ふらいんぐうぃっち Vol. 2 | Chapter 7 🧹

Chapter 7: 夢と道端の幸せ

Start Date: 15th February
Last Week: Chapter 6 (volume one)
Next Week: Chapter 8

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Vocabulary List

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I’ve put a sprinkling of words into the spreadsheet. Feel free to add more (especially anything you think beginners might find confusing).


I knew what it meant because of Yahari, but I was still curious if I could find an explanation for it and was not disappointed:

やっはろー とは、頭の悪そうな挨拶である。ただし可愛い子がやる場合は別。

Source: やっはろーとは [単語記事] - ニコニコ大百科

1 Like

Wasn’t it やっほー in this case? I imagine やっはろー is a combination of やっほー and ハロー.


Yeah, it was

I assumed it was a short version of やっはろー

p6 – what is「そいで」? ぐ doesn’t seem to make sense here :thinking:

p10 – 今日一日 – is this one of those instances where this means “from today to one day”?

Since the て(い)る form can also be perfect tense, right, this means “The prediction is right,” yeah? And not something like “The prediction is being right on the money” or some such? Hm, I guess both make sense :thinking:

Edit 2: p11 --「採ってこうこれ天ぷらにして食うとウマイんだ」

Edit 3: p12 --「採ってよ」

Stopping here for today, halfway through the issue. Man, mangas are such a blessing to read after reading a book for weeks. So fast. Easier, too. More kanjis though. Not sure if blessing or a curse – I’ve forgot a lot of 'em since I stopped doing WK. A good chance to refresh my memory, I suppose?


They are both dropping the い from ていく. So it’s 採っていこう and 採っていけ.

Nao even does the same thing in response to the second one, saying 採ってくって.


Hello, some questions here. I’ve watched the relevant anime episode, and I’m cross checking with manga in English, so no problem with the content per se, but I’d like to get better at understanding the grammar/language constructs. Thanks in advance!

Page 6


  • The meaning of そいで eludes me completely.
  • まこと here is the main character name? Or is it not, since there is no polite name-ender, and instead it is まことに (indeed)?
Page 9


  • What kind of verb tense is this for 教える (to tell; to inform) - here I would appreciate translation
  • What’s もねぇ is for?


  • Can one translate 見た夢 as “seen dreams”, so the verb in past form serves as an adjective without extra particle?
  • The が here - does it marks the subject? If so, is the subject 未来のこと (future things)?
Page 6

そいで: I assume this is a slur of 急いで - hurriedly
まこと: Yes, this is the character’s name. The politeness is always dependent on the speaker, and here you can see that なお speaks casually to まこと all the time and also addresses her without name-ender on page 5.

Page 9

教えられる: If you search the word you suspect in Jisho and click on “Show inflections”, you will see a lot of conjugations for that word.

In this case (because it is an ichidan verb) you have two fitting options: potential (“can teach”) and passive (“was taught”). From context I think that this should be potential.

もねぇ: ねぇ is a casual form of ない, and も usually means “even” (but this is just gut feel and I have nothing to back up it’s usage after て-form, so any corrections are welcome!): “I cannot even tell you the contents of the dream.” (Note that this speech bubble contains three sentences, the first and last columns are sentences of their own.)

見た夢: In Japanese, you don’t “have” a dream, you “see” a dream (totally logical imho). The grammatical construction is called “relative clause” - in English it usually goes after the noun that is being qualified (“the dream that you had”) but in Japanese it goes before the noun.

And yes, が marks the subject and it is what you said.


Thank you very much for such detailed explanations! :heart:


I think もねぇ might be a negation of V[て]もいい. Then if you read 教えられて as the passive* form, the sentence becomes something like:

“Suddenly being told what happened in your dream is not okay. I’ll be troubled…”

*maybe the so called “suffering passive”? I have no idea what I’m talking about :stuck_out_tongue:


Who else got hungry reading this chapter?



I reckon it’s a dialectical version of それで or similar.

I was about to say, I kinda wanna try bakke tempura now.

Or, like, any of those little ryokan in the mountains that serve you foraged 山菜 for dinner.


That was my thought when I read it too.

This reminded me of an occasion when I was on student exchange. My host father asked me if I’d ever eaten ワラビ. I was quite surprised, thinking he was asking if I’d eaten wallaby. Turns out ワラビ is also a type of bracken, which we then went foraging for. Who knew? :woman_shrugging:


I’m guessing that the dakuten here is for emphasis?

Edit: p16 --「気を付けなね」-- is this a double imperative :joy: mothers…

What makes it double? 気を付けな is short for 気を付けなさい, and then the ね is just tacked on.


I mixed something up in my head, my bad. You’re right.

Just finished the issue. Now I see what you mean. Luckily, I had lunch right before sitting down to read.


I forgot this was happening! Gonna start once I get home today and can grab my volume.


This might be a little nitpicky, but I think it would be cool if we could have the cover of volume 2 as the pic in the first posts of these threads: