📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

Nov 16, Wed of Week 8 of Fall 2022 :maple_leaf:

I am hoping that my small country would be noticed more from Japan, than from US, where much of English info on the Internet came from.

What I want to know very first about the status of 大麻 in Japan.

What the disease looks like may be guessed by Kanji, but actual English disease names are – touch hold + Google Translate (on Android).

  • ATRI (Ch. 登校)

Miyamoto Musashi without Furigana (宮本武蔵). I pretty much can’t guess the last Kanji. Also 巌流島(がんりゅうじま). I don’t know this one, but I can guess the reading, except for island (島) part.

To-be-remembered vocabularies and phrases
  • 悪心(おしん) and 嫌悪(けんお) – nauseous feeling is “bad”, like a dirt 汚点(おてん)

  • (たずさ)わる help (たす)ける, and being in touch (さわ)る, with sound changes.

  • 寸劇(すんげき) = 一寸(いっすん)の劇

  • 合法化(ごうほうか) apparently, the meaning of 合法(ごうほう) is less than I think, like 合法的

  • 懸念(けねん) having fear in mind () with all might 一生懸命. There is also 懸想(けそう).

  • 取締(とりしまり) / 取締法(とりしまりほう) = 取り締まる

  • (くろ)ずむ more like 黒を()

  • 食欲(しょくよく)不振(ふしん) = 不振(ふしん) if it doesn’t move (shake 振る), it became dull, like a dull knife…

  • 抽出(ちゅうしゅつ) picking an orange 柚子(ゆず) into middle (ちゅう) of a hand 扌

  • ()()る stand tight 立つ, and cut 切る firmly 断じて

  • 嗜好(しこう) my olden 老 thought 思考 (chanting 唱)

  • 陶酔(とうすい) thrown into porcelain wine pot, and got drunk

  • 合点(がってん) self-explanatory Kanji, but can also be がてん. Common enough to be written ガッテン in context (which can be seen once in while, not so rare).

  • 律儀(りちぎ) not the first time I see, and somehow remembered the exception

  • (いか)つい think キツい. Actually came from 威喝(いかつ) (which I probably have seen also).

  • (すご)む think ツッコミ, but more severe 凄い / (すさ)まじい

Revised mnemonics

  • たじろぐ still can’t remember this one. Perhaps しりぞく.


  • そっぽを()く can also be written 外方を向く. (ほう) is shortened.

  • ()(かい)さず verb is 介する

  • (おも)いの(ほか)