📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

Oct 31, Mon of Week 6 of Fall 2022 :maple_leaf:

  • かがみの孤城 (上) 35% => 38% (Ch.3 July)


  • 人間椅子 0 => 29%

This one is short and said to be 27 pages on Bookwalker. The first time I saw it via a link to Aozora Bunko, I figured that it would be too hard. Today, I checked it out again from the book club and saw a link to Bookwalker, as a free e-book. I was curious to how difficult it would be on Bookwalker version.

Actually, it’s the same, the same difficulty; only that reading on a tablet is convenient, and looking up in a dictionary isn’t so bad…

It is readable to me, although a little odd and difficult. But interesting, yes. I will check my understanding with the club later.