📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

Oct 15, Sat of Week 3 of Fall 2022 :maple_leaf:

  • Spice and Wolf 17% => 20% (Finished Ch.1)
  • かがみの孤城 (上) 5% => 7%

かがみの孤城 is quite an easy read, although I also looked up vocabularies here-and-there; but the length might be a little concerning… but not really – there are only two volumes, with accompanying audiobook (bought separately from audiobook.jp). My listening isn’t on par (or perhaps mainly comprehension speed, and joining the sentences together), so my listening-understanding was too questionable. Though, I might have to read for a few days before feeling its real difficulty.

狼と香辛料 (Wolf and Spice) is quite different. I don’t understand some grammar / structures, and it can be quite tiring to read. I probably shouldn’t start from ABC. Also, there are like 24 volumes of Wolf and Spice. I want to read something also with an aim of completing the series.

Bookwalker highlight is limited to 50 highlight’s, so that’s the limit of number of vocabularies I can take without immediate proper lookup or switching apps. So, today, I cleared older highlights before reading today’s section.