📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post

Day 4: January 4th

Time spent: 28 min
Today’s color: (すみ) - a warmer black, the color of ink

Today I learned the phrase “墨に五彩あり,” meaning there are 5 “colors” of ink (although it seems like maybe the book got them mixed up a bit, because the book said 濃 was the darkest but the internet seems to say it’s 焦?). Anyway, this is what they look like:

After googling that, I accidentally started google image searching 墨絵 and ummm I wasted all my reading time, but look what I found :pleading_face:
Pretty mountains~

Cute animal 墨絵 from the internet

Images are linked to the artist pages when I could find them
Participants of the Fall Challenge might recognize this tiny friend


Penguinnnnn :pleading_face: Why is it so small and soft :sob: This one is actually appears to be for sale, if you have 700,000 yen lying around and want a small fluffy penguin for your own

Oh yeah, I'm supposed to be learning a language
  • 先史時代 (せんしじだい) - prehistoric era; prehistoric times; prehistory (what a delightfully logical word)
  • 洞窟 (どうくつ) - cavern; cave; cave system; grotto
  • 壁画 (へきが) - fresco; mural; wall painting
  • 原始的 (げんしてき) - primitive; original
  • 煤 (すす) - soot (this is like the cutest word to me)
  • 濃淡 (のうたん) - light and shade; shade (of color) (can actually also refer to depth/complexity of flavor)
  • ぼかす - to blur; to shade off; to gradate
  • あわせ持つ (あわせもつ) - to have two things (at the same time) (e.g. good and bad points); to also have something (in addition to something else)

まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
Time spent: 11 min

Lucky it was a short one today :sweat_smile: Today I learned about 仕事始め (しごとはじめ), which refers to resuming work after the New Year’s vacation or the first time that one works in the year. Traditionally, it’s January 4th mine was yesterday though lol. Also learned the word 御用始め (ごようはじめ) - re-opening of offices in New Year (usu. January 4). I love that there are specific words for these things xD

What else did I read?
Nothing because I got distracted by 墨絵 :upside_down_face: Oops

Literally what is this story :joy: “not the guy, the arms drink it” I cannot
Thank you for the most amusing thing I’ve read today