📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post

Day 49: February 18th

Time spent: 14 min
Today’s color: 猩々緋 (しょうじょうひ) - scarlet

Named for the 猩々, a mythical beast reminiscent of a drunken orangutan this word can also mean orangutan, or a person who’s a heavy drinker :rofl: Apparently this is the color of the 猩々’s blood. Popular with warriors on the battlefield.

Good words
  • 想像上 (そうぞうじょう) - imaginary
  • 霊獣 (れいじゅう) - sacred beast
  • 鮮烈 (せんれつ) - vivid; striking
  • 大航海時代 (だいこうかいじだい) - Age of Discovery; Age of Exploration (the big sailing period xD)
  • 羅紗 (ラシャ) - felt; woollen cloth​
  • 愛用 (あいよう) - favorite; favourite; habitually used
  • 鮮血 (せんけつ) - fresh blood

まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
Time spent: 10 min

Today’s reading was about 白魚 (しらうお) - icefish, which are auspicious in the spring? There’s a famous kabuki line about this, I guess Not really getting it but going along with it anyway :sweat_smile:

I did learn a great word from this though, 名ゼリフ (めいゼリフ) - famous line (from a movie, book, etc.); famous quote

What else did I read?
Amount read: 5 pages
Time spent: 28 min

Sharks sharks sharks~ Today’s chapter focused on megalodon, the biggest shark of them all :o Also got to see my buddy シュモク again, sort of xD

For those who don't know/remember, this is シュモク

He is not actually from this manga xD He’s from another shark manga I read in the first challenge and he’s my favorite シュモクザメ/Instagram influencer. He’s so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Cutest thing of today goes to おるかちゃん in her tiny teaching hat

Second place for the cutest thing of today goes to these squishy-lookingトラフザメ

Look at them D: I wanna squoosh 'em :confounded:

Good words
  • 統計 (とうけい) - statistics
  • 満たない (みたない) - less than; fraction of; below​
  • それどころか - on the contrary; far from it; if anything; in fact; instead
  • 圧倒的 (あっとうてき) - overwhelming
  • 駆除 (くじょ) - extermination (esp. pests); expulsion; destruction​
  • 凶暴 (きょうぼう) - ferocious; brutal; atrocious; savage; barbarous
  • マイナスイメージ - negative image (of something or someone); bad image
  • 滅ぶ (ほろぶ) - to be ruined; to go under; to perish; to be destroyed
  • 伴い (ともない) - companion; accompaniment​
  • 出現 (しゅつげん) - appearance; arrival; make one’s appearance
  • 捕食 (ほしょく) - predation; eating prey; preying upon
  • 軟骨 (なんこつ) - cartilage
  • 復元 (ふくげん) - restoration (to original state or location); reconstruction; reversion
  • 死角 (しかく) - blind spot (e.g. of a driver)
  • ゆるゆる - very loose; slowly; leisurely
  • 平べったい (ひらべったい) - flat; even; level
  • ゆるふわ - soft and fluffy
  • 幼体 (ようたい) - immature form (of an organism); young animal