📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

:bookmark: :books: windupbird’s summary post :books: :bookmark:

:sparkles: Challenge Progress and Links to Daily Posts :sparkles:

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Final Reflection Post


As usual, my primary goal is read something every day. I don’t want to get too ambitious this time of year, because work tends to take over my life during this time (although frankly, it’s been taking over my life on a much more consistent basis lately, so maybe this won’t really feel any different :upside_down_face:)

I feel like I don’t really have a specific focus for this challenge, either. There are a few things I’d like to read or work toward completing, but I’m also open to the idea of ditching all of those and doing something completely different xD I mainly just want to read what feels good to me in the moment.

Some ideas I have right now:

:snowflake: ハイ☆スピード!
I started this light novel in the Fall Challenge and got about two thirds of the way through - basically, it’s the light novel that Free! (the anime) is based on, which makes it special to me because that anime basically set me on the path to learning Japanese. I had a lot of fun reading it last challenge, but it’s also not something I want to rush or force myself to read if I’m in a bad mood. I want to enjoy ^^ And I may or may not be in the mindset to do that for most of this challenge, depending on work :sweat_smile:

:snowflake: 囀る鳥は羽ばたかない
I’m supposed to be reading this with the ongoing book club but :x I haven’t opened it for monthsss

:snowflake: 365日にっぽんのいろ図鑑 and まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
I got these toward the end of the Fall Challenge - basically, they have short little blurbs each day talking about either a color or life in Japan. I’d like to read these entries daily ^^

:snowflake: MORE CUTE MANGA
I’m sure this will happen lol, I just found the cutest manga I need to buy as soon as it comes out in mid-January as if I don’t have enough cute manga already just kidding, there’s no such thing as too many cute manga

Previous challenge summary posts:
Summer 2021 Challenge :beach_umbrella:
Fall 2021 Challenge :maple_leaf: :fallen_leaf: :raccoon:
I keep typing tanuki instead of raccoon to make this emoji lmao, help me
Also, here’s my Bookmeter, in case anyone’s interested! ^^