📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post

Day 32: February 1st

Time spent: 15 min
Today’s color: 利休鼠 (りきゅうねずみ) - grayish dark green

Such a nice tea-like color! Named for 千利休 (せんのりきゅう), a historical figure known for perfecting the Japanese tea ceremony.

Good words
  • 茶人 (ちゃじん) - master of the tea ceremony (can also mean a person with eccentric tastes)
  • 侘び (わび) - taste for the simple and quiet; rustic simplicity; austere refinement; wabi​; enjoyment of a quiet life (what a peaceful word :relieved:)
  • 大成者 (たいせいしゃ) - person who achieves perfection; person who perfects (e.g. a theory)
  • 彷彿 (ほうふつ) - (bearing a) close resemblance; vivid reminder (e.g. of the past)​
  • 体現 (たいげん) - personification; impersonation; embodiment
  • 安らぐ (やすらぐ) - to feel at ease

まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
Time spent: 13 min

Today’s reading talked about 余寒 (よかん) - lingering winter - but spring is not too far away :cherry_blossom:

What else did I read?
囀る鳥は羽ばたかない Vol 1
Amount read: 12 pages
Time spent: 29 min

I’m happy I read anything at all today tbh, was feeling very meh today, but I ended up reading more than I thought I would