📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post

Day 16: January 16th

Time spent: 20 min
Today’s color: 鳶色 (とびいろ) - another reddish brown

Named for the black kite (鳶) - yet another pretty bird. It is apparently a Manly color for Men.

Some good words
  • 悠然 (ゆうぜん) - calm; composed; leisurely
  • 甲高い (かんだかい) - high-pitched; shrill
  • 生息 (せいそく) - inhabiting; living
  • 中型 (ちゅうがた) - medium size
  • 鷹 (たか) - hawk; falcon​
  • 人気ぶり (にんきぶり) - level of popularity
  • 男前 (おとこまえ) - manliness

まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
Time spent: 11 min

Today’s reading talked about the clear winter sky and some stars you can see in the constellation Orion. It was trying to explain the position of each of the stars, and I learned an interesting expression: 向かって左 - on the left as one faces (it) (there is, correspondingly, 向かって右 as well).

What else did I read?
Amount read: 23 pages
Time spent: 35 min

Tanuki Cuteness Brigade alert! :raccoon: :raccoon: :raccoon:

Started a new book about a tanuki and a fox today. In terms of the format, it reminds me a lot of the shark books and the Koupen-chan book (for anyone that remembers those) - it’s kind of halfway between a manga and a picture book? I wish I knew what that type of book was called. I guess maybe it’s still manga but it doesn’t really have much of an overarching story and a lot of pages are just one illustration. Anyway, I keep picking up these kinds of books for some reason because they’re cute all the time and this is another one like that xD

Today I learned about what seems to be a rather messed-up Japanese folktale if the synopsis on Wikipedia is accurate - かちかち山 (the versions I found on Youtube seem to be a bit milder but I still think the rabbit is a bit of a sadist :sweat_smile:)

On a less gruesome note, here's baby tanuki and baby fox playing :3

And here are some words I learned
  • 行き来 (ゆきき) - coming and going; keeping in touch; visiting each other
  • とっぴんぱらりのぷう - a story-ending phrase (for folktales and such) used in Akita prefecture
  • おののく - to shake (from fear, cold, excitement, etc.); to shudder; to tremble​
  • 持て余す (もてあます) - to be too much for one; to find unmanageable; to be beyond one’s control; to not know what to do with
  • だらける - to be lazy; to be slack; to feel dull; to feel languid; to feel listless