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[details="Chapter X"]
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Already? So soon!
Since it said after のんのんびより ends, I thought it’d be next week, since this is the last week.
But it’s fine, I’m way behind on that anyway.
I laughed out loud so many times reading this chapter. The whole scene with Yotsuba showing off her “recycling” to her dad was just priceless. And that bottom left panel on pg 8 xD
All I can say about this chapter is…poor Koiwai-san xD
Also, I feel like Yotsuba’s turning into a monkey this volume. She’s like…constantly climbing around and doing weird things xD Was she always this rambunctious? Or maybe she just has a lot more pent-up energy, now that the other girls are away at school during the day? In any case, the visual humor is off the charts (and I mean that in the best possible way).
Is the title of Chapter 37 ポタリング? And does it mean “pottering”?
Page 59
Can anyone help with もうひとっぱしり!. I have no idea at all.
俺らもそろそろ帰るかー, “we are also going home soon”
なにをいう - 何を言う - “what did you say?”
まだのる = まだ乗る - “I want to keep riding”
もういっぱい乗っただろー - “you’ve already ridden enough”
とーちゃん仕事しなくちゃなんないし - “your dad has to work”
And then the real killer line:
とーちゃんは - dad + は
しごと - 仕事 - work
と - and?? (could it be or??)
じてんじゃ - bicycle
どっち - which (short for どちら)
が - が particle
だいじ - 大事 - important
なの - question
“Which is more important dad, work or bicycle?” !