よつばと! Vol 7 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

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よつばと! Volume 7 (Chapters 42-48) Discussion Thread

Current Chapter: 48

Reading Schedule

Start Date Reading Jump To Discussion
January 28 Chapter 42 link
February 4 Chapter 43 link
February 11 Chapter 44 link
February 18 Chapter 45 link
February 25 Chapter 46 link
March 4 Chapter 47 link
March 11 Chapter 48 link

Reminders for Discussion:

  1. Feel free to discuss grammar, vocabulary, comprehension questions, as well as interesting plot or character development.
  2. Include references (page, panel, character speech bubble, etc.) so that others can help you.
  3. We’re all here to learn and read together, so share your thoughts and ask questions!


  • Jisho: An online dictionary with words by Wanikani level, radical search, etc.
  • Romaji Desu: An online dictionary that allows you to look up by romaji, even for conjugated verbs.

Welcome back, everybody!

Discussion of Chapter 42 starts here.

I’m so excited to read more Yotsuba! :smiley: I’ll get to reading the first chapter after I work for a bit. :slight_smile:


Page 4

Thank you so much for setting this up @Kazzeon! It seems like ages since we read any Yotsuba! Great to get back into it! And so, here goes with my first question…


もっと - (some) more; even more; longer; further​
糸が - thread + が particle
ぴん - pin?
って - is this the て conjunction, or the quotation particle?
なる - to become
まで - until

So Ena is telling Yotsuba to keep moving down “until the thread becomes like a pin”?

Thank you everyone and it’s great to be reading Yotsuba again!

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Haven’t got the book on me right now, but I’m about 90% sure it’s “until the thread is taut”, but I can’t find a word in Jisho which backs me up here. It’s onomatopoeic - the って is the quotation marker.


That makes perfect sense! Thank you!

Yeah, that’s what it means, but I can’t find anything online.
Perhaps the one here that says
ぴん Jumping up and standing erect

But I don’t think so. :joy:

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Page 5

ちがうー あいてる所を あてて

ちがうー - no, not like that
あいてる - ている form of 開く, to open, あいている, but with い dropped for casual speech, all modifying the noun 所
所を - place + を
あてて - from 当てる, meaning 3, to apply, in てform (with missing ください I presume)

Lit: No, not like that, apply the open place (on the cup) (to your ear)!
“No, not like that, the open bit!”

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I think every other definition from 3 makes more sense. :joy:
to put on; to put against; to hold on; to hold against​
Since that one is: to apply (e.g. patch) :thinking:

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Whoops! You are right! (I don’t know if the problem is my eyesight, or my brain! lol!). Thank you!

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Page 8

So Miura turns up and says:


恵那 - Ena
も - too, also
子供っぽい - childish
こと - thing
やって - てform (or even casual ている form?!) of やる, to do
ん - explanation particle の, in casual form
なー sentence ending particle (kind of like “I see”)

Ena is also doing childish things
“Right, I see, Ena is also playing this childish game”

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I think it is やっているなー → やってるなー → やってるなー → やってんなー
Remember the RN thing.

I don’t think you can have “ん - explanation particle の” before “なー sentence ending particle”, you usually would have a です there.

Like 何やってんだよ

There’s also 何やってんの, where it actually is やっているの :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you again Kazzeon! And thank you for linking back to your epic explanation in vol.5. A true classic! Much appreciated!

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Always a pleasure!

If I try to explain again, I might get it wrong. :joy: Better stick to what works.

Also, I don't know why, but WaniKani decided to start counting now.




Oh, I noticed that too.

It’s Discourse, though.

So, here’s the song that Yotsuba’s singing on page 14:

Can’t find the specific model of phone Miura is referring to, but au is a real phone manufacturer in Japan. Kind of interesting that the model number is “zed eks” rather than the Americanian “zee”.

Chiyo-chan’s dad putting in another cameo there.

Yotsuba’s kaomoji is definitely the best part of the chapter.


Wow, thanks for that!

I hardly like to ask this, but have I read all this Yotsuba and managed to miss a character?! I know the dad next door, who is rarely there, but who is Chiyo-chan?

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You’re missing the Azuma Kiyohiko Extended Universe. :joy:

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Main character of Azuma-sensei’s previous manga, Azumanga Daioh.

We never see Chiyo’s actual father on-panel, but two separate characters separately dream about him, and in the dreams, he looks like the stuffed cat that Miura uses as a weight. He speaks English.


Brilliant! I really am laughing out loud here at that clip! Fantastic! Thank you for the great explanation! Wonderful!

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I recently started reading yotsubato, and laughed out loud when i saw chiyo’s dad on I believe fuuka’s shirt (could be someone else’s). Azumanga daioh is fantastic.

Now at volume three of yotsuba, so I might join you guys in a few weeks…