Hey lads!
I thought I’d start a thread where I would do some sort of a countdown until I reach level 60 on WaniKani on January 31, and use it as a time capsule where I’d put some of my memories over that time.
January 2021 might become the most hectic month of my life, so I’d like to be able to look at it in a while and remind myself how did I get to where would I be from that point on.
A bit of background - I’m home for the holidays right now, but I’m flying to Dublin on January 5th. It’s been my ambition for a while to actually move to Germany, so I’ll spend January exploring my options of getting there and - if everything goes right - I might celebrate my Level 60 promotion in Berlin instead of Dublin. And there’s one more thing… I don’t know too much German. Good luck hunting the housing market!
Ireland is under a very strict lockdown right now, but I’ll do my best to make as many memories as I can of that place. I love the Offbeat donuts, I love the Bunsen burgers, Boojum burritos, biking across Phoenix Park, running through across Clontarf Promenade and listening to the sound of the sea, I’m going to miss it a lot!
It’s not 100% sure I’ll move to Berlin yet, but I’ll treat the study log as if I’m moving there with a 100% certainty, just in case I open this post somewhere in 2025 and I’m in a completely different place
The structure of the study log I’d like to keep is that I’d like to keep a dedicated section for each day as I study contaning the following things:
- an amount of reviews I did that day
- what’s my current level
- how far away am I from the level up
- what were the reviews like today
- how many apprentice items I have that given day (whoopsie xd)
- what music has been ringing in my ear that day, either while reviewing or while going for a walk
- what did I do that day
and - a photo that I took that day.
I’ll try to keep the OP updated with each entry, so here’s the first one:
January 1, 2021
Level: 51
Level up: January 3, 2021 (two days left)
Reviews: 290
Apprentice items: 263
Fridays are my days when I tend not to do too many reviews, but level 50s are very difficult and I had to do a lot of catching up today. I struggle especially with the kanji whose meaning I struggle to imagine, either by the word or the mnemonic not being descriptive enough. An example of that being tenacious - 執, or eddy, 淀. The review session was rather gentle today though, despite having so, so many overdue items that I looked over today.
I’ve been listening to Disgaea 5’s “Moving on” a lot today, gotta say it’s a very tranquil track:
Gotta say, really stimulating
I went for a bike with my parents today, the weather had been absolutely meh, but we’ve managed to go for a nice ride together. We rode to a lake that started slowly freezing over because of the sub-zero temperatures at nights lately. The sky looked as if it hadn’t done loading, not too many people either. I’ve read some threads from meteorology forums of people not being too fond of snow in any capacity, but I find it to be the thing that I’m really, really missing and I’d love for snow to come falling here.
And for the ski slopes to be back.
January 2, 2021
January 3, 2021
January 4, 2021
January 5, 2021
January 6, 2021
January 7, 2021
January 8, 2021