Teasing Master Takagi-san 😝 ・ Off-Shoot Book Club Home Thread ・ Currently Reading Volume 20

Currently Reading: Volume 17, Chapter 4 - 気遣い


Middle school students Nishikata and Takagi sit next to each other in class. Takagi, who is in love with Nishikata, enjoys teasing him with embarrassing pranks and jokes. In response, Nishikata creates plans to get his revenge, but they always fail when she identifies his weaknesses and capitalizes on them.

Who Should Join

This is a continuation from the Absolute Beginner’s Book Club reading of Teasing Master Takagi-San Volume 1, so if you were reading along there and want more Takagi-san, this is the place for you! We will be starting here with Volume 2. I would also say that from what I have glanced through with the second volume, it seems that it does have chapters much like the first volume, in that they are each self-contained little stories, so if you were interested in joining, but you are worried about not being able to read through the first volume in time to catch up to this book club, feel free to jump in anyway! This is a great manga to start learning with because the chapters are self-contained (meaning that if you have to miss some, it won’t be the end of the world; you can always jump to the current chapter and bounce back whenever you feel you have the time), the kanji all have furigana, and the grammar is mostly quite simple (at the very least, the complicated grammar has so far been common and searchable for the most part, and everyone who has been involved so far is super friendly and willing to answer questions!)

In short, you should join if you have been reading Takagi-san with the ABBC and want more Takagi-san, or if you are relatively new to book clubs, you find this kind of story entertaining, and you want a place to be able to discuss both the plot, as well as talk through any questions you may have regarding grammar.

How it all works

Up to now, we have been creating a discussion thread per chapter, but we are going to change that up a little bit from here on out, and the discussion threads will be per volume instead, so as not to inundate the forums with some potentially lower-trafficked discussion threads. We will have a vocabulary sheet set up that anyone can contribute to, and the discussion threads will be for talking about everything from the characters and story, to vocab and grammar questions.

Previous Volume Discussion Threads

Where To Buy

[details = Volume 2]

Physical: Amazon JPCDJapan

Digital: Amazon JPKoboBookwalker


[details = Volume 3]

Physical: Amazon JPCDJapan

Digital: Amazon JPBookwalker


Volume 4

Physical: Amazon JPCDJapan

Digital: Amazon JPBookwalker

Volume 5

Physical: Amazon JPCDJapan

Digital: Amazon JPBookwalker

Volume 6

Physical: Amazon JPCDJapan

Digital: Amazon JPBookwalker

Volume 7

Physical: Amazon JPCDJapan

Digital: Amazon JPBookwalker

Volume 8

Physical: Amazon JPCD Japan

Digital: Amazon JPBookwalker

Volume 9

Physical: Amazon JPCD Japan

Digital: Amazon JPBookwalker

Volume 10

Physical: Amazon JPCD Japan

Digital: Amazon JPBookwalker

Volume 11

Physical: Amazon JPCD Japan

Digital: Amazon JPBookwalker

Volume 12

Physical: Amazon JPCD Japan

Digital: Amazon JPBookwalker

Volume 13

Physical: Amazon JPCD Japan

Digital: Amazon JPBookwalker

Volume 14

Physical: Amazon JPCD Japan

Digital: Amazon JPBookwalker

Volume 15

Physical: Amazon JPCD Japan

Digital: Amazon JPBookwalker

Volume 16

Physical: Amazon JPCD Japan

Digital: Amazon JPBookwalker


[Details = Volume 2]

Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 July 24th Chapter 1 (10) - 雨宿り 5 - 20 16
Week 2 July 31st Chapter 2 (11) - テスト勉強 21 - 36 16
Week 3 August 7th Chapter 3 (12) - テスト返却 37 - 52 16
Week 4 August 14th Chapter 4 (13) - 手紙 55 - 70 16
Week 5 August 21st Chapter 5 (14) - 掃除当番 71 - 86 16
Week 6 August 28th Chapter 6 (15) - 二人乗り 87 - 102 16
Week 7 September 4th Chapter 7 (16) - 腕ずもう 105 - 120 16
Week 8 September 11th Chapter 8 (17) - 夢 121 - 136 16
Week 9 September 18th Chapter 9 (Side Story) - 番外編席替え 139 - 146 8
Week 9 September 18th Bonus - おまけ 148 - 153 6

As noted in the table above, given how short both the final chapter and the bonus chapter are, we will be reading both chapters the final week.


Volume 3
Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 October 2nd Chapter 1 (18) - 肝試し 1 - 18 16
Week 2 October 9th Chapter 2 (19) - 質問 19 - 34 16
Week 3 October 16th Chapter 3 (20) - 背比べ 35 - 50 16
Week 4 October 23rd Chapter 4 (21) - 席替え 53 - 68 16
Week 5 October 30th Chapter 5 (22) - 英訳 69 - 84 16
Week 6 November 6th Chapter 6 (23) - 逆上がり 85 - 100 16
Week 7 November 13th Chapter 7 (24) - わき腹 101 - 116 16
Week 8 November 20th Chapter 8 (25) - 習字 117 - 132 16
Week 9 November 27th Chapter 9 (26) - 尾行 133 - 148 16
Week 9 November 27th Bonus - おまけ 150 - 153 4

As noted in the table above, given how short the bonus chapter is, we will be reading the final chapter and the bonus chapter in the same week.

Volume 4
Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 December 11th Chapter 1 (27) - 水道 3 - 18 16
Week 2 December 18th Chapter 2 (28) - 部屋 19 - 34 16
Week 3 December 25th Chapter 3 (29) - 21ゲーム 35 - 50 16
Week 4 January 1st Chapter 4 (30) - 占い 51 - 66 16
Week 5 January 8th Chapter 5 (31) - お誘い 69 - 84 16
Week 6 January 15th Chapter 6 (32) - ポーカー 85 - 100 16
Week 7 January 22nd Chapter 7 (33) - ネコ 101 - 116 16
Week 8 January 29th Chapter 8 (34) - ケータイ 117 - 132 16
Week 9 February 5th Chapter 9 (35) - 写真 133 - 148 16
Week 9 February 5th Bonus - おまけ 150 - 153 4
Volume 5
Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 February 12th Chapter 1 (36) - 想い出 1 - 16 16
Week 2 February 19th Chapter 2 (37) - 買い物 19 - 34 16
Week 3 February 26th Chapter 3 (38) - 水着 35 - 50 16
Week 4 March 5th Chapter 4 (39) - マラソン 51 - 66 16
Week 5 March 12th Chapter 5 (40) - 二択クイズ 69 - 84 16
Week 6 March 19th Chapter 6 (41) - コーヒー 85 - 100 16
Week 7 March 26th Chapter 7 (42) - 台風 101 - 116 16
Week 8 April 2nd Chapter 8 (43) - ホラー 117 - 132 16
Week 9 April 9th Chapter 9 (44) - クリティカル 133 - 148 16
Week 9 April 9th Bonus - おまけ 150 - 152 3

As before, given how short the bonus chapter is, we will be reading Chapter 9 and the Bonus Chapter in the same week.

Volume 6
Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 April 16th Chapter 1 (45) - デート 1 - 16 16
Week 2 April 23rd Chapter 2 (46) - 石蹴り 19 - 34 16
Week 3 April 30th Chapter 3 (47) - 似顔絵 35 - 50 16
Week 4 May 7th Chapter 4 (48) - ウォータースライダー① 51 - 66 16
Week 5 May 14th Chapter 5 (49) - ウォータースライダー② 67 - 82 16
Week 6 May 21st Chapter 6 (50) - ウォータースライダー③ 83 - 98 16
Week 7 May 28th Chapter 7 (51) - 宝探し 101 - 116 16
Week 8 June 4th Chapter 8 (52) - お悩み 117 - 132 16
Week 9 June 11th Chapter 9 (53) - 目薬 133 - 148 16
Week 9 June 11th Bonus - おまけ 150 - 153 4

As before, given how short the bonus chapter is, we will be reading Chapter 9 and the Bonus Chapter in the same week.

Volume 7
Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 June 18th Chapter 1 (54) - 入学式 3 - 22 19
Week 2 June 25th Chapter 2 (55) - スポーツテスト 23 - 38 16
Week 3 July 2nd Chapter 3 (56) - お土産 39 - 54 16
Week 4 July 9th Chapter 4 (57) - 催眠術 55 - 70 16
Week 5 July 16th Chapter 5 (58) - 大福 71 - 86 16
Week 6 July 23rd Chapter 6 (59) - Tシャツ 87 - 102 16
Week 7 July 30th Chapter 7 (60) - 宝くじ 103 - 118 16
Week 8 August 6th Chapter 8 (61) - 教科書 119 - 136 16
Week 9 August 13th Chapter 9 (62) - 約束 137 - 154 16

No おまけ this time!

Volume 8
Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 August 20th Chapter 1 (63) - バレンタイン① 3 - 20 18
Week 2 August 27th Chapter 2 (64) - バレンタイン② 21 - 36 16
Week 3 September 3rd Chapter 3 (65) - けん玉 37 - 52 16
Week 4 September 10th Chapter 4 (66) - 自転車 53 - 68 16
Week 5 September 17th Chapter 5 (67) - 保健室 69 - 84 16
Week 6 September 24th Chapter 6 (68) - 体育倉庫 85 - 100 16
Week 7 October 1st Chapter 7 (69) - 雪だるま 103 - 118 16
Week 8 October 8th Chapter 8 (70) - 氷 119 - 134 16
Week 9 October 15th Chapter 9 (71) - 水切り 135 - 150 16
Week 9 October 15th Bonus - おまけ 152 - 155 4

As before, given how short the bonus chapter is, we will be reading Chapter 9 and the Bonus Chapter in the same week.

Volume 9


Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 October 22nd Chapter 1 (72) - 間接キス 3 - 18 16
Week 2 October 29th Chapter 2 (73) - くしゃみ 19 - 34 16
Week 3 November 5th Chapter 3 (74) - かくれんぼ 35 - 50 16
Week 4 November 12th Chapter 4 (75) - 年末① 51 - 66 16
Week 5 November 19th Chapter 5 (76) - 年末② 67 - 82 16
Week 6 November 26th Chapter 6 (77) - メール 83 - 100 16
Week 7 December 3rd Chapter 7 (78) - 歩数 101 - 116 16
Week 8 December 10th Chapter 8 (79) - 外見 117 - 132 16
Week 9 December 17th Chapter 9 (80) - ドッジボール 133 - 148 16
Week 9 December 17th Bonus - おまけ 150 - 152 3

As before, given how short the bonus chapter is, we will be reading Chapter 9 and the Bonus Chapter in the same week.

Volume 10
Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 December 24th Chapter 1 (81) - 西片 1 - 17 16
Week 2 December 31st Chapter 2 (82) - 縦読み 19 - 34 16
Week 3 January 7th Chapter 3 (83) - 犬 35 - 50 16
Week 4 January 14th Chapter 4 (84) - クッキー 51 - 66 16
Week 5 January 21st Chapter 5 (85) - エイプリルフール 67 - 82 16
Week 6 January 28th Chapter 6 (86) - リベンジ 83 - 100 16
Week 7 February 4th Chapter 7 (87) - 釣り 101 - 116 16
Week 8 February 11th Chapter 8 (88) - 箱 117 - 132 16
Week 9 February 18th Chapter 9 (89) - 呼び方 135 - 150 16
Week 9 February 18th Bonus - おまけ 152 - 156 5

As before, given how short the bonus chapter is, we will be reading Chapter 9 and the Bonus Chapter in the same week.

Volume 11
Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 February 25th Chapter 1 (90) - 衣替え 3 - 20 16
Week 2 March 4th Chapter 2 (91) - 持ちもの検査 21 - 36 16
Week 3 March 11th Chapter 3 (92) - あっちむいてほい 37 - 52 16
Week 4 March 18th Chapter 4 (93) - 日焼け 53 - 68 16
Week 5 March 25th Chapter 5 (94) - うちわ 69 - 84 16
Week 6 April 1st Chapter 6 (95) - アメ 85 - 102 16
Week 7 April 8th Chapter 7 (96) - 図書委員 103 - 118 16
Week 8 April 15th Chapter 8 (97) - 編み物 119 - 134 16
Week 9 April 22nd Chapter 9 (98) - 嫉妬 135 - 150 16
Week 9 April 22nd Bonus - おまけ 152 - 155 4

As before, given how short the bonus chapter is, we will be reading Chapter 9 and the Bonus Chapter in the same week.

Volume 12
Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 April 29th Chapter 1 (99) - 2年生 3 - 18 16
Week 2 May 6th Chapter 2 (100) - クレーンゲーム 19 - 34 16
Week 3 May 13th Chapter 3 (101) - 握力のやつ 35 - 50 16
Week 4 May 20th Chapter 4 (102) - 苦手なモノ 51 - 66 16
Week 5 May 27th Chapter 5 (103) - UFO 67 - 82 16
Week 6 June 3rd Chapter 6 (104) - 血液型 83 - 98 16
Week 7 June 10th Chapter 7 (105) - おみくじ + おまけ 99 - 119 20
Week 8 June 17th Chapter 8 (106) - お返し 121 - 136 16
Week 9 June 24th Chapter 9 (107) - 夜 137 - 152 16

Just to keep me on my toes in scheduling, I’m sure, 山本先生 decided that the おまけ is between Weeks 7 and 8, so that’s where the extra reading is this time around!

Volume 13
Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 July 1st Chapter 1 (108) - 気配 3 - 18 16
Week 2 July 8th Chapter 2 (109) - 願掛け 19 - 34 16
Week 3 July 15th Chapter 3 (110) - 散歩 35 - 50 16
Week 4 July 22nd Chapter 4 (111) - 値段当てゲーム 51 - 66 16
Week 5 July 29th Chapter 5 (112) - 忘れもの 67 - 82 16
Week 6 August 5th Chapter 6 (113) - 海水浴 83 - 98 16
Week 7 August 12th Chapter 7 (114) - 魔球 101 - 116 16
Week 8 August 19th Chapter 8 (115) - 夕日 117 - 132 16
Week 9 August 26th Chapter 9 (116) - グリコ+おまけ 133 - 153 20

The おまけ is once again at the end!

Volume 14
Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 September 2nd Chapter 1 (117) - 寄り道① 3 - 18 16
Week 2 September 9th Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 (118 & 119) - 寄り道② & 寄り道③ 19 - 34 16
Week 3 September 16th Chapter 4 (120) - お弁当 35 - 50 16
Week 4 September 23rd Chapter 5 (121) - 初詣で 51 - 66 16
Week 5 September 30th Chapter 6 (122) - 雨 67 - 82 16
Week 6 October 7th Chapter 7 (123) - 告白 83 - 98 16
Week 7 October 14th Chapter 8 (124) - タイプ 101 - 116 16
Week 8 October 21st Chapter 9 (125) - 相談 117 - 132 16
Week 9 October 28th Chapter 10 (126) - レンタルDVD + おまけ 133 - 153 20

The おまけ is once again at the end!

Volume 15
Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 November 4th Chapter 1 (127) - ランキング 3 - 18 16
Week 2 November 11th Chapter 2 (128) - 紙ヒコーキ 19 - 34 16
Week 3 November 18th Chapter 3 (129) - シーン 35 - 50 16
Week 4 November 25th Chapter 4 (130) - けっこん 51 - 66 16
Week 5 December 2nd Chapter 5 (131) - 豆まき 69 - 84 16
Week 6 December 9th Chapter 6 (132) - サビ 85 - 100 16
Week 7 December 16th Chapter 7 (133) - 反射神経 101 - 116 16
Week 8 December 23rd Chapter 8 (134) - 落としもの 117 - 132 16
Week 9 December 29th Chapter 9 (135) - やさしさ + おまけ 133 - 153 20

The おまけ is once again at the end!

Volume 16
Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 January 6th Chapter 1 (136) - 調理実習 3 - 18 16
Week 2 January 13th Chapter 2 (137) - ウソとホント 19 - 34 16
Week 3 January 20th Chapter 3 (138) - 移動教室 35 - 50 16
Week 4 January 27th Chapter 4 (139) - 視力勝負 51 - 66 16
Week 5 February 3rd Chapter 5 (140) - 校舎裏 69 - 84 16
Week 6 February 10th Chapter 6 (141) - 交換日記 85 - 100 16
Week 7 February 17th Chapter 7 (142) - チョコ 101 - 116 16
Week 8 February 24th Chapter 8 (143) - 微熱 117 - 132 16
Week 9 March 2nd Chapter 9 (144) - 卒業式 + おまけ 133 - 153 20

The おまけ is once again at the end!

Volume 17


Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Week 1 March 9th Chapter 1 (145) - ひみつきち 3 - 18 16
Week 2 March 16th Chapter 2 (146) - 推理ゲーム 19 - 34 16
Week 3 March 23rd Chapter 3 (147) - NGワードゲーム 35 - 50 16
Week 4 March 30th Chapter 4 (148) - 気遣い 51 - 66 16
Week 5 April 6th Chapter 5 (149) - おすそわけ 69 - 84 16
Week 6 April 13th Chapter 6 (150) - 男の背中 87 - 102 16
Week 7 April 20th Chapter 7 (151) - 誠実さ 103 - 118 16
Week 8 April 27th Chapter 8 (152) - 力の使い方 119 - 134 16
Week 9 May 4th Chapter 9 (153) - ボタン + おまけ 135 - 155 20

The おまけ is once again at the end!


Volume 2

Teasing Master Takagi-San Volume 2 Vocabulary List - Google Sheets

Volume 3

Teasing Master Takagi-San Volume 3 Vocabulary List - Google Sheets

Volume 4

Teasing Master Takagi-San Volume 4 Vocabulary List - Google Sheets

Volume 5

Teasing Master Takagi-San Volume 5 Vocabulary List - Google Sheets

Volume 6

Teasing Master Takagi-San Volume 6 Vocabulary List - Google Sheets

Volume 7

Teasing Master Takagi-San Volume 7 Vocabulary List - Google Sheets

Volume 8

Teasing Master Takagi-san Volume 8 Vocabulary List - Google Sheets

Volume 9

Teasing Master Takagi-san Volume 9 Vocabulary List - Google Sheets

Volume 10

Teasing Master Takagi-san Volume 10 Vocabulary Sheet - Google Sheets

Volume 11

Teasing Master Takagi-san Volume 11 Vocabulary Sheet - Google Sheets

Volume 12

Teasing Master Takagi-san Volume 12 Vocabulary Sheet - Google Sheets

Volume 13

Teasing Master Takagi-san Volume 13 Vocabulary Sheet - Google Sheets

Volume 14

Teasing Master Takagi-san Volume 14 Vocabulary Sheet - Google Sheets

Volume 15

Teasing Master Takagi-san Volume 15 Vocabulary Sheet - Google Sheets

Volume 16

Teasing Master Takagi-san Volume 16 Vocabulary Sheet - Google Sheets

Volume 17

Teasing Master Takagi-San Volume 17 Vocabulary Sheet - Google Sheets


So the big question for discussion right now is when do people think we should start? I’ll be keeping an eye on the poll up above to get an idea on if we have to wait for shipping, but does anybody have dates in mind? I’m not sure how long physical copies take to ship to people (I pretty much exclusively buy digital), so if we end up waiting on shipping and things like that, what is the usual time, does anybody know? I would expect 2 weeks to a month, but maybe I’m overestimating that.

Once we have a range of dates, I’ll create a poll (in a reply, because I don’t want to risk breaking the parent polls again :stuck_out_tongue: ) with some actual date ranges for us to vote on, but I want to get an idea before I start just posting random times! Let me know what y’all think!


So happy for this offshoot club - I still need to catch up with the last two chapters, though coff coff

For dates, I’m fine starting it after July 10th, since some other clubs start that day! So July 17th or 24th work for me!


Just pick a date far enough in the future for people to order physical copies if they want…and if someone is in the offshoot club anyway they really want to read it anyhow…so even if someone starts early or late…chances are it’s not a big issue.

Mid July is almost too early IMO for people that haven’t bought physical copies…normally it would be if this was setup earlier but since the train is just getting underway…maybe 3rd 4th week of July…

If it’s someone like myself that already bought it then we could start immediately… so heck who knows…Can always setup another POLL!!!


I’ve never done one of these book clubs, but I’m excited to try this one. I finally feel like I can finally, very slowly, read some manga.


we just finished the first vol…go ahead and get started…the vocab lists are populated and all grammar questions answered…if you have new questions post in the appropriate week thread someone will probably still answer…

joining a bookclub right after it’s finished isn’t bad at all…things are still fresh and you aren’t looking as much up as the hard work is pretty much done, vocab sheets, grammar questions, discussions etc… the other nice thing about this book is each chapter is stand alone so you can pick up where ever pretty much and jump in (at least for vol 1).


As @shuly mentioned, if you go ahead and get started on Volume 1 before we begin Volume 2 (I will post a poll shortly on starting dates now that it seems we are shaping up on some ideas of an acceptable range), now is a good time! The discussion boards for those threads are all still open, and had lots of useful information (this was my first real manga, also, and I have learned a lot!), plus a lot of us are still checking in on older chapter discussions if you find a question in a chapter that wasn’t answered in the thread already, and we will be willing to help! Welcome to the club!


As we seem to have a basic idea that we shouldn’t start right away in July, I think this is a good date range to go with. I wouldn’t want it to sit idle for too long either, so I think no later than the first week of August is best, and that should give people plenty of time to get the physical copies in, if that’s the route they pick (so far, nobody has but the board also hasn’t been up for very long, either). I’ll post this poll, and whatever the majority decides by, oh say, this coming weekend, that’s the schedule we’ll go with!

When do you think we should start reading Volume 2?
  • July 17th
  • July 24th
  • July 31st
  • August 7th

0 voters


Alongside starting with volume one now with the just-completing volume one club (which I also recommend), this series is actually a good one for jumping right into volume two with. Aside from chapters being stand-alone, the only thing you need to know about the plot and characters (if you’re not familiar with the series) can be intuited from reading any one chapter.

And since chapters are chronologically out of order, you don’t have to feel like you’re missing anything by starting volume one, then pausing it to read volume two in real time with the offshoot club.


gonna throw this out there…may change and I realize only one person said start the 24th but splitting the difference between the 17th and 31st may actually be the preferable compromise for those wanting to start early and late


Since I enjoyed the first book, I see no reason for me not to continue into volume 2 - I’m good to start any time as I’ll just get the digital, so no preference on start dates for me


I’m in the same boat as VikingSchism, even though I voted for the 24th, I’m going to be getting it digital, so the start time is not as important to me. Two weeks may be too soon depending on when people order physical since the last time I ordered something from Japan, it took nearly a month to get here due to delays from covid.


Alright, everyone, the weekend is here. Given the results of the poll are fairly evenly split, I agree with @shuly’s suggestion that we split the difference and go with the 24th as a reasonable compromise between starting earlier and later.

I have closed the polls, but for any who are still wanting to join, please don’t feel like that means you aren’t welcome to join! The more, the merrier when it comes to these clubs, in my opinion!

I will update the parent post to reflect the change (already updated the title, but it will take me a little longer to make the table for the schedule).

I realize now I never asked for feedback on the reading pace, but I figured that given the low text density, and relatively short chapters, continuing with one chapter per week is probably for the best. If anybody has any strong objections to that pace, let me know, but for now I’m going to write the schedule under the assumption that we are continuing with the current speed.

I look forward to reading with you all! :heart:


Keep the pacing as it’s… Nothing is ever perfect… Someone is always behind some people are ahead

But based on the last read… The pacing is perfect overall for the group as a whole. Just my 2c.


Alright, the schedule table is up! I will post the Volume 2 Discussion Thread the Wednesday or the Thursday before we are set to begin!


where’s the schedule for vol 3 offshoot :face_with_hand_over_mouth: starting Oct 23rd ish?


Ahaha. I hope to have them be more continuous from here on. :stuck_out_tongue: once we are about 3/4 of the way through volume 2, I will get links posted for Volume 3, so we can roll straight into it without having to pause for a couple of weeks.


I was just teasing…

in all seriousness you’ll probably still need a pause (sometimes it’s just nice to get a little break between)…though hmm…what did I order again… maybe all of them and the 2nd series…so we could go on for a while :smiley:


I started reading vol one this week and love it so I’ll be joining in on vol two. Might have also ordered vols 3 and 4 too :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Im excited! Will do my best to catch up, but it looks like each chapter is kinda a stand alone story? So I might be okay jumping right in?


One good part about this series (as far as book club reading goes) is that the stories are not only stand-alone, but they are also not in chronological order. That means you can extra skip from midway volume one into reading volume two =D

I haven’t peeked at volume two yet, so I don’t know if this aspect will change later.