magazine Comics) Chihiro Ishizuka BOOK is the correct link. Though, this time I’m not planning on buying from there, since 霧のむこうのふしぎな町 is sold out there.

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I have an offline dictionary on my phone, that makes reading while flying a neat thing to do.

Or is there something else you’d need internet for? :eyes:


Book delivery is imminent.


Oooh, thanks for catching that. I already have it so didn’t notice… I hate it when they don’t have a picture :confused: guess there’s not a lot else it could be though…

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If you want to include it in the buying section, there are a few used listings on Amazon US advertising delivery before October 19 that are cheaper than buying new+global priority shipping from Amazon JP.


Oh cool. Even though it’s not the absolute beginner book club I’ll join anyway. Got the ebook awhile ago and read a few pages. This should give me some more motivation to read more as I wanted to (and as is suggested by a lot of people). :smiley:
I might not be able to keep up, but shouldn’t be too bad.


I’m up to date on all of the English and Japanese volumes so I’ll gladly join this one! It’s also fairly frequently up for free on Bookwalker so I’ll keep an eye out for that~


I’d need internet to join in the discussion here. :stuck_out_tongue:


Okay, this seems fairly decisive so we’re going for two weeks on chapter 1.

I think this is going to be one of the easiest manga we’ve tried, so a good opportunity for anyone looking to step up to this book club :wink:


:broom: 「 ふらいんぐうぃっち」… does anyone know how close the manga and anime are to each other?

Suuuuper close, but some of the chapters are in different orders. I don’t think the first volume includes any chapters which don’t appear in the anime though :thinking: want me to check?


No, no. You do enough, I don’t want to give you more work. I was just remembering the first two episodes of the anime (all that I watched) and wondering what to expect.