📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post

Day 13: January 13th

Time spent: 16 min
Today’s color: 宍色 (ししいろ) - meat color

So…I’m a bit confused, because the internet seems to indicate that 宍色 is a light pink tone, but the book’s coloring is this? I’m…am I crazy or are those completely different colors? I mean, they’re both kind of flesh-colored, I guess, but…in different ways lol. Interestingly, the book says it can also be called 肉色 (にくいろ) - googling that seems to bring me colors that are closer to what the book used.

Anyway, here are some words I learned
  • 橙色 (だいだいいろ) - orange (I just now realized that I’ve never actually heard the Japanese word for orange, I’ve only seen オレンジ色)
  • カモシカ - serow, wild goat

まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
Time spent: 8 min

Today I learned about furisode (振袖), kimonos with long sleeves. I think the most interesting part was learning that apparently furisode could be used to indicate one’s romantic interest in the old days - swinging the sleeves left to right means you’re interested, and swinging them front to back means no thank you please xD

What else did I read?
囀る鳥は羽ばたかない Vol 1
Amount read: 9 pages
Time spent: 46 min

And I’m officially caught up! I think! There are literally no page numbers so it’s really kind of hard to tell!
But also I learned a great word today!
脱臼 (だっきゅう) - dislocation I like it 'cause the second kanji is literally dislocated

Oh cool! I’m gonna take a look :grin: