📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post

Day 56: February 25th

Time spent: 14 min
Today’s color: 練色 (ねりいろ) - white with a hint of yellow, the color of raw silk ^^

Today’s reading had the best kanji. It’s my new favorite. Here it is: 繭. It’s a little difficult to tell in such a small font, but there’s a bug radical and a string radical inside the boxy thing. Guess what this kanji means? Cocoon. The literalness of this kanji is so much love, it’s literally the bug in its little cocoon

Good words
  • しなやか - graceful; elegant; refined​
  • 蚕 (かいこ) - silkworm
  • 繭 (まゆ) - cocoon
  • 生糸 (きいと) - raw silk thread
  • 漂白 (ひょうはく) - blanching; bleaching
  • 印象的 (いんしょうてき) - impressive; striking; memorable; impactful

まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
Time spent: 17 min

Today’s reading was about the 命日 (めいにち - anniversary of a person’s death ) of 菅原道真 (すがわらのみちざね). He wrote a poem about plum blossoms, and that’s…pretty much all I understood from today’s reading :sweat_smile: Poetry is hard.

What else did I read?
Amount read: 33 pages
Time spent: 31 min

Got to see a bunch more of ナニカ’s quirks today xD

Here are some of my favorite panels

Renya took ナニカ to the vet and ナニカ did not want shots :rofl:

ナニカ falling gently from the ceiling

ナニカ casually existing as a severed head (apparently it can separate its head from its body)

Conclusion: I want ナニカ in my house :pleading_face: I wanna snuggle the void kitty :heart:

Good words
  • どれか - one of; any of (idk how I didn’t know this before, but it felt new)
  • 菓子パン (かしパン) - baked sweet goods (e.g. Danish pastry, melon bread); sweet pastry; sweet bread
  • 回収 (かいしゅう) - collection; recovery; withdrawal; retrieval
  • 懐中電灯 (かいちゅうでんとう) - flashlight
  • 発光 (はっこう) - emission (of light); radiation (of light); luminescence
  • 人懐っこい (ひとなつっこい) - friendly; affable; amiable; sociable; loving company; (animals) taking kindly to men
  • 含まれない (ふくまれない) - not to be included
  • 生首 (なまくび) - freshly severed head
  • どんと - powerfully; vigorously; with all one’s strength
  • 毛玉 (けだま) - hairball
  • くし - comb

Yessssssssss :raccoon: :raccoon: :raccoon: