Becks's intensive reading/study log

I think study logs are cool and wanted to do one too but didn’t have anything I felt worth reporting until this week. Recently, I started up the ridiculous project of trying to read (intensively) 新クトゥルフ神話TRPG クイックスタート・ルール (Call of Cthulhu 7e Quickstart Rules). It breaks the read short stuff “rule” of intensive reading, but playing Japanese pen and paper rpgs is a language goal of mine and a (free!) book from the most popular one is a great place to get the vocab I need. It’ll take 5 million years but the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.

Pie in the Sky Goals

  • Understand TRPG rulebooks in Japanese
  • Play a TRPG session in Japanese
  • Play a TRPG campaign in Japanese

Big, but Measurable Goals


  • Break down 1 sentence (ideally a whole paragraph)
  • Find 2+ context sentences on Tatoeba for every new vocab word
  • Put vocab into Anki Deck
  • Study troublesome grammar with Bunpro

To Do Eventually

  • Find context sentences for words that aren’t on Tatoeba
  • Throw sentences into Anki
  • Find Replays to read
  • Find Actual Play Examples in Japanese (ideally with subtitles)
  • It’d probably be good practice (and fun!) to remake my character map in Japanese, but I’ll put it off until after I at least start the basic rules

Other Stuff I’m Doing

Book Clubs

Level Up Motivation


Well I posted the first post before I was ready so I guess I’m doing this!

Week 1

Before jumping straight in I did a lot of planning and set up and unnecessary math. I decided to exclude things like the table of contents and character sheets. It gives me 36 pages of reading material. The “first” page (page 4) has 16ish paragraphs made up 36 sentences. 4 of the paragraphs are made up of only one sentence so I plan to bundle those up with other short paragraphs. Hopefully I will only take 2 weeks to read the first page OTL

Assuming the other 35 pages are the same length I’ll finish reading this sometime in March 2022 at a paragraph a day or September 2024 at a sentence a day. If I do 2 weeks per page I’ll finish in December 2021. It should go faster as I go along, but either way I’m gonna spend a long time on this book.


Today’s Paragraph


Total New Words: 23

Favorite Word: 異界いかい Spiritworld
(Probably not very useful but I liked it)

Most Troublesome Word: 夜中
I could figure out it probably meant middle of the night because I knew the kanji, but when I looked up the reading :cold_sweat: よなか or やちゅう or よじゅう and all had slightly different definitions (I should look this up in a Japanese dictionary some day). In the end it didn’t matter for the comprehension of the sentence, but it was definitely a speed bump.

This was a pretty tough start! There was a lot of new words and I wasted a lot of time because I didn’t realize と+なる was a thing. I learned some new grammar so that’s nice at least! I also spent a lot of time procrastinating making the spreadsheet for this “fancy”. Things are nice and organized and it’ll be easy to import into Anki later, but I didn’t need to make a stats page.

It looks like 探索者たんさくもの is how they decided to translate investigator. I imagine by the end of this I’ll know that word really well.

Other Stuff
Wanikani and Anki as planned. Bunpro was invaluable today. I forgot to do Koohi. I read this week’s part of レンタルおにいちゃん last week but I’ve been following along with the conversation and plan to read it again closer sometime this week.


Today’s Paragraph



Total New Words: 28

Favorite Word: 時空じくう Spacetime
Another not useful word but for some reason it made me laugh.

Most Troublesome Word: 英雄的えいゆうてき heroic
The trouble is partly human error and partly forgetting stuff. When I looked it up it said na-adjective but I glossed over that. When I tried to put all the pieces together I thought the に in “英雄的に立ち向かって” was marking it as what you’d fight against. Being heroic gets you killed in CoC so it made sense to me, but it didn’t match the tone of the rest of the sentence. I ended up throwing it into DeepL and when it said fight heroically against I remembered oh yeah heroic isn’t a noun and that a na adjective + に is how you make adverbs. I felt like a big dummy. Lesson learned to be more careful in the future.

Interesting that this paragraph has twice as many sentences but I ended up looking up only a few more words than yesterday. I learned a lot more grammar though.

I spent waaaaay too long trying to figure out カルティスト = cultist.

Other Stuff
Wanikani as planned. Bunpro was useful again. My laptop died and I forgot my charger so I didn’t do Koohi or new Anki cards. I had enough energy to do my Anki reviews though.


Today’s Paragraphs


このルールブックに親しんで、完全なルールに興味を持った 人 は、“新 ク ト ゥ ル フ 神 話TRPG ル ー ル ブ ッ ク(KADOKAWA刊)”を読むことを勧める。これは、書店やゲームショップ、インターネットで購入できる。





Total New Words: 26

Favorite Word: 十分じゅうぶん enough; sufficient; plenty; adequate; satisfactory
Huh! Ten parts is enough.

Most Troublesome Word: キ ー パ ー・オ ブ・ア ー ケ イ ン・ロ ア Keeper of Arcane Lore
In the text it’s written as 隠された知識を守る者キ ー パ ー・オ ブ・ア ー ケ イ ン・ロ ア and it confused the hell out of me until I learned that sometimes furigana isn’t actually the reading.

Most of these paragraphs were only one sentence long so I had planned to bundle them up, but I definitely went a lot further than I expected. Today was a lot easier than I thought it would be and was a nice boost to my confidence. I’ll have to remember this day as I get further along.

Other Stuff
Wanikani and Anki as planned. Did a bit of bunpro and Koohi.


Today’s Paragraphs



Total New Words: 9

Favorite Word: てる to urge; to spur on; to push on; to impel
I like this one because it also apparently means to flush out (game, etc.); to drive (animals)

Most Troublesome Word: None of the words today were particularly troublesome and the grammar was all stuff I recognized.

Today’s paragraph was pretty simple. Mostly just looking up words. I decided not to push myself to do more though since I seemed to have a hard to starting in the first place. I don’t wanna burn out already!

Other Stuff
Today I decided to reread the first ten pages of レンタルおにいちゃん It was really hard not to read ahead again. The only thing that stopped me was how late in the day it was and that I hadn’t gotten to Call of Cthulhu today. …But instead I went and read 桜 from the ask todaku level 0 series. It had a read along bit that was way too slow for me. It was annoying but also nice? I kept getting ahead of it but it was cool to see that my reading speed was faster than suuuuuuper slow. I ended up reading a bit more of the level 0 set

I’ve done wanikani and Anki today. No new koohi but I did my reviews


Today’s Paragraphs

ダイスは遭遇や状況を解決するのに役立つし、誰にでも平等だ。そればかりかドラマやサスペンスも生み出してくれる。1回のロールの結果が、予期せぬ驚きやみじめな敗北、あるいは間一髪で死をまぬがれるといった意味を持ちうるのだ! いったん結果が出れば、キーパーは何が起こるかを話し、プレイヤーにどう対応するかを尋ねる。


Total New Words: 17

Favorite Word: 間一髪かんいっぱつ hair’s breadth

Today’s paragraph should have been simple but I started rushing stuff because I’m busy this evening and wanted to get it done. There was some interesting new grammar that I look forward to studying later.

Other Stuff
I didn’t think Thursdays would be tricky since they’re my day off, but I forgot that dnd takes up a lot more of my time than a normal workday. Getting the paragraph, new wanikani, and new anki all done before the session was a little bit of a struggle. I did some bunpro and koohi reviews.


Today’s sentence:



Total New Words: 3

Favorite Word: なぞ riddle; puzzle; enigma; mystery | enigmatic; mysterious

There was something planned this evening that was super up in the air and I didn’t think would actually happen but I turned out to be wrong! I only had time for one sentence to get done OTL This paragraph is 5 sentences so it might make things tough to catch up tomorrow. We’ll see!

Other Stuff
I did Wanikani and Anki reviews but nothing else today :frowning:


Today’s Sentences

探索者が遭遇する物語は、彼らに試練を与えるように書かれている。 探索者はけがをしたり、正気度を打ち砕かれるような体験をしたり、あるいは怪物に食われることすらあるだろう。 ゲームが進むにつれて、探索者は奇妙な魔術や恐るべき異界の怪物について知り、忘れ去られた伝承が記された秘密の本から特別な知識を得ていく。 そして経験と習熟を積み重ねることで、探索者の技能を伸ばしていく。


Total New Words: 16

Favorite Word: 魔術まじゅつ black magic; sorcery
I feel like I’ve heard Megumin say this a lot in Konosuba - I’ve just never seen the kanji before. It’ll make it easier to remember whether or not I’m right lol :slight_smile:

Most Problematic Word: う/え
Whether it’s う or え almost tripped me up pretty bad, but the other day I was looking it up as a grammar point. It was written in hiragana so it took me a bit to figure out this is the same thing, but I did eventually.

Today I was able to finish up the paragraph I started yesterday. I thought about “catching up” but tomorrow is my busy day and the paragraph after the next one is 4 sentences long. They look short, but I’d rather stick with the 2 sentence paragraph.

Other stuff
Wanikani, Anki done. Taking a break on bunpro today and I only did koohi reviews. I woke up way too late to get everything done :confused:

The first week is done!
Somehow I was able to do a paragraph a day every day except one! I was really surprised. We’ll see how long it lasts! :sweat_smile:

It’s a bit tough starting out because a lot of this vocab isn’t stuff that seems “useful.” Being able to play Japanese tabletops is a very recent goal of mine and and it’s surprisingly difficult for me to change study directions. I keep not wanting to write the words down to study with Anki because it seems like a waste of time when I could be working on more “normal” things. I just gotta remember that common words will pop up in here too - it’s not like I’m skipping them entirely. It’s also gotten easier to change mindsets now that some of these new “useless” words have started popping up more. At the very least that’s less time I’ll spend looking things up later.

Now for stats!
I went through 25 sentences (~3.57 a day)
I looked up 122 words (~17.43 a day and ~4.88 per sentence)


Call of Cthulhu! Nice! That’s one of my favorite TRPG ever.

Looks like your sanity will erode over time as you burn midnight oil reading this accursed book. Fitting :wink:


I’ve only been able to start playing CoC this year but I enjoyed it a lot! It’s really hard to convince my group to play horror games (or anything not D&D 5e) :sob: What other systems do you like? :eyes:

Haha that’s definitely a great way to put it.


Ah! A kindred spirit :yellow_heart:

I look forward to reading about your journey.


Thanks :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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The start of a new week! The excitement of this project has started to fade because of how much work it is, but it’s been replaced by the excitement of exceeding expectations last week so it’s all good. I hope I can do even better this time!

This week I’m gonna try daily posts instead of editing a weekly one. It got really long and turned into a pain in the butt near the end.

Sundays are a busy exhausting day for me so I had to get my sentences done early and I don’t plan on doing any more for the rest of the day. If I have a moment of free time I’ll probably watch something and claim it’s listening practice.

Today's Paragraphs



Total New Words: 13
Favorite new word: タフ tough
I didn’t actually need to look this one up but of the words I saw today it’s definitely my favorite so I’m gonna cheat a little
Most problematic word: 皮肉屋ひにくや ironist; sarcastic person; sharp tongue; satirist
Not actually problematic just weird. This word still makes me go ??? Skin + Meat + Shop ??? This is going on the to do list of look this up in a monolingual dictionary because what in the world…

Today is the first sentence with no new vocabulary! :tada: The rest of the sentences made up for it though…

Other Stuff
So far today all I’ve done is Wanikani because it’s still so early in the day, but I expect to get through my other SRS stuff at some point. I’ll probably update later.
Update! I decided to read the next bit of レンタルおにいちゃん and indeed got my other SRS done


You’re ahead of the game; 皮肉 is a lvl 5 vocab item!

1 Like

Funnily I think I’ll unlock it in 2 hours unless I mess up getting 肉 to guru. I’m looking forward to seeing the mnemonic but I have a feeling I won’t need it :smile:

Today's Paragraph


Total New Words: 9
Favorite new word: 可能かのう possible; potential; practicable; feasible
Today’s words were all kinda boring so I guess if I had to pick one it’s this

Other Stuff
Did Wanikani and Anki today! I also finally got around to posting about a Japanese Movie Club so that’s my big win for today.

Today's Paragraph


Total New Words: 9
Favorite new word: 役立やくだ to be useful; to be helpful; to serve the purpose
a useful word hopefully :wink: we’ll see!

Idk why but I kinda got a kick out of today’s paragraph. Probably because it feels like a long time before getting to the “hey if you’re new don’t worry we’ll explain it” bit. Though I suppose the rest of the paragraphs have mostly been fluff marketing type stuff so it’s not like you really needed to know anything about TRPGs to understand things up till now. :thinking: And it feels a lot longer to me because I’m taking days to read the first page. Whatever! You gotta take your joy where you can to get through slogs like this.

Other Stuff
Koohi - I did my reviews but nothing new

I read some level 1 Ask Todaku readers. I definitely like level one a lot better - I read at about the same speed as the narrator and the stuff is still pretty easy.

Oh and lol I almost forgot. I decided to check out おじさまと猫 since the bookclub is gonna start up soon and I ended up reading the whole first chapter ahead of schedule. It looks nice and fun but cat speech is gonna trip me up really hard I just know it.

Today's Paragraph


Total New Words: 12
Favorite new word: 想像そうぞう imagination; guess

I learned 行う on wanikani earlier today and it showed up in today’s paragraph! I didn’t notice at first because it was the passive form and I’m not very good at that, but it was cool to see!!! I almost made it today’s favorite word because of that.

Other Stuff

Today's Paragraph


Total New Words: 17
Favorite new word: 自由じゆう freedom; liberty
Jokes aside my actual favorite word today is 即興そっきょう improvised; impromptu; extempore; ad-lib; off-the-cuff

Today I finished the first page and started the next one! :partying_face: That page gave me 168 new words to study and took two weeks to do The next page has the same number of sentences but half as many paragraphs. I’m not sure if I’ll finish it at the same pace or if I’ll end up going a lot faster because of my desire to do a paragraph a day. I guess we’ll see!

Other Stuff

I also read the last of my level 1 graded readers.

Today's Paragraph


Total New Words: 13
Favorite new word: 愉快ゆかい pleasant; delightful; enjoyable; joyful; cheerful; amusing; happy

There were a lot of sentences in this paragraph but there were all pretty easy. Today was not a great day to study and most of the stuff I did today probably isn’t going to stick, but I’m trying to build a habit so I gotta keep going. I’m glad the sentences didn’t require more effort than I was able to put in today.

Other Stuff

I read next week’s レンタルおにいちゃん
I also started reading Resurrection Princess since it’s free on bookwalker and I had read a little bit of it back in the day - I figured it’d be “good” extensive reading material. It is, but man I can’t wait to get to a higher level in wanikani because I hate reading all this tiny furigana. It’s also slightly demoralizing to have only read 30 pages in the time it’d probably take for me to read the whole book in English. It’ll get faster the less I have to zoom in and guess hiragana I’m sure.

Today's Paragraphs



Total New Words: 8
Favorite new word: 初心者向しょしんしゃ intended for beginners
really it’s two words mashed together, but man what a useful thing to know. I’m really excited by the doors this opens for me. Imagine all the new reading material on google I’ve just unlocked!

Today was a great day! Multiple sentences without new words and the banger that is 初心者向け. I cannot express how excited I am to have learned that word.

Other Stuff


I’m thoroughly enjoying (and learning from) your favourite new word segment :smile:

Today's Paragraph

ビジュアルで覚えるやり方が性に合う人はいわゆる「ハウツー」動画を視聴するのが有用だろう。「クトゥルフ神話TRPGチャンネル」はゲームや関連した話題の生放送を配信しており、豊富なリプレイ動画がアーカイブされている(クトゥルフ神話TRPGチャンネル(クトゥルフ神話TRPGチャンネル担当) - ニコニコチャンネル:ゲーム ゲーム」と検索するだけでも、無数のページがヒットするだろう。

Total New Words: 17
Favorite new word: しょう to be congenial; to agree with one; to be in one’s nature

I liked today’s paragraph a lot! Now I have a new resource I can look into later for replays.

Other Stuff

I was inspired by @Rowena 's really neat study plans so decided to get back into bujo. I experimented with a weekly study spread and immediately hated it as soon as I put it into pen, but it’ll be fine for the week. Live and learn! (I also fell into a pit of Japanese Bujo stuff by throwing yesterday’s favorite word (初心者向け) and バレットジャーナル into google. I hoped to find some cool new vocab and some youtubers, but so far most do their spreads in English :weary: - at least the explanations are in Japanese)

Today's Paragraph


Total New Words: 16
Favorite new word: 無慈悲むじひ merciless; ruthless; pitiless; unfeeling :hocho:

Today’s paragraph was great and also terrible! There were lots of bits that I could piece together easily but there were also a ton of my leeches all just hanging out together. It’s good practice I guess but RIP these words are killing me.

Other Stuff

Today I discovered that the morphman add on for Anki has something called a readability analyzer and it’s so freaking neat! It’s just right there hanging out in the menu so idk why I didn’t check it out earlier, but dang I spent way too much time downloading subs for anime and seeing how much morphman thinks I should understand. The thing I realy like about it is that it’ll spit out a list of words based on frequency for me to learn. I’ll probably try this when I run out of things I want to read that are already on koohi.

Today's Paragraph


Total New Words: 25
Favorite new word: やすらぎ peace (of mind); tranquility; tranquillity; serenity
Most problematic new word: 注ぎ込む this could be read つぎこむ or そそぎこむ.
The first means: to invest in; to sink money into; to put into; to lay out (funds); to inject; to impregnate; to infuse; to instill; to implant; to imbue; to focus (attention, efforts). The other means: to pour into (liquids); to pump into. Since everything up till now was kinda existential stuff I figured it was the first one. …Then I got to こぼれ出る (basically: to spill out). I guess it was the simpler one after all.

Today’s paragraph was wild. A really really long sentence to start me off and piles of new words. I procrastinated hard today. I just kept opening the doc, looking at the first sentence, then closing it. Eventually I did it! And after doing the first I figured I’d just do the rest.

Other Stuff

As part of procrastinating I made a very simple spread for September. It’s just a calendar and the dates of my book club reading schedules, but I’ve always been a plain bujo kind of girl


sorry for the terrible picture but I’m lazy

Also, I’m very excited because as I was typing this out I received regular status!!! :partying_face:

Today's Paragraph


Total New Words: 10
Favorite new word: 雄大ゆうだい grand; magnificent; majestic; great; sublime

So… I tend to always skip this part when I read rpg books. The paragraphs the past few days have been boring the hell out of me, but I’m sticking with it. It seemed like a good idea to start with things that weren’t technical but ugh. I can’t wait to get to the rules. It should be soon though. The next page has a big text box titled ダイス. Oh and now that I think of it, the sentences should be easier to parse since I’m way more familiar with the rules than the welcome to the game fluff.

Other Stuff

I had been throwing the vocab words into Anki to try and remember them, but now it’s become impossible to do - I ended up with a bunch of words stuck in the learning phase that I wasn’t learning. I know from experience that learning words with flashcards has never worked for me, so I’m not surprised by this development at all. I rescheduled the cards and have started focusing on the context sentences I’ve been finding. I don’t think I have a whole lot of i+1 sentences in this collection though :frowning: I’m probably going to have to pause the CoC vocab deck when I run out soon until I get more knowledge under my belt. Thanks to my discovery of the readability analyzer though it’ll prioritize i+1 sentences with CoC vocab in my other sentence decks. I’ve already started seeing the results and its pretty cool!