よつばと! Vol 11 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

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よつばと! Volume 11 (Chapters 70-76) Discussion Thread

Current Chapter: 76

Reading Schedule

Start Date Reading Jump To Discussion
November 22 Chapter 70 link
November 30 Chapter 71 link
December 10 Chapter 72 link
December 13 Chapter 73 link
December 21 Chapter 74 link
December 31 Chapter 75 link
January 7 Chapter 76 link

Reminders for Discussion:

  1. Feel free to discuss grammar, vocabulary, comprehension questions, as well as interesting plot or character development.
  2. Include references (page, panel, character speech bubble, etc.) so that others can help you.
  3. We’re all here to learn and read together, so share your thoughts and ask questions!


  • Jisho : An online dictionary with words by Wanikani level, radical search, etc.
  • Romaji Desu : An online dictionary that allows you to look up by romaji, even for conjugated verbs.

Thought I was what, dead? Like my ジュラルミン :teddy_bear: you just tossed off the cliff? :eyes:


Gonna read こどもうさぎとあかいふうせん next?


@Belthazar couldn’t find the last book she was reading, so I don’t have high hopes for this one.

But it would be fun.


I’m more interested in why her book is backwards.


Maybe kids books go left to right like on the internet?

I think I’ve seen at least two young children’s books which go left to right, that my teacher had (so I don’t think it’s that they were aimed at foreign learners) :thinking:

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Oh sure, put all the pressure on me. :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually had better luck finding this one. Evidence suggests that this could well be it:


The answer to why the book is backwards is because it is a foreign book. (Heh, it’s “unflopped manga! Like the original!”) I actually found myself poking through picture books on several occasions during my last trip, but never paid attention to which side the cover was on.

Using the knowledge gained from this adventure, perhaps the last book was this one?


Less confident on that, though. Plus, that bear looks entirely unhappy about being seated next to a huge pile of pancakes.


I guess I’ll kick off the chapter 70 discussion. Pretty excited to have finally caught up with this book club! When I tried to read よつばと! back when it started I had no hope at all, but now I can read through most chapters pretty smoothly!

As I’ve been trying to catch up I’ve been reading through chapters pretty quickly, and skipping over particulars that I may not have 100% understood, as long as I got the gist of it, but I think I’ll be more in depth now that I’ve caught up.

Page 11: お客さんとこの子

While I understood this meaning, とこの was tripping me up as I was thinking it was broken down to とこ・の・子, but I think I see that it’s と (and/with) この子 (a child of that type), right?

Page 12: やりよんの

I’m guessing this is slang for やりようの; the way to do something.

Page 12: かまん

All I could come up with myself was that this might have meant “come on”. After a bit of Googling it looks like it could be short for 構わない, which still seems like a slightly odd fit in that conversation. Thoughts?

This chapter reminded me of Japanese lessons I’ve been in, where questions like うどんとおそばとどっちが好き? are very common. :blush:


Pages 11 & 12

I just asked the resident expert…!

  1. お客さんとこの子かいな? means お客さんのところの子かいな?
    Here the ところ means “one’s house” but in terms of “belong to”.
    So yes, she’s definitely saying “this is a customer’s child, right?”

  2. かまん = かまわん = かまわない = no problem

  3. And やりよんのが means doing, as in やっているのが

On an unrelated note, I see the lady in the shop is using おる instead of いる in the first panel. Good job I’m not actually reading this volume of Yotsuba (yet) as I can tell I’ll get a headache from all this!


Ah, so I was on the right track with とこの子 the first time. Haha. Makes sense with that explanation. Thanks!


Done read it. Ah, Yotsuba. Just thought she’d go exploring.

What’s the sign by the door in the first panel of page 13? Ordinarily I’d expect 営業中, but that’s clearly not what’s on it here.



Enjoy your food, geez. :eyes:

Wooo よつば!久しぶりね ^^
I want udon now. I love those fat noodles xD
That was a nice, chill way to start off the volume ^^

I figured it out!
It’s 商い中, which is apparently a more traditionally Japanese way of saying 営業中. HiNative says it’s favored by shops that are going for a more traditional atmosphere (such as noodle shops).


I quite like udon noodles, but the soup rarely fills me with joy…


Dang, so true.

I love ramen broth, but I love udon noodles.


Someone should combine them into one glorious dish. Radon. No, wait… umen?

Eh, I reckon someone already has. Nearest I’ve been able to find, though, is ankake udon.


What? :0 This was yesterday? I thought it was Saturday. :open_mouth:

Feel free to discuss at your leisure.

I forgot that よつばと! is one thread for the whole volume. I could have been discussing this week’s chapter since this morning already…

I know someone’s been waiting to read the discussion:


(I hope I have the page numbers right.)

Page 35, after Yotsuba’s father gives examples of things ordered, Yotsuba uses the word せいようふう. I can’t believe I didn’t realize this was 西洋風. (I had to look it up.) To repent, I’ll play more Japanese video games in kana-only mode.

Page 37, I spent longer than I should have trying to figure what Yotsuba meant by 「これはあかいからからい?」 I had difficulty on parsing it out. Once I figured it out (asking if it’s spicy because it’s red) I realized I was overthinking it. From now on, I shall recommend to anyone not to overthink the words of a four-year-old.

Same page: 「これはみどりだから…バッタ?」 I had actually skipped the last line, then reading this one caused me to go back to it and understand it. As for this one, I knew she couldn’t be saying バター. Looking up バッタ has taught me that the sense of children…is nonsense. (You’d think having young nephews, I’d know this by now.)

Page 43, Yotsuba’s 「ぴざここです」 sign makes me feel much better about my Japanese handwriting. (It’s not a very high hurdle, though.)

Page 50, my small victory was being able to recognize and read 想像 (WK level 13).

Page 55, empty pizza box. This is just bad parenting, not letting Yotsuba experience refrigerated pizza for breakfast the morning after! (I know, it’s not for everyone.)


I love Koiwai’s immediate look of suspicion on page 34. “Precisely how selectively has Yotsuba’s mail filing system been working?”

Heh, page 50 is an entire page of just the delivery guy handing over the order. Yotsuba looks ready to explode by the final panel.

Think it’s just bad childing. Koiwai intended for there to be pizza left over. (Also, it’s page 59. You’re four pages out.)