📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

:maple_leaf: polv’s Reading challenge of Fall 2022 (Q4) Home Post

:books::balance_scale: Bookmeter

Real progress and thoughts, as a sum of listening, reading, and other skills, would be in my personal Q4 home post :fallen_leaf:.

Nonetheless, daily calendar will be made here to link to my reading progress (max 1 per day).

I will try to progress at least every week, but the real goal posting here is to continue reading others’ progress, variety knowledge, and tips. I fear that I may skip reading too many (of others’ post) if I don’t visit and there are already too many replies (and I am not so good enough myself). May I try to read lots and better or not, is to be decided later (not a current priority).

第1週目 01 ・ 02 ・
第2週目 03 ・ 04 :memo: 05 ・ 06 :memo: 07 :memo: 08 :memo: 09 ・
第3週目 10 :memo: 11 :memo: 12 :memo: 13 :memo: 14 :memo: 15 :memo: 16 :memo:
第4週目 17 :memo: 18 :memo: 19 :memo: 20 :memo: 21 :memo: 22 :memo: 23 :memo:
第5週目 24 :open_book: 25 ・ 26 :memo: 27 :memo: 28 :open_book: 29 :memo: 30 ・
第6週目 31 :memo:

I put in 3 months, because that has always been my intention.