📚📚 Read every day challenge - Winter 2022 ☃❄

Summary post

Day 20: January 20th

Time spent: 22 min
Today’s color: 薄鈍色 (うすにびいろ) - a light bluish grey

I like this color a lot. …It was a color of mourning in the Heian period so I’m not exactly sure what that says about me :sweat_smile: But it feels like a very calm, introspective color.
A nice sentence from today: 独特の静けさは、人を悼むのみならず、自分の心と向き合うこととも親しいでしょう。

Some good words
  • 僧服 (そうふく) - priest’s garb
  • 僧侶 (そうりょ) - priest, monk
  • 静けさ (しずけさ) - stillness; silence; quiet; hush; calm; serenity
  • 悼む (いたむ) - to grieve over; to mourn; to lament
  • のみならず - a grammary thing meaning not only; besides; as well as

まいにち暦生活 日本の暮らしを楽しむ365のコツ
Time spent: 9 min

Today is 大寒, the coldest day of the year :cold_face: Seems about right It’s also the first day of 款冬華 (ふきのはなさく), another one of the 72 microseasons - this is when the フキノトウ (edible flower buds of the fuki (Petasites japonicus) plant) start to sprout from beneath the snow.

What else did I read?
お前、タヌキにならねーか? Vol 1
Amount read: 8 pages
Time spent: 22 min

ahem :raccoon:
So, I’ve only read the first chapter so far, is that a bit premature to dub this the best manga ever
I really love it already xD This is kind of a dream scenario for me, tbh - like, you don’t want to live as a human anymore, do you want to come be a tanuki instead? Heck yes I do, take me away to frolic in the mountains of Japan, cute tanuki man :heart: :sparkles: I am kind of upset that this is not a real-life option

Perhaps one of the best perks of tanuki life

Like…I’m supposed to get fat? Sign me up, man. Sign me the heck up!

This is really cute and I love this :heart:
Please share screenshots of pink haired fashion model guy if/when you meet him, I am intrigued