πŸ“šπŸ“š Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 πŸ– β˜€

:books: :sunny: windupbird’s summary post :sunny: :books:

:sparkles: Challenge Progress and Links to Daily Posts :sparkles:

月 火 ζ°΄ 木 金 土 ζ—₯
01 02 :speaker: 03 :star2:
04 :speaker: 05 06 :speaker: 07 08 :speaker: 09 10 :speaker:
11 12 :speaker: 13 14 :speaker: 15 :speaker: 16 :star2: 17 :speaker:
18 19 :speaker: 20 :speaker: 21 :speaker: 22 23 :speaker: 24
25 :speaker: 26 :speaker: 27 :speaker: 28 :heavy_multiplication_x: 29 :heavy_multiplication_x: 30 :star2: 31 :star2:
月 火 ζ°΄ 木 金 土 ζ—₯
01 :speaker: 02 :speaker: 03 :speaker: 04 05 06 07
08 :speaker: 09 :speaker: 10 :speaker: 11 :heavy_multiplication_x: 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 :heavy_multiplication_x: 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31

= read today
:speaker: = listened today
:star2: = read and listened today
:heavy_multiplication_x: = missed day

Approach for this challenge

So, I am going to try to do the Listen Every Day challenge simultaneously with this challenge, because my listening is bad and I would like to work on that. BUT I don’t have enough time or stamina to do both every day (based on past experiences, I think that’s a recipe for burnout) so what I’m going to do is try to alternate - one day I will read something, the next day I will listen to something. I might not follow this pattern exactly, but my aim is to do something every day, and end up with a roughly equal number of days spent on reading and listening. We’ll see how that goes!

Unfortunately, I feel like I might be rather busy/low-energy during this challenge period because of work stuff that will be happening for most of it, but I will do my best :triumph: Because it is the summer, I would love to finish the Free! light novel (finally), but I may end up just reading a bunch of the cute manga I bought instead :joy: A couple of book clubs (Orange and Flying Witch) will also be starting soon, and I’m going to try and follow along with those as well.

Previous challenge summary posts:
Summer 2021 Challenge :beach_umbrella:
Fall 2021 Challenge :maple_leaf: :fallen_leaf: :raccoon:
Winter 2022 Challenge :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake:
Spring 2022 Challenge :cherry_blossom: :seedling:
Also, here’s my Bookmeter , in case anyone’s interested! ^^