よつばと! Reading club

Hello and welcome everyone!

As per the title, we pick up a Yotsuba volume and read it together. Feel free to discuss content, vocabulary, grammar, or anything else that you’re curious about.

This club was created for various reasons, but mostly to serve as a social way for beginners to enjoy reading and eventually make their way to the beginners book club.

Join us and explore an awesome new world!

This thread serves as a meta-thread for organizing the book club. Each volume will have its own discussion thread.

  1. Volume 1
  2. Volume 2
  3. Volume 3
  4. Volume 4
  5. Volume 5
  6. Volume 6
  7. Volume 7
  8. Volume 8
  9. Volume 9
  10. Volume 10
  11. Volume 11
  12. Volume 12
  13. Volume 13
  14. Volume 14
  15. Volume 15

When would you like to start with よつばと! volume 2? (multiple options are fine)

  • January 14
  • January 21
  • January 28
  • February 4
  • February 11

0 voters

I think some of the books from this series have been ordered for me for Christmas, but they haven’t arrived yet…

EDIT: Only book 1, apparently, so I might have to do some catching up.


whoop! Perfect timing, I just picked up the first 3 vols on a trip to KL - gonna try to get through vol 1 before the vol 2 discussion starts! (I’ve already read it once but that was maybe 3 years ago at this point, so…)


For anyone late to the party, a bunch of us are still watching the volume 1 thread and will be glad to help out if you have questions that aren’t already answered. In general, if you search for “page XX”, you’ll find everything that came up related to that particular page.


This is great! Thank you so much for setting this up!
Count me in! :joy:


@anon20839864 Hi Kristen! I was told you were the person to speak with to get things done right :slight_smile: May I ask you to change the first post into a wiki? Thank you!


Don’t know if this where I should ask, but do I have to do something to join the next volume discussion? Or just participating in the thread when vol. 2 happens is enough? :o thanks!


Just jump into the thread. Everyone’s there to learn, same as you.

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Great, thank you! :sparkles: Will keep an eye on the date.

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The poll will close by January 4th. Gives us all at least a good ten days before we start.

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Swapped out my vote for a slightly later start in the hopes my book will arrive.

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I’m really looking forward to this! Thanks for organizing it. I was lucky enough to be heading into San Francisco today, and I was able to snag a copy of よつばと2. It took two employees to find it in the store, but nevertheless they found a copy.


Poll closing in 24 hours. Please get your votes in!

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You might already know this, but the beginner book club had planned to do this after they finished the current book they’re doing. I know several members were dejected to have to wait up to six months to pick up the rest of Yotsuba&!. Although I know some people may not be thrilled that this is happening now, at the very least you should mention it in the Beginner Book Club Thread so that those who want to read this in a group would at least know and have an opportunity to choose to participate.


That’s a good idea. I’ll go do that now.


Thank you to everyone who voted - the poll is now closed. We have our start date for volume 2! We will officially start on January 14 and probably keep the comfortable one chapter per week pace.

Also, thanks to @anon20839864 the thread is now a wiki. Please go ahead and add whatever resources you believe would be useful!

Looking forward learning with you all :slight_smile:


I posted this some time ago on the other thread, but for the newcomers:

This is the video where the 2nd volume starts, but you just have to go back if you want to read the first one as well. :slight_smile: It’s really straight forward and the “host” explains everything the others don’t understand.

I usually read the chapter by myself, then watch the video to make sure I didn’t miss anything.


My book 1 will arrive in the mail this month. I’ll catch up someday maybe.

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I added the schedule and some resources.

About the vocabulary list, I was able to get the PDF of terms. The site below does offer it for free (in exchange for an email address), but since they did have an option to monetize it, I decided against simply uploading the PDF.