よつばと! Vol 12 Discussion Thread (Yotsuba&! Reading Club)

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よつばと! Volume 12 (Chapters 77-82) Discussion Thread

Current Chapter: 82

Reading Schedule

Start Date Reading Jump To Discussion
February 18 Chapter 77 link
February 25 Chapter 78 link
March 3 Chapter 79 link
March 10 Chapter 80 link
March 17 Chapter 81 link
March 24 Chapter 82 link

Reminders for Discussion:

  1. Feel free to discuss grammar, vocabulary, comprehension questions, as well as interesting plot or character development.
  2. Include references (page, panel, character speech bubble, etc.) so that others can help you.
  3. We’re all here to learn and read together, so share your thoughts and ask questions!


  • Jisho : An online dictionary with words by Wanikani level, radical search, etc.
  • Romaji Desu : An online dictionary that allows you to look up by romaji, even for conjugated verbs.

Chapter 77! :tiger:


You can see the photos Yotsuba has been taking on the inside covers. The one she takes on page 20 is in the lower-left corner of the inside front cover. :smiley: Oh, wait. There it is again on 36.

Page 16, what’s おまかいですが when it’s at home?


What does it mean when it’s not at home? :joy:

(Found this on WK by looking it up on Google. :stuck_out_tongue:)
Apparently asked before, and then answered, and yeah, found the same mentioned online.


Whew, that was a little while ago.


I so vaguely remembered this, so I was content to just let this sentence go by thinking “It’s Yotsuba being Yotsuba (somehow)”. :blush:

Woo, volume 12! The opening pages of this volume are strangely relaxing. :relaxed:
I love Yotsuba’s “mind = blown” face when Tora tells her about the clock numbers xD
That bow on Tora’s head at the end is very kawaii indeed


:open_mouth: It’s that chapter! It’s so cute. :blush: Love Torako.

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They are very relaxing. :relaxed:

Yotsuba looks a little younger as well.



Well, that was short. :stuck_out_tongue:


Chapter 78! :woman_artist: :blue_square:


What a tensely-adorable chapter.

I feel like there were some sentences early in the chapter that I skipped over a little, so I might come back with some questions about them later.

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This is why we keep paint out of reach of kids. Still, I’m fairly impressed with her logic, here - using a spoon as a lever, actually thinking to put newspaper under the tin. Also impressed that she managed to get a fairly even coat. At least, it looks even from here. And somehow she managed to paint the legs all the way to the floor without getting a halo of blue paint around them.

Page 41, I assume とんな is some sort of negative imperative of 解く, but what on earth kind of slang is that?

This might be what Yotsuba is singing on page 53, but I’m not hugely confident of that:


I’m weirdly excited about having learned the difference between ペンキ and 絵の具 :laughing: Thanks Yotsuba :+1:

Isn’t it a slang-y version of the negative imperative とるな? Seems like it would be logical to respond with a form of とる, since Yotsuba used とれる (取れる) initially. (Although I’m not sure why she’s using とれる instead of 解く, I feel like that could be chalked up to little kid-speak and equating the shoe being removed with untying the laces?)


When she discovered the cans… “oh no… no no no… what will you do!!!”
I love his reaction though, best way tp deal with it! :rofl:

It wouldn’t be right to scold her anyway. She didn’t know better. I would sit down and have a talk, and say if you do it again I’ll get mad, cause now you know it is wrong, but I’m not mad this time.


I mean, blue table. :stuck_out_tongue:

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できちまった feels weird.


Beef overlaps with the night? :thinking:

しかくくて, too. :0


:open_mouth: Yotsuba knows how to use tools! Stone Age unlocked! :pick:

I mean, I know, but I still find it funny that Yotsuba gets scolded all the time for doing things she’s not supposed to do, but still does them anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

Could someone share with me their version of the page where she dips the brush in the paint?

Well, that kinda explains it. :laughing:

Also, ペンキ. :weary:


:rofl: :rofl:


Chapter 79! :rescue_worker_helmet:


Because he’s planning to make beef for dinner, if they have beef curry for lunch, they’ll be doubling up.

You… you don’t have it?

Isn’t it usually できちゃった is what I mean.

Figured, but I wasn’t sure of the meaning.

I mean, I have it. I just wanted to see how other people have it. :eyes:

I… don’t really understand the issue here. Maybe you go first. :slightly_smiling_face:

Welp, onto the next chapter.

Honestly pretty straightforward. Page 71, they’ve gotten the paint off her face, but her hands are still blue?

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