Reorder Omega
This is a third-party script/app and is not created by the WaniKani team. By using this, you understand that it can stop working at any time or be discontinued indefinitely.
Why “omega”? Well, I had to up the ante from Reorder Ultimate 2
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Sorting and Filtering
This is a highly versatile script which allows you to define presets consisting of actions, each of which can either sort or filter your items.
Each action can be of either of these types:
- None: Does nothing
- Sort: Sorts! Available sorting options are level, SRS, leech score, overdue, and type
- Filter: Filters! These are WKOF filters, so if you get other scripts which include filters you can use those here.
- Shuffle: Randomizes the order of the queue
- Freeze & Restore: This is a special type which locks in the items you have already sorted and filtered, then brings back all the items you previously filtered out. This can be useful when designing more complex presets.
During a session you can easily switch between preset (although the idea is that you shouldn’t have to) by simply picking your poison from the drop-down
Self Study
With the advent of Extra Study I though it would be nice if you could somehow use these presets to sort and filter all items on Wanikani for a Self Study mode. If we do this on the Extra Study page you can leverage all the other scripts available for Extra Study, which would be a great boon. That said, this is not intended to be a replacement to the existing Self Study Quiz script, as I am most likely not going to be implementing all the features it has.
To get to the point, this script creates a button in the Extra Study section on the dashboard which takes you to a special instance of Extra Study where you get all the items on Wanikani and you use presets to narrow down what you want to study.
Other Features
While I was at it I thought I could also spread some of my favorite small features to the users of this script. These are not all enabled by default, but they are available for anyone that is interested.
- Egg Timer: Displays how long you have been in a session
- Streak: Displays number of correct answers in a row
- Burn Bell: Plays a bell sound when you burn an item
- Back To Back: Places meaning and reading questions after each other
- Prioritize: Makes it so that meaning or reading always comes before the other
- Voice Actor: You can choose to either randomize or alternate voice actor if you would like
If you catch any bugs don’t hesitate to report them.
This script was written in Typescript, if you want to look at the source code it’s on GitHub