📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post

Day 38: February 7th

Time spent: 9 min
Today’s color: 藍白 (あいじろ) - pale cyan; pale azure

I’m a fan of this one. According to the reading, the color of the Tokyo Sky Tree, スカイツリーホワイト, is based on this color.

Amazingly, I didn't have to look up very many words today!
  • 観光地 (かんこうち) - tourist attraction; sight-seeing area
  • 通称 (つうしょう) - popular name; common name; nickname; alias

まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
Time spent: 12 min

Today’s reading was about frozen everything :rofl:
Some really cool words from today that were not in Jisho:

  • 凍鶴 (いてづる) - a crane standing still in the cold, as if frozen
  • 凍空 (いてぞら) - the sky on a freezing cold winter day
  • 凍星 (いてぼし) - the stars on a cold, clear winter night
  • 凍蝶 (いてちょう) - a butterfly that survived until the winter and barely moves

What else did I read?
Amount read: 6 pages
Time spent: 39 min

It’s narwhal timeeeee~ Today I learned that usually only the male narwhals have “horns” (which are actually teeth) - but sometimes females have them too.

Behold the ultimate narwhal

Sort of a side note, but seeing English in the middle of Japanese-language manga always amuses me. I think it’s something about the font - I always imagine it being spoken in a very slow, loud, and clear manner for some reason xD Like low-key shouting. I do not know why it always reads that way to me. But this narwhal popping in saying “THIS IS A FANG.” is like peak comedy for me :rofl:

Good words and good whales

Today’s whales:

  • イッカク - narwhal (yes, they are literally called “one horn,” 一角 lol)
  • シロイルカ - beluga! (aka “white dolphin” lol) baby belugas are so flippin’ cute, here’s another link with more baby beluga pictures because I just love them so much
  • シロハラセミイルカ - Southern right whale dolphin (I am obsessed, he looks like a sleek, futuristic car and a penguin all at once)
  • コガシラネズミイルカ - vaquita (Phocoena sinus); cochito; gulf porpoise (the Japanese name is literally 小頭鼠海豚, small head mouse dolphin, and that’s honestly exactly what it looks like). I guess they’re very endangered :frowning:

Good words:

  • 全否定 (ぜんひてい) - complete denial; complete disavowal; total negation
  • つの - horn
  • 突き破る (つきやぶる) - to break through; to penetrate; to pierce
  • 得意技 (とくいわざ) - signature move (assoc. with a martial artist, wrestler, etc.); finishing move​
  • わっか - ring; loop; halo
  • 水草 (みずくさ) - water plant; aquatic plant; waterweed; hydrophyte
  • 顔立ち (かおだち) - looks; features
  • キョンシー - jiangshi; Chinese hopping vampire; reanimated corpse in Chinese legends and folklore (used here to describe the appearance of the vaquita :joy:)
  • 生息地 (せいそくち) - habitat; home