📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post

Day 46: February 15th

Time spent: 17 min
Today’s color: 山葵色 (わさびいろ) - exactly what it sounds like, wasabi green

Today I learned that the word 薬味 has nothing to do with medicine :sweat_smile: Whoops

Good words
  • サビ - how the cool kids say “wasabi” (jk lol, idk if it’s cool or not)
  • 多年草 (たねんそう) - perennial plant
  • 根茎 (こんけい) - rhizome; rootstalk
  • すりおろす - to grate; to scrape off
  • 山間 (さんかん) - among the mountains
  • 原産 (げんさん) - place of origin; habitat
  • 一般化 (いっぱんか) - generalization; popularization
  • 薬味 (やくみ) - condiment (e.g. grated or chopped topping such as daikon, wasabi, ginger, green onion, red pepper); spice
  • 浄瑠璃 (じょうるり) - type of dramatic recitation accompanied by a shamisen (associated with Japanese puppet theater)
  • 義理人情 (ぎりにんじょう) - duty and humanity; (a sense of) moral obligation and humane feelings​
  • 機微 (きび) - subtleties; niceties; fine points; inner workings; secrets
  • 訴えかける (うったえかける) - to make an appeal; to urge
  • 比肩 (ひけん) - ranking equal with; comparing favourably with; comparing favorably with
  • ツンと - pungently (of a smell); acridly; sharply

まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
Time spent: 14 min

Today’s reading was about 春一番 (はるいちばん) - the first storm of spring/strong winds during the change from winter to spring. Apparently it often causes disasters, so that’s…not great :grimacing:

What else did I read?
Amount read: 8 pages
Time spent: 31 min

Polar bear time~

Today I learned that polar bears have black skin :o

Some good words


  • ホッキョクグマ - polar bear
  • オキゴンドウ - false killer whale I guess they’re friendly, but their teeth are low-key terrifying lol
  • ハナゴンドウ - Risso’s dolphin they’re so cute :pleading_face: lil scratched-up babies :heart:


  • 生態系 (せいたいけい) - ecosystem
  • 食物連鎖 (しょくもつれんさ) - food chain
  • ポツポツ - here and there; scattered; dotted
  • 種族 (しゅぞく) - species; genus; family
  • 死骸 (しがい) - (dead) body; corpse; carcass; remains
  • 互角 (ごかく) - equal (in ability); even; evenly matched; well-matched; on par (with)
  • 温暖化 (おんだんか) - (global) warming​ (a cousin of our friend 地球温暖化 lol)
  • 体つき (からだつき) - body build; figure
  • すらっと - slender; slim
  • 引っかき傷 (ひっかききず) - scratch; scratch mark
  • うろうろ - to loiter; to drift; to hang about doing nothing; to wander aimlessly; to be restless​
  • 活発 (かっぱつ) - lively; active; vigorous; animated; brisk

This sounds adorable :laughing: Might have to add this to my list