Master List of Study Logs

:notebook::memo: Master List of Study Logs

If you keep a study log on the WK forums, feel free to add it to the list here! (Please add alphabetically by username) If you change your mind, you can remove it at any time.

Open Study Log Threads

Owner Title
(Multiple) Shared study log
Akashelia Akashelia’s Study Log
Alygator Alygator’s study log
Araigoshi araigoshi’s Study Log
Bravefoot Bravefoot’s Study Journal
ChristopherFritz ChristopherFritz’s Study Log
Corza334 Corey’s Study Log
Daisoujou Daisoujou’s Study Log
DelvinWolf DelvinWolf’s Study Journal
Ekg *ekg's leech battle blog - a study log of sorts
Ekuroe Study Log of a Wild Ekuroe :wolf:
Enbyboiwonder EBW’s (mostly) Study Log
Faerily Fairies Study Too (Study Log)
Fallynleaf Fallynleaf’s study log
Hantsuki Hanty’s Study Log :shinto_shrine:
Hotdogsuplex Hotdog’s diary/study log :hotdog:
Javerend Javerend’s Study and Cooking Log :raccoon:
Jira2406 Jira’s Study Log! (And apparently Sims 4 Log)
Joeni Joeni’s Journey (A Study Log) :spiral_calendar:
Kinglott Just a Brit, whose Japanese is… Less than satisfactory! (Study log)
Krt100 Krt100’s Study Log :slovenia:
Macalys :teapot: macalys corner, an enthusiastic study log :dizzy:
Maddness Study Log of Madness
Malinkal Study log and place to ramble
Meagstudies A quest to learn japanese! (meagstudies’ study log)
Meepity Meepity’s Study Log :slight_smile:
Midnightblue Midnightblue’s study log :stars:
milila (latelamen) Milila’s study log
Mitrac Mitrac’s Study Log and Experiments
Moel Moel’s study log
NeoArcturus Japanese in one year?! - Not your usual study log
Nicole216 Nicole216s study log
NicoleIsEnough Nicole needs a thread to herself -- A Study Log of sorts
NihongoLearner19 NihongoLearner19’s Multilingual Study Log: N2 and Beyond!
Polv :wink: polv Study Logs :bookmark_tabs: and Tools :hammer_and_wrench:
PowerAWBS 5 Minutes, for 6 Days, 1140 Reviews
Pygospa pygospa’s Study Log
Pyororon Pyoro’s Study Log :coral:
Raindrops :dolphin: raindrops’ study log and 日本語日記 :dolphin:
Scarecrowfield Scarecrowfield’s Study Log
Shin :railway_car: shin’s study log :railway_car:
Skymaiden Skymaiden’s study log (on the shared log)
Soggyboy :cloud_with_rain: soggy’s study log :cloud_with_rain:
Sundrop Nony’s Hot Study Log :seedling:
Szystedt Szystedt’s Study Log :books:
ShinobiMaster556 Shinobis’ Study Log🥷
Taiyousea :desert_island::sunny: taiyousea’s study log :sunny::desert_island: („• ᴗ •„)
Taops Taops’ Study Log
Tenizey Teni’s Tiny Library :coffee::books:
trickster-saf saf’s path to redemption - third time’s the charm? - a study log
Trunklayer Trunklayer’s study log :cat2:
Twelvewishes Twelve’s Study Thread
VikingSchism VikingSchism’s Study Log
WeepingWeeb :yellow_heart: Weeb’s Study Log :yellow_heart:
Windgreen Windgreen’s Winding Road to Japanese - A Study Log :leaves: :wavy_dash: :railway_track: :jp:

Closed Study Log Threads

Closed logs can be reopened at any time by pinging the mods

Owner Title
(Multiple) :globe_with_meridians: Olympians XXXII - OFFICIAL Team 地 shared study log
Aanhlle When the Tenth Month Comes (aka the diary of a person…
Ale7714 Ale’s study log
Anji Anji’s Think Tank meets study log
Airdramon Airdramon’s Study Log
Asterlea No Really, I Want to Learn Japanese: A Study Log
Atelier Atelier’s journal
Autonuked Autonuked’s Study.Log file
Axazel :books: Axazel’s Study Log and Comic :books:
Ayokana Ayokana’s study log
Bats /\ ^._.^ /\ ✧・゚: ✧・゚: bats study log :・゚✧:・゚✧
Beckswithspecks Becks’s intensive reading/study log
BigEm BigEm’s Study Log 2.0
Burgerdough ❀ this is a study log // burgerdough ❀
CapitalB CapitalB’s Cursed Study Log
Caraage caraage’s study log :poultry_leg:
Channel_MC Channel_MC - Study Log
Cheep Ava’s Study Log
Chellykins Studykins - Chellykins does a study log
Chelzi ᴄʜᴇʟᴢɪ’s sᴛᴜᴅʏ ʟᴏɢ :cherries:
Chemifox ケミの軌跡 - Chemifox’s Study Log
Clickysteve Clicky Steve’s WK Progress Diary
Coddiwomple Coddiwomple-ing through WaniKani
Crmsnprincess89 Hayley tries another Study Log
Dandi One Dandi Study Log
Denji Denji’s (something that starts with d cause this seems to…
Dstahn236 Dstahn’s Study Log
DollyDaydream Dolly’s Daydreams (Study Log)
Eearslya Eearslya’s Study Log
EmmaGoto Emma’s study log :rice_ball:
Eybelle Re: START A study log from a 5 year hiatus
Farosh Farosh’s Study Log
Feistypotato Cassie’s Study Log: キャシーの学習ログ。
Frayderike frayderike’s study log
Ganbareniichan Longtime Japanese Learner starts WK for the 1st time
Gerandpa Gerandpa’s Study Log
GolyBidoof The final month of lessons - a certain Bidoof’s study log! :ireland:
Gwendubs Gwendubs Study Log🌷- A journey towards fluency
Haiena Do Hyenas dream of Study Logs?
Hazimaaen ハジマンの Study Log :memo:
Hgbearawesome Hgbearawesome’s study log
Iisanrig Rigelethan’s - Study Log
Ivy_K_Elliott :potted_plant: Ivy’s Big Adventure (Study Log) :moldova: :cancer:
Jhol A Year of Japanese (Jhol’s Study Log)
Jiggly_Jellyfish Jiggly_Jellyfish’s study log
Jrod3008 Jrod3008’s Daily Study Log
KateTriesAgain Kate’s Study Log appears!
Katsatsas Kat’s Sleepy Beginner Study Log (with Running!)
Kawazoe Kawazoe’s Study diary
Kikikois ༺☆༻ kiki’s study log ༺☆༻
Kjwoods K’s Study Log
Koppie Koppie’s to do list
_Korra _korra’s Part Time Study Log
Kusuri Eainge’s Stumbling Journey towards Fluency (Study Guide)
Lattemeowcchiato Lattemeowcchiato’s Study Log :coffee: :cat:
Lopicake Lopi has something to say (Study Log)
Lunafeather Wandering Through the Forest (A Night Owl’s Study Log)
MagicalGrill MagicalGrill’s Study Log
Magsl I’m doing a thing! (Mags’ study log)
Makushi_Rutsu Makushi’s Journey - a Study Log
Marcecoll 首丸の学習ログ・「marcecoll’s study log」
_Marcus Marcus’ study log
Marifly Marifly’s study log
Mikki_desu Mikki’s Study Log
milila Milila’s old study log
Mingus5x Study log of mingusmingusmingusmingusmingus :cherry_blossom::sparkles:
Mirella Mirella’s Study Log
Mirukumochi Livandi’s Study Log
MiuEverGarden Miu’s Study Log
MrRyansan MrRyansan’s Study Log :fox_face:
Mz-X Mz/X Study Log
Naevyah The Log Lady :evergreen_tree:
Ncastaneda A Japanese Journey Log
Nocturnal22 Nocturnal Studies - My Japanese Study Log
Nopiro Nopiro’s Study Log
Oshin Oshin - Study Log
Phil_in_japan Filippo’s study log
Postliminal Postliminal’s Study Log :dizzy:
Princeofcyborgs サイボーグの王子様の学習ログ (Prince of Cyborgs’ Study…
Rawrdinosaur rawrdinosaur’s study log
Ricardomenin 僕の日本語大冒険 [yet another study log]
_Rinse Greeting Death (Study Log)
_Rocket → rocket’s daily checklist
Rowena ロウェナの学習ログ・(Rowena’s Study Log)
Rwesterhof Life after 60, a study log
Sagittarius18 リナの Study Log - An Absolute Beginner’s Account
Sailorcoco Coco’s Study Log
Sarabrina Sarabrinas study log
Schaffis Schaffis study log :railway_car:
ShuuZetsu :hedgehog: just another study log :hedgehog:
Smarts47 Smarts47’s Japanese Learning Journal
Slooshy Slooshy’s Study Log :squid:
Sujidu Suji’s Slow Journey! A Snail’s Study Log
Thecorian :droplet:⚆ _ ⚆ Corian’s Study Log :sparkles:
TheMostPrizedPrigeon Pigeon’s Totally Spanking Study Log
TheMysticLynx Mystics Study Log
Tommyboi tommyboi’s Study Log
Truandissimo Truandissimo‘s Study Log
Valkow Valkow’s 2021 Goal Tracking
Veilchengelee Veilchengelee’s study log
xXHanazonoXx Hanazono’s Study Log
Yodakun yoda-san’s study log <(-_-)>
Zetsubonsai Zetsubonsai’s Study Log
Zyoeru zyoeru’s Study Log


Below is the previous version of the study log master list before it was reworked in early January 2024.

Master List of Study Logs (July 2019 – January 2024)

If you keep a study log on the WK forums, feel free to add it to the list here! (Please add it to the bottom of the list, not the top!)


(reserved post)


Oh, I like lists!
@ChristopherFritz, do you want to add yours here? (I was going to add it myself, but I didn’t know if you wanted it linked or not…)


If you can, please do. I was thinking I had seen before that this post was a wiki, but when I went to add my study log to it, I don’t see a way to do so.


You’re right, it doesn’t look like it’s a wiki :confused:

I guess @marcusp needs to ask a mod (JenK or CyrusS) to make it a wiki?


Great! Thank you for that!
@CyrusS - can we make this a wiki please?

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Nice one! Added!

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Thanks a lot!

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And sorry, just only saw that it is a Wiki now.

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Is it? Cool! I never noticed either! Nice one! Thank you!

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Sorry for the delay. Wiki’ed!


Thank you!

Hello @marcusp! Should this thread perhaps be in the Japanese Language category instead of campfire?

I aim to be adding my own study log shortly :slightly_smiling_face:


Good thinking! I’ll see if I can fix that.
And so nice to see your study log on the list there too Rowena! Nice one!

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Wecome back!

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Thank you! Of course all Japanese was deleted from my brain the moment I stepped out the country, and now I’m back at square one, but it’s nice to be back! Thank you so much!

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@viet - We no longer seem to be able to edit older posts, which is making study logs far less productive.

seanblue brought this change in Discourse to our attention, which has apparently been resolved, but older posts in study logs still cannot be edited.

Can you please help us?

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The fix isn’t live in our board’s build yet. The fix was just released five hours ago.

Our board is on this version currently

We don’t control when the boards get the updates.

I imagine we’ll see the fix in the next beta and when that beta gets pushed to our instance.

Discourse is usually pretty quick on getting their hosted boards over to the latest version (including betas).


I started typing one up because I thought it’d be neat to go out of my comfort zone and make one, but the thing to the side telling me to ask myself who would want to read the post and why it would matter made me second guess. Any old basic gal trying to learn Japanese can make a study log, even if nobody was really asking for it, right?