📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post

Day 42: February 11th

Time spent: 25 min
Today’s color: 萌黄色 (もえぎいろ) - light green; yellowish-green and 小町鼠 (こまちねず) - a very light white-gray

A double feature today, to make up for yesterday. I really like both these colors, actually, they’re very pretty. Apparently 小町鼠 was named that to be Cool for the Kidz :tm: honestly, it kind of worked lol, I like the name xD

Good words
  • 冴える (さえる) - to be clear (of a sight, sound, colour, etc.); to be bright; to be vivid; to be crisp
  • 萌え木 (もえぎ) - young tree sprouts; young tree buds
  • 萌葱 (もえぎ) - light yellowish green; color of a freshly sprouted onion
  • 鎧 (よろい) - armor
  • 直垂 (ひたたれ) - ancient ceremonial court robe​, looking like this
  • みなぎる - to rise high (of water); to overflow; to swell​; to be filled with (emotion, energy, etc.); to be bursting with; to be brimming with; to pervade (of an atmosphere, feeling, etc.); to prevail
  • 血気盛ん (けっきさかん) - passionate; hot-blooded; full of vitality
  • 生み出す (うみだす) - to create; to bring forth; to produce​; to invent; to think up and bring into being​; to give birth to; to bear
  • 若向き (わかむき) - intended for the young

まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
Time spent: 7 min

Today’s reading was about うぐいす餅, which immediately made me think of the little bird friend I posted about a couple days ago. I google imaged them, hoping that they did indeed look like this bird, and while my search returned a disappointingly low number of bird-shaped mochi, I did find these ones, which are pretty darn adorable:

うぐいす餅 is actually mochi filled with red bean paste and topped with green soy flour​. They look yummy, would eat :+1:

Also, today’s reading contained a really neat color word: 翡翠色 (ひすいいろ) - jade green it was written in kana, but the kanji are just cool as heck

What else did I read?
Amount read: 6 pages
Time spent: 27 min

More penguins! Today I learned that penguin anatomy is weird, they’ve got like whole long leg bones inside those fat little bodies xD

Please bask in the cuteness of this penguin chillin’

And enjoy(?) these mildly cursed leg penguins xD

Some good words
  • ヒョウアザラシ - leopard seal derp
  • 丸呑み (まるのみ) - swallowing whole; swallowing without chewing
  • オットセイ - fur seal here is a smol one :pleading_face:
  • 尻込み (しりごみ) - recoil; hesitation; flinching; shrinking back what is the origin of this word xD
  • ためらう - to hesitate; to waver
  • ケープペンギン - African penguin (Spheniscus demersus); blackfooted penguin; jackass penguin; Cape penguin
  • マゼランペンギン - Magellanic penguin looks suspiciously like the African penguin
  • 飼育 (しいく) - breeding; raising; rearing
  • 特化 (とっか) - specialization; specialisation
  • よちよち歩き (よちよちあるき) - toddling; taking tottering steps (as in, the way penguins walk xD)
  • 腹ばう (はらばう) - to lie on one’s stomach; to sleep while lying on one’s stomach; to crawl on the ground; to sprawl
  • 行進 (こうしん) - march; parade
  • 転ける (こける) - to fall over; to fall down; to fall; to collapse​
  • かかと - heel